My biggest problem with Hillary Clinton’s comments about how she is the only candidate that can win white hard-working American votes is that it sends out the message that Barack Obama is someone on the other side, that he doesn’t have white working people’s interests at heart, that he’s an out of touch elitist, who looks down on common folk. At root, this is what every Republican presidential candidate says about about every Democratic candidate, no matter whether they are the son of Greek immigrants, an American war hero, or raised by a single mother in Hope, Arkansas. But when you add in the racial component and you have a Democrat saying it, it triples the toxicity.
Here’s the deal. When Democrats don’t call out Bill and Hillary Clinton on these kind of race-based smear tactics, it legitimizes their use by the Republicans. I don’t know how many times we are going to hear the Republicans this fall use some variation of: “That’s not racist, even Hillary Clinton said…”
You know, that she wouldn’t have gone to that church, or that Obama’s out of touch, or an elitist, or hangs out with terrorist professors, and was educated in a secular madrassa, or was doing who knows what (dealing drugs) back in the day.
I don’t know if the Clintons are ever going to resign themselves to defeat and ask their supporters to put aside hurt feelings and help get Obama elected. But even if they do, the Republicans will be able to drive a wedge between Clinton and Obama anytime they get put on the defensive for saying or doing something over the line.
I believe that is why it is so vitally important that the superdelegates send an unmistakable message, right now, that no more of this white/black elitist crap is going to be tolerated and that it is specifically the Clintons’ tone and tactics that are leading them to shut this campaign down.
It may be the case that Barack Obama doesn’t have much chance of winning in Kentucky or West Virginia either this month or in November. But it is unconscionable for the Clintons to exploit lingering race-hatred in Appalachia for their own cynical political advantage…especially this late in the game after the contest has been decided.
This is the exact kind of sleeze that got me involved in politics in the first place. Seeing Atwater and Rove do this stuff is what made me an implacable Democrat rather than some kind of third-party supporter. There is absolutely no place for racial politics in the Democratic Party, and even less reason to indulge it out of some misplaced loyalty or self-serving fear.
well put, boo!
and it’s going to become another missive to the uncommitted in colo. particularly the salazar(s)…but ritter, udall, and any other’s l can i.d.
Hillary thinks she has the donkey by its balls
Party elders and super-delegates need to take a look at this:
Hillary needs to let it go.
that donkey feels about the same way I do. It’s off to the races but something is obstructing me and causing a pain in my balls.
That is EXACTLY the point. Thanks, Booman. Again, the voice of sanity in the wilderness!!
Bingo, BooMan. Bingo.
Only Democrats can be racists. Republicans are just “pointing out demographics”.
This is similar to arguments you’ve made before, with the addition of the race angle. I still don’t agree – I think having this kind of thing now is helpful, in a perverse way. Clinton’s statement is a watered-down version of what the Republicans would otherwise have brought in the fall. They’ll still try to bring it, but the public and the media will already be inured to it.
You say they’ll run ads quoting Hillary; on the other hand, if it gets that explicit, lumping Hillary, Bush and McCain into one big “old politics” target wouldn’t be bad.
But I doubt that it will get that specific. They can’t rely on Hillary as a source. It makes them look ridiculous to quote the person their base hates the most.
In any event, this kind of wedge-issue politics is what Obama does best against. He can deflect it and pivot immediately to his core theme, “We are not black and white Americans, we are not red state and blue states,” etc.
Give it 4 weeks, then it’s over.
There is this:
I agree on that. I just want people to let her know if she espouses any more racial tripe, it’s ALL over for her, permanently. Including her Senate seat.
Since when have they given a shit about looking ridiculous to the minuscule percentage of the population that is actually paying attention?
When have Republicans ever cared about looking ridiculous? I can’t remember that time. Still, even if they quote Hillary, will that be any different than the Clinton supporters now who quote Bill Kristol, Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity to bolster their arguments that Clinton is viable?
So in what perverse way does this help? I see arrogance of 109 million dollars brings to the table. In a perverse way or world, is the only way to believe Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic Nominee.
I have the utmost respect for Senator Byrd, but it’s past time he stood with Obama–whom he respects. The camaraderie of the elite Senate be dammed. Time to step up to the plate. He can modify the W. Va. vote, and make it clear that Obama is respected there. We don’t need those voters getting in the habit of voting against him.
I appreciate your arguments. Hillary is making a REAL ass of herself by doing any of this stuff. Really. But maybe letting it run its natural course might be the best idea. It’s over. Anyone continuing to make stupid arguments to keep it going is just discrediting themselves. LET THEM do it.
This whole race is OVER. If Hillary and some of her die-hards haven’t figured it out yet, they soon will when they realize that no one cares about their lunatic arguments for Hillary anymore. It is over. Obama has won. If anyone STILL needs to learn about the “black guy” they never bothered to learn about, they’ve got some catching up to do. Hillary is TOAST. And McCain is a joke.
Some people are just going to have to get over their fears of The Black Man being in control of things. Perhaps they might even have to open their ears to someone non-white for once. It worked in sports, I don’t know why it can’t work in politics. We’ve got the best of the best here and the ignorant masses following Hillary will soon realize it. I’ve seen abrupt changes like this forced upon unwilling members of the corporate world when they suddenly get a new boss who breaks some prejudice-barrier that they had in their minds. It’s amazing how quickly they get over it. The guy is competent and has great vision for where we can get to. They will learn to like him once they actually bother to learn something about him.
She’s not doing it for herself. Or for the party. She’s doing it for her owners.