I’ve seen reports that Hillary Clinton is prepared to drop out if the May 20 results are bad enough; I’ve seen reports that she’s started to make nice this week.
But she still wants our money. Yesterday I got mail from the Clinton campaign. The big-print banner across the front of the envelope is “We’re going all the way”. No sign of quit in that message.
I was going to put this in an open thread last night but forgot. I’d probably have let it drop, but —
today’s mail brought TWO MORE IDENTICAL envelopes!
I know that all those mailers, although sent in the last few days, must have been ordered weeks ago when Hillary’s chances didn’t look so slim. But what was the purpose of even ordering mailers to be sent this late? A last-minute blitz for Puerto Rico, Montana and South Dakota? Just unfounded optimism that she’ll need my $ for November? Or just unfounded optimism that she’ll raise enough to cover the multi-million $ loan to herself? I’m in California, a traditional cash cow for all Democratic candidates, but I’ve never contributed to Hillary.
I assume this barrage is a mistake – but mistakes tell us something too. The mailing company or whoever maintains the database probably screwed up and cost the campaign money it can’t afford.
I hope the printers get paid.
also in orange