Bush, in a speech in Jerusalem this morning, has told the Kenesset that some candidates (meaning Obama) woud negotiate with terrorists and this is the equivalent to wanting to negotiate with Hitler.
This is a disgusting attack on more than one level:
– it contradicts the custom of campaigning against a political opponent in a foreign country…
= it ignores the fact that Bush’s own State Dept is indirectly negotiating with the Iranians now…
- it defies Bush’s claim that he is not going to get involved in the campaigns during the primaries…
- it ignores the fact that Bush has negotiated with terrorists in the past (Libya comes to mind
- it is an obvious move to alienate American Jews in Florida against Obama…
- it is without truth.
The question now is will McCain take a stand against this vile attack from Bush or join with it? He had better nake a statement regarding this statement by the President immediately, or he lowers his own campaign into Bush’s gutter.
What do we expect from a scumbag president?
This is about color man.
The vote is shifting. Minorities and blacks are voting in defense of their neighborhoods and the priveledged classes will do anything to keep from ending up on the boat one more year.
McCain will eat anything Bush shoves at him.
Its about color.
A vote for Obama is to end the white monopoly on power.
The biggest issue we face is — it’s bigger than Iraq — it’s this ideological struggle against cold-blooded killers who will kill people to achieve their political objectives. Iraq just happens to be a part of this global war. Iraq is the place where al Qaeda and other extremists have made their stand — and they will be defeated.
Has Mr. GBW after heard of Pakistan, where his friend Musharraf is less favorite than Osama Bin Laden?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Chimpy Bush, empty-from-the-neck-up , should call his Sec. of Defense, Robert Gates. He does not know Gates has embraced Obama’s approach:
Truly empty from the neck up. Worst prez ever.
Prepared Text of Bush’s Knesset Speech
How sick is this? Negotiation with your adversaries = Nazi appeasement…
Bush is one sick, deluded puppy (we all knew that) – there is an action diary just up at Kos:
Action Diary: Call on your Senator to Censure Bush
Bush just sinks lower and lower, doesn’t he?
Btw, I think your link is broken. Maybe this one will work.
The pit he dug is bottomless, he will sink forever.
Thanks for putting up correct link.
fuck mccain denouncing it, what about lieberman?!
and reid continues to leave him in his committee chairmanships…why?
ya know maybe grandson Bush (forgetting he’s the president of the U.S.A and the protocol that goes with the office) was attempting to make up, make nice for deeds of grandpa Prescott, the Nazi enabler:
The Guardian, UK (HT:Emptywheel)
Pretty low, disgraceful conduct for the so-called “Leader of the Free World.” Bush is truly a no- class-act.
Our candidate will not allow himself to be swift-boated; not by Bush, McBush, LIEberman or any other GOP thugs.
Obama will deliver a vigorous response to Bush later today.
sometime around noon EDT