In answer to my previous question, ‘not if Obama has any say in the matter.’
Senator Barack Obama released the following statement in response to Senator McCain’s remarks in Portland today:
“It is truly breathtaking for John McCain to talk about combating climate change while voting against virtually every recent effort to actually invest in clean energy. You don’t have to look further than the wind turbine plant where Senator McCain is speaking today to assess his commitment to this cause. While Senator McCain talks about the need to invest in alternative energy, he rejected the single biggest investment in renewable energy in history, including incentives that contributed to a nearly 50% increase in wind power generation last year, and he has repeatedly opposed renewable fuel mandates and higher fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks.
“In stark contrast, I’ve called for a national standard to ensure that we’re using more renewable energy, an expansion of our green energy sector that would create millions of green jobs, and a bipartisan plan to double our fuel efficiency standards. That is why the American people will have a clear choice in November when I am the nominee – between a candidate who opposes real solutions to our energy crisis, and leadership that will solve it once and for all.”
For me, Obama made a great response to McCain’s hypocrisy without opening himself up to the “negativity” charges that only apply to Dems. But is his statement too wonky to have an impact on the political not-junkies? What do ya think? Does he need more soundbites at the expense of substance?
We’re in the wonk phase of the campaign – real people are thinking about barbecue right about now – the point here is to get the wonks talking about Obama’s smackdown of McCain and to let Obama’s superiority over McCain trickle down into the mainstream.
Personally, I think his “soundbites” need to be very concise and loaded with substance. He’s gotta call these clowns on the disaster that is our last twenty eight years.
I think Obama’s statement is right to the point and a fine riposte to the great wind bag himself, John McCain. The occasion is so fitting it’s practically poetic: Mcain speaking at a wind turbine plant. Too bad we can’t harness all that republican hot air. We could go a long way in solving the energy problem.
Rejoice! Life is a bliss.
THAT was funny.
I saw a bit of McCain’s photo-op at the windmill plant today. The TV announcer made it sound like McCain cares about the environment and responsible energy, etc. But then they said something like: McCain is all for alternative energy so long as it doesn’t interfere with free-market principles. And my head spun.
Speaking of McCain, my Republican dad and I were talking about McCain and Barr today and my dad said “McCain sure seems to be flip-flopping on alot of his positions since he decided to run for president.”
I wonder if he is really flip-flopping or if he just can’t remember his positions on any issues from week to week. He is old, you know.
The Jed report points out that at this windmill plant photo-op today, John McCain was accompanied by Oregon’s DEMOCRATIC Governor, standing by his side. WTF!?
Check it out. BTW, This Governor supports Hillary, when the majority of Dems in his state support Obama. Political suicide? What an idiot.
the best reality show we’ve ever seen. McCain has umpty years making votes, good and bad, and he will have to run on those votes. He will have to live with the 100 years in Iraq. He will have to chow down on his “support” for the military. He will have to keep viewing that pic of him smelling Bush’s armpit. I thought the phrase “losing his bearings” could apply to Lieberman as well as McCain. I don’t think Lieberman is any expert in bearings, myself.
But then I never could understand why Kerry couldn’t make any traction against Bush. God knows there should have been a million things he could have nailed him with. What is up with that? Was it just media? Did he allow the Swiftboating to take over the airwaves? What was it? Somebody claimed that Edwards didn’t do his job on the VP spot by being attack dog enough. But I never thought that was a requirement for the job.