After reading the thread of BooMan’s misogyny/sexism post, I was impressed by the quality of the comments left there, but I also became curious as to the composition of the site’s members, vis-a-vis a number of parameters. I’d have liked to do a poll to find out who is who in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, candidate preference, educational level, etc. The problem I have is that the Scoop technology at the site doesn’t allow for multiple answers to polls, or to multiple polls in one post. So, I can’t do the anonymous polling thing here to satisfy my curiosity/snoopiness.
Instead I’d like to ask all our readers, whether regulars, lurkers, occasional fly-bys, what have you, to volunteer answers to the following questions, if, and only if, you are willing to do so:
1. Your Race or Ethnicity, i.e., African American, Hispanic American, East Asian American, Native American, Arab American, Indian American, White American (WASP, Scot, German, Irish, Italian, Eastern European, Scandinavian, or Mixed) or multiracial.
2. Gender (male, female or transgender)
3. Sexual Orientation (Hetero, Gay or bisexual).
4. Marital Status (Married, Never Married, Single but previously married, Divorced but remarried) Also if you are, or have ever been married to a person other than your own race or ethnicity.
5. Religious Beliefs (including agnosticism or atheism)
6. Children?
7. Favored Candidate, including first choice, and current choice.
8. Political Affiliation (GOP, Democrat, Green, Independent, or Other)
9. Education Level
10. Career/Work History
You can answer as many or few questions as you like, whatever makes you comfortable. To start things off, here are my answers:
1. White, mixed — 1/2 German (including German Jewish Great-great grandmother) from great grandparents who immigrated to America in late 1800’s, and 1/2 the following: English, French, Irish, Scot and maybe Welsh with one English ancestor that immigrated to US around 1700.
2. Male.
3. Hetero.
4. Married 3 times, divorced twice, currently married to a Japanese American woman (nisei).
5. Reared as Missouri Synod Lutheran, now a cross between Unitarian/Buddhist/Christian with a deep streak of agnosticism.
6. Two children, one male (College age) and one female (Middle School age).
7. Started as Kucinich supporter, moved to Edwards, then moved to Obama. Never a Clinton supporter (she’s been my Senator and I voted for her, but I was too disappointed in her Senate career to ever want to see her as president).
8. Independent (though I primarily vote for Democratic or Green candidates).
9. Highest level of education I achieved was a law degree, referred to as a J.D. Also received a B.S in psychology from my undergraduate college.
10. Lawyer (retired early due to chronic medical condition) with practice areas in bankruptcy, banking, corporate and health services law. Previous employment as restaurant dishwasher, stock clerk, Candy factory janitor (my only Union job), Fry cook, Pizza delivery person, Residential Child Care counselor for emotionally disturbed adolescents, Taxi driver, and hospital pharmacy tech.
Well, now I’ve showed you mine, what about you?
Lace Curtain Irish
Twice married, currently to retired military officer
Cathliterian (apostate RC)
Two kids 14 years apart,last one in college (same daddy)
Yeller Dawg Dem
Incredibly uneducated
Grandmother/Housewife/Officer’s Wife
You should ask age, too.
I’ll answer the other questions later. It looks like it’ll take me a couple of hours.
OK, I’m this close to 60.
Traveling where? That’s my biggest passion – travel!!!
I really enjoy backpacking and hiking, so over the summer I have a few 1-2 week trips planned, including the Adirondacks and Isle Royale. In August I am going to China for a couple of weeks, I have a friend getting married there and he has put together a really cool itinerary of stuff for us to do while we’re over there.
Then, I’m not really sure…after my girlfriend graduates college, we’re hoping to spend a couple of months hosteling around Europe, but that probably won’t be until next spring. So I have the whole fall to figure out. I’m leaning towards using it to visit old friends who have since moved away.
1.5 Older than dirt but younger than god and there are just a couple days difference(in gay terms anyway) 49 years old.
8.Democrat now, Deanie division; have been others.
9.Master’s in psychology.
10. I’ve been many things. When I needed to work from home to simultaneously care for my invalid husband, I started writing freelance. That was a crappy line of work with long hours of looking for jobs, followed by assignments that traded on my experience and reputation to tout truly stupid concepts; I began thinking of myself as a prostitute of the brain. So I wrote a book that was accepted for publication, but the publisher went bankrupt before I was paid. I needed money. So I taught myself to proofread and eventually had a couple of clients, and we became solvent. I’ve been a freelance copyeditor and proofreader for more than 20 years now. I love the work and hate paying double FICA taxes, buying my own health insurance, and all the other financial problems of self-employment.
No children
My initial preference was Richardson, with Edwards a close second. Currently I favor Obama. Never favored Clinton, though I would vote for her in the general election.
Former Libertarian (though I generally voted Dem), just changed to Democrat because this election cycle getting rid of Republicans is the most important thing.
I only have an associates degree, which I suppose makes me one of those uneducated white working class voters Clinton says we should listen to more than “eggheads and African Americans”.
I’ve done construction work, and I’ve been an electrician, currently I’m a tech for a local TV station.
I skipped 4. Freudian? Never married. Always wanted to be and never found the right person…!
I have a couple of extra exes to loan you if you need one…. π
And my BA was in Theater as well. I find it interesting there are so many thespians among us. Interesting, but not surprising, as we are all outgoing types who like to be ‘seen’ in public..! π
Soon, I will spend a year as a stay at home mom as I take a one year personal leave.
White, half German, rest is Scots-Irish and Native American.
Non-denominational Protestant
3 adult children, 5 grandchildren
Gore, Edwards, Obama
BA in social work, plus some graduate work
Mostly social work and law enforcement, but have also worked as a carhop, waitress, secretary, and day care staff, and self-employed in my own business.
Certified American mongrel of profoundly mixed ancestry, mostly western European. I count among my ancestors English, Scots-Irish, Welsh, German, and Cherokee. And those are just the ones I know, or think I know, about. That said, no one is likely to mistake me for anything but a middle aged, overweight white guy.
Married once and still.
Raised mostly Baptist but it never really took. Now an eclectic humanist. I find deep wisdom in buddhism, taoism, and zen as I understand them. I also find deep wisdom in the message of Jesus of Nazareth as I understand it, and in the message of Mohammed as I understand it. I don’t think I could ever belong to any church, but if I did I would probably be closest to Unitarian-Universalist.
Two sons, one currently property of the US Navy, another just ended his sophomore year in HS.
My head waited for Gore long after my heart had chosen Edwards. When he dropped out I was equally lukewarm about Obama and Hillary, more for the historic implications of their candidacies than anything in particular about their persons or their positions. Everything I have seen since at least Nevada has made me think more of Obama and less of Hillary, but I really would rather have Edwards even now. Not because of his race or his gender, but because he and Elizabeth spoke most directly to the issues that I care most about.
Democrat, small d and big D, but not slavishly so.
BBA in Mgmt.
Systems analyst at an electric utility. Previously electrician, cab driver, professional student. Would still be a professional student if I could figure out how to make a living at it.
1. Northern European Mutt, with a couple darker skin unknowns thrown in due to two pirate factions in my family, bringing home “brides”. In order from most to least – Swede, German, Danish, Scottish, Norwegian, Icelandic.
1.5. Age- because I think it is important as well – 43
Well, you get some answers anyway.
Generic anglo. My mother traced our ancestry back to at least 1840 and the only immigrant she could find was a German. We think he was German. He jumped ship and changed his name, so I’m afraid we don’t know anything more about him than what he think his name was before (and what it changed to afterward).
Married only once, for 26 years. It’s her second time around, and I inherited three kids.
Christian, although in general I don’t care to discuss it much further than that on the tubes. I will say that I believe truth is where you find it, and I accept certain teachings from non-Christian traditions as valid. If I weren’t Christian I would probably be a Taoist or Buddhist or something.
Three kids from my wife’s previous marriage. I adopted them when they were small (the oldest was 7) and they’ve never really known any other father. Five grandkids, several of mixed race (some are part Thai, and the oldest has a white mother and a black father — just like Barack Obama!).
I used to have a sig that said “I’ve made up my mind! I’m voting for
FeingoldGoreEdwardsObama!” There is much truth to that.I tend to vote Democratic and if we had strict party registration here in Washington I would register as a Democrat. However I have voted for Republicans in the past if I feel they are the best person for the job. For instance (skip to the next if you’ve heard this before) I voted for Republican Sam Reed for Secretary of State here in Washington in 2004. My confidence in him was vindicated when he refused to bow to party pressure and give up counting votes in the governor’s race so Dino Rossi would be governor, and instead followed state law on two sets of recounts. Rossi ended up losing by less than 150 votes statewide to then-Attorney General Christine Gregiore.
I have a networking technology certificate from North Seattle Community College. Basically that got me my first real high tech job, doing tech support for Windows 95. Since then I’ve gotten jobs on the basis of my expertise rather than what slips of paper were hanging on my wall.
Since that first job I’ve worked for a variety of high-tech companies, mostly supervising automated software generation systems (compilers and the like) and writing computer code that automates those systems. Currently I work for a high-tech company in Seattle’s eastern suburbs. I decline to state which company so that my opinions can in no way be considered to reflect those of my current employer.
It’s funny because all of our MTF friends are in lesbian relationships. While the handful (3 or 4) FTM people we know are still with their girlfriends/wives.
Now you’ve gone and made me delurk. Create an acct too. But who doesn’t enjoy filling out personal information forms?
And a lagniappe – Myers-Briggs Personality Type: ISTJ
Jeez, I forgot my Myers-Briggs type. I’ve got it stored away in a box somewhere.
Hi there! I’m an INTJ.
You may find her in July. :<)
…to God’s ears!
We have 23,800 registered, and only 800 of that number are guests.
Add to that the thousands more who aren’t registered but will be out in force…oh yes, you’ll be a happy man.
I just thought about this: I have a LS who could be a great fit for you! She lives in my area but hey…if it’s meant to be worked out, it will be.
She’s got a similar background but changed professions and now teaches. She’s a strong Christian and is marriage-minded–she’s not trying to “hang out” so anyone who steps to her needs to be marriage-minded, too. Only bad thing (other than physical location) is that she just lost her Dad a couple of months ago.
Don’t get me to matchmaking…!!!! π
Now that I think about it–make sure you bring about 10 men of achievement with you! That will make my matchmaking that much easier!
i’m INFJ so filling this out is a toughy. maybe i should put my geek code.
Though only an attorney would ask for such
“clarifying” information in the name of discovery. I’ll play along with it, I enjoy being forthcoming.
1. Black [though grandmother is Italian]
3. Male
3. Straight
4. Divorced
5. Christian [sans the the media induced labels]
6. 1 son.
7. Recovering democrat,was a Thompson/Hunter supporter
8. Republican [values loyal, not party loyal]
9. BS in Business Management
10. Operations Management: High-tech, Have been
involved in entertainment production, mostly tech
related sales/admins ration and marketing. Have
held down jobs as a: Waiter, Line Chef, Retail,
Mortgage and finance, Insurance agent, A/V editing
and production, and [yes] McDonald’s when I was in
1. Overwhelmingly English ancestry back to the 1600s with a couple Germans tossed in during the early 1800s.
1a. Will qualify for Medicare this fall.
10.Designer / retired volunteer director of inner-city after-school program / political junkie
(1) White, mixed — Scots-Irish, Welsh (does it get more Welsh than “Jones”?), English, Volga German, French.
(2) Male.
(3) Hetero.
(4) Married.
(5) Agnostic, raised Presbyterian.
(6) No kids.
(7) Went back and forth between Obama and Edwards, deciding that if either won Iowa, he’d be my candidate, having the best shot.
(8) Independent, but vote Democratic 99% of the time.
(9) Two Bachelor degrees (economics and political science). Briefly studied in England for a Master in Econ, but dropped out since the program was pretty lousy.
(10) Economist. Worked as a stock clerk in high school and college for a grocery chain and a pharmacy chain.
I just noticed it and it had me rolling.
Heh. Thanks. Got it from a bumper sticker I have on my car.
1. Race or Ethnicity: 100% Jewish
2. Gender: Female
3. Sexual Orientation: Total sucker for ego flattery.
4. Marital Status: Single, but in a long-term monogamous relationship with a heterosexual man.
5. Religious Beliefs: I practice Judaism as a matter of heritage/culture and respect for my ancestors’ struggles. As for spirituality, I’ve never been big on it– I’m what I call an “apatheist.”
6. Children: None, unless you count my two very gregarious cats!
7. Favored Candidate: Long ago, I was for Richardson, but when he opened his mouth, he proved that his presentation was the opposite of his flawless resume. Then, I was holding out for Gore to jump in. When it became clear that that wasn’t happening, I got behind Obama, and have been ever since.
8. Political Affiliation: Democrat
9. Education Level: Master of Arts degree in music theory.
10. Career/Work History: Composing, performing, and teaching music.
Apatheist! Ha!
Race, Welsh, Scottish and Native American
Married Twice, currently married, been through two divorces (having a child out of wedlock in California is a nightmare for custody and visitation)
a recovering Baptist, quit when I was 12, Native American spiritualism practitioner
Three children, two in current marriage and one out of wedlock living in California
Dodd, Edwards, Obama
Independent Democrat, have been known to vote Green
BS in Networks and Applications
Currently a Helpdesk remote desktop technician, before computers, a drug and alcohol counselor, HIV/STD prevention specialist, before that various construction type jobs, including landscape, drywall, concrete and asphalt.
Seconded! Congrats, Psi.
You’re my son! Well, same racial mixture.
7, none
I find the education of so many listed here interesting, and more than a little disconcerting.
Why disconcerting? I can’t tell you how many well educated idiots I know, lol.
Yes Steven, that is my point. Well, not EXACTLY my point. ‘Idiots’ is rather harsh. More ‘a complete inability to understand my life’. It has actually played out in this election cycle.
I feel your pain…
Me too. Most lefty blogs have folks waaayyyy smarter than me – it’s the Freepers that avoided school, just like I did. Now that I am approaching 60 faster than a speeding bullet, and menopause has stolen my short term memory, I will probably continue reading and eating bon-bons aqnd avoiding the discipline of higher ed…til Jesus takes me home. Sigh. Unless Obama bring us free college. My last baby is sucking up all that $ in our family.
My freshman year in college a lady started who was 66 as her grandchildren were sending her to college adter she had worked all her life to send her kids and grandkids to college. You are never too old.
and you’re never too old. I finished up all three of my degrees in the past 8 years. I am soon to be 68, so if you want to do it, just do it and I’ll be cheering you on!
These two comments are actually what I mean. Rather condescending. ‘Regrets’ is not AT ALL what I meant.
Gosh, had no intent or feeling of condescension. . .apologize if it came off that way. One of the most brilliant and most educated people I know married at 18 and has raised children and grandchildren ever sense. Degrees and alphabet letters after your name isn’t necessary for anything and is certainly no more important than any other way one gets through their life.
No regrets is a fabulous way to live ones life.
If it means anything, I actually went back to Law School about 7 years after graduating college. I had held a series of crappy jobs after college. One was processing orders (I was supposed to be assistan mgr) at a manufacturer of bridal veils and related accessories. The place was in NYC and to say that the roach problem was bad would be like saying that Bush has not been the best president, gross understatements both. I used a large rubber stamp to crush the roaches that walked across my desk. I would scrape the remains into the trash basket.
did all my education do me if I can’t even spell the word since right? See, alphabets don’t mean anything. . .
Your comment sounded wistful (“sigh”) – I know I read it that way, and it seemed to welcome encouragement!
Sorry if I offended. I was just sharing a story.
Education is what you make of it. I finished high school and a couple years of college the first time around, until I figured out that it was interfering with my education. Since then I’ve done my best to educate myself, and I find places like this to be some of the best. I hung out on a baseball discussion board for several years and learned much more about baseball than I thought it was possible to know; same with hanging around places like Daily Kos and Booman Tribune with regard to history, politics, energy, transportation and many other subjects. Surround yourself with smart people, that’s the way to do it.
I can tell you how to build computer models of stars. You can teach me how to build houses. Which of us has the more useful skill? Unfortunately, we both have bad job prospects.
Amen my nonracial brother. Race is a political invention from the late 1400s by the Spanish first, then all imperializing Europeans. For example, there is no such thing as a Negro if we are to use the only legitimate naming of groupings of people, namely self-identification. Same thing goes for Indians. There are only Lakota, Choctaw, etc., or Masai, Watusi, Hutu, etc.
The pernicious basis of Western racism is that for Westerners by definition Negroes and Indians are part of nature, not part of human civilization. by contrast, the ancient Greeks called non Greeks barbaroi but never for an instant considered them outside human civilization.
What fun. I never would have answered if I weren’t half in the bag.
I should also throw in that I’m a high school dropout. The last grade I graduated was the 8th grade. I got my GED when I turned 18. The Associates degree came out of my effort to overcome the dropout and get into a four year college. It worked out well.
White (French, Danish), female, raised RC but long-time agnostic.
Straight-ticket-Dem-voting Independent from a Republican family. Registered Dem first time ever in order to vote for Obama in this primary.
I supported Kucinich at the beginning, but not seriously, only to promote his policy positions, which I agreed with down the line – I didn’t have any confidence in him personally as a politician or a leader. I then supported Edwards until he dropped out, primarily for his economic stands, but again, had strong reservations about his political instincts and leadership abilities. I was then undecided between Obama and Clinton. I saw them both as DLC-ish, more right than I liked, but thought HRC might be a better bet to win because of her ruthlessness and skill as a politician. It was her campaign’s underhanded use of racism coupled with the cynical distractor of accusations of sexism that drove me away. The costs involved in that level of political ruthlessness are not worth the gains that can be made, IMO. So I became an Obama supporter by default. But the more I looked at what he was doing the more I realized I’d misjudged both his political philosophy (liberal with aspects of libertarianism) and his political style (as George Will put it, tempered steel in a sleek suit).
My political passage through this season is remarkably like yours.
Lots of us here seem to have gone the same route, moved from Kucinich to Edwards to Obama – not surprising, as this seems to be one of the more left-leaning sites and Obama’s tried to position himself as a centrist, even more so than HRC, which made me wary of him for a long time. The Hillary blogs seem to have mutated lately into something hardly distinguishable from wingnut Republicans, including bashing of all things “liberal” – even calls to overturn Roe v. Wade today at TL to punish all those Gen Y’ers who don’t appreciate the struggles their elders went through to win reproductive rights for them. Very strange political evolutions some people have gone through this primary season. It truly boggles me.
I skipped #4 too. Quite happily married for almost 15 years. Husband has a knack of saying the most insightful things…
Balding white guy
Minnesota born, Swiss/German heritage
Recovering Catholic
61 years old
BA in economics/journalism
Vietnam vet
Lifelong Democrat (parents were hard-core GOP)
Art Dealer, 19th century American paintings
Single, heterosexual (although the nookie has been so scarce lately you’d hardly know it…)
Since You showed me yours, I’ll show you mine. . Heh!
Ukranian/Russian and other eastern European orgins.
Jewish (reconstructionist)
One trying 9 year old.
Edwards and now Obama.
Attorney and aspiring artist.
I had no idea you all were so interesting….and educated. I’ll second the disconcerting feeling about that…
white….mostly german
married right out of high school for 20 years, current marriage at the five year mark and heading downhill fast. I am not good at this shit.
raised catholic – now comfortably agnostic
four children 26, 23, 20, 18
backed edwards at first, only because I didn’t think Obama was “ready”, now a very strong Obama supporter
high school….definitely regret that and SENSITIVE ABOUT IT! (since you asked) π
currently unemployed and having to bite the bullet and enter/re-enter the workforce if I want to exit this crappy marriage. Have worked as a care giver for adults with MR/DD, gas station attendant, tow truck driver, church secretary.
No need to be sensitive, SN. Education can’t teach wisdom, and you have that in spades π
Thanks, ej….though wisdom would have kept me out of the second marriage. π
Now, now, SN if numbers of failed relationships is any indicator of wisdom, then I have absolutely none at all!
Wisdom comes in all ages, sizes, colors, shapes, forms and little or much schooling education (or book learning as my friends in Kentucky called it). You have plenty of it.
You are plenty admired in my eyes.
Wowwwieeee! Tow-truck driver!! Didn’t you feel so cool operating all that heavy machinery??
My tow-truck driver and I have a semi-intimate relationship. He doesn’t call me “Ma’am”, expects a Big Red, iced, when he drives up, and calls my son’s car “That Bitch”.
Do I know a little boy who would love to talk to you!
Talk? LOL!
You should see them when I reach down and pull them up on the boom lift and let them lift something BIG. Gives them bragging rights at school the next day.
My little guy always backs out of the opportunity to actually touch a truck. He’s not quite 3.
I have been lurking for a while — finally decided to post.
1) white
4)divorced twice and currently single and do not
have any desire to do it again
5)general baptist
6)3 children 2 girls (1 deceased) and one boy and 4
7)NEVER clinton. Gone from dodd to edwards and then
obama. That is my final answer..;o)
10)still nursing at the young age of 63 and mostly
military and civilian…
i. Caucasian, German all grandparents
4, Married 34 yrs, divorced 10 yrs
5. Roman Catholic; now a mix of buddhist, hindu,
sufi, native american and christian beliefs.
American History, Sociology, Psychology
Union Activist (AFT); chief negotiator, grievance
chairman, editor of newsletter, fiscal researcher
During retirement, practicing shaman, holistic
healer, dehaunter of houses, businesses,
battlefields, holocaust sites, and, sometimes,
people. Poet, traveler, work shop attender like
80+ (since 1987). Predominantly New Age.
11. Meyers – Briggs INFP
What you send out comes back, what you do for others rebounds to you. I can’t believe my life. The joy and the beauty of it all.
Wow…can I be you? π
Hi, You are very kind. Just be your best self and you’ll be fine.
Wow! is right!! I’m 68 and a lesbian but I think I want to marry you.
I didn’t think things could get any better, and see they just did. Thanks a bunch.
<iTime for goosebumps again.</i>
Follow your Bliss is absolutely where it, is. Campbell was right. And you are right, very hard to think things can get much better than this and then they do. Just have to love it, don’t ya.
Wonder if we have ever crossed paths at some of those seminars.
Great to become a little more acquainted with you Ignod.
(really I was only kidding about the marriage thing, but then you knew that. . .well you know how it is when we meet someone from our spiritual family whether in person or on blogs, it just rings true.)
New Age workshops: Esalen at Big Sur,CA, Omega @ Rhinebeck, NY, Hollyhock, Cortez Island, British Columbia, The Monroe Institute, Faber, VA plus some others in MA (Boston), MD (Bethesda),and NY (Syracuse -organized this one – basic shamanism.)
My two favorite workshops were Holotropic Breathwork at Esalen (Grof) and Gateway at the Monroe Institute. Both were transformational.
Oh, and there were three International Transpersonal
Conferences at Santa Rosa, CA (1988), Manaus, Brazil (1996), and Palm Springs, CA (2004). Sheer delight.
Love God by loving His Creation.
Interesting (to me) observations to the people here:
Lots of union reps! Like I was!
Lots of people moved through Kucinick and Edwards to Obama, which kinda puts to lie the whole thing about Obamabotism, at least here.
Lots of artistic people, but no matadors. So far.
I used to be Xena Warrior Princess. . .does that count as much as a Matador.
Yep, quite a few of us Union Advocate folks here. Bet we all have the bloody foreheads to prove it too.
Nice to learn a little more about you Bob
Maybe a little like a matador. As I recall Xena usually didn’t mess around with the bull passing through the cape thing. She nailed her attackers pretty quickly.
One of my most disconcerting visions was at one of those LA vacation places (not Disneyland, the other place) seeing a Xena look-alike lurking near the street where they filmed “Leave It To Beaver.” I’m guessing Xena wouldn’t have taken any crap from Eddie Haskell.
Ontario? Same here.
And you’re a teacher too, eh? We should share stories, although I’m in the primary end.
My husband teaches primary – JK and SK.
38 YO
Born, raised in Chicago, currently & painfully in the burbs right now.
African-American (1/2 breed really – African-American (descended from slaves) and Euromutt (here since the revolution).
Atheist (but not militant about it as you never can be absolutely sure)
1 daughter (3) – 1 step daughter 10
Edwards and then Obama
BS Psych, JD
Lawyer – immigration & employment discrimination. Adjunct professor @ J Co
Yeah, I’m a doubter but if there really is a being sitting on a throne up there I don’t want to piss him/her/them/it off.
I must admit though that I do rip on organized religion regularly!
Twice Married, Twice Divorced, currently in an unsanctioned relationship.
Reared Southern Baptist (but in a non-nutcase church), attended Catholic Church for a number of years because I was married to a lady of Italian heritage, currently a member of a United Methodist Church.
Two sons, 28 and 19, two daughters, 29 and 28, one grandchild, 1. Older son has been to Iraq once and Afghanistan once in service to his country.
Started as a Dodd supporter, then switched to Obama upon Dodd’s withdrawal.
Used to think of myself as Independent, then came to realize that I was a Democrat.
A. B. History, 30 hours of grad work toward a masters, never finished the thesis. Academia was not for me.
Training consultant. Independent after 28 years of working as a trainer in corporate America.
10.Career/Work History: Former Hill rat; current scribe. I came home with a job two months after my 16th birthday, and I’ve been working ever since. I worked retail and telemarketing (once, at the same time) to get through school. My most bizarre job: working at a pager place (remember those?), including using a “code name” for the um…more
drug dealingunsavory clients.I lasted 5 weeks.
I played the flute and piccolo when I was in school, and at some point will pick up my flute again, though I’m rusty in the extreme.
I have a decent singing voice–I can also hold a note or two. One day I’ll join a choir again.
We have such very interesting folks here at the frog pond–both smart and wise, with very diverse life experiences. Very cool.
And I was also in a choir. I was thinking about picking up th flute again since my kids are instrument crazy and love making music.
One of the worst things to happen to me personally was when I got repetitive stress in my hands, in my fingers actually, from sorting mail and carrying it I couldn’t play my guitar. Writing songs was my visceral way to work out things in my life. Losing the ability to write songs that way really cut something important out of me. There was a whole process of the physical and mental that was disrupted. I’ve been trying workarounds, and I’m trying to regain a little guitar-playing. It’s kind of a struggle but, hell, I’m retired, I got all the time in the world.
I’m so sorry. That must be agony!
I’ve just realized that I need another creative outlet–politics can be draining, and we have plenty of other stress points, including parents who are getting older.
That’s why I’m so happy Boran diaries about paintings and CabinGirl diaries about knitting. A creative outlet is so important.
Making music has been missing in my life for some time now. I have to make time for it. That and going to see CabinGirl so I can start knitting.
Definitely agree on the ‘need an alternative to politics’ sometimes as a stress reliever.
Music has been one of my releases in the past (not currently, other than listening to it…).
Have a boyfriend
Current law student
I love cranberries.
My daughter has ADHD and an anxiety disorder. I have a nephew with frequent seizures and some clearly autistic symptoms but docs refuse to classify him as autistic.
1. Mutt of mostly western European origin
2. Female
3. Hetero
4. Married 13 years next week
5. Very comfortably agnostic
6. 2 kids, 7 & 4
7. Feingold > Gore > Edwards > Obama (Hello Omir!). Now a very strong and excited Obama supporter.
8. Grew up Republican in Idaho, but transformed into a Democrat during college. Now I’m a proud bleeding-heart liberal.
9. B.S. in Zoology, Masters in Biochemistry
10. In my ‘before kids’ life, I spent 14 years doing basic research in molecular biology & genetics, the last 4 of which working on breast cancer. Now I’m a very happy stay-at-home mom, raising progressive kids!
Age 60
Bi-sexual but…
currently married to a man and faithful
Solitary Pagan
Two grown children, two grandboys
Edwards, now Obama
Some College until I figured out I could learn more by working
Runway fashion model, Paste-up Artist, Typesetter, Graphic Designer, One-woman Print Shop Operator and eventually Owner of Marketing, Design and Printing Company, Direct Mail Consultant. When “PageMaker” came out I saw the writing on the wall and combined most of the above into digital skills, Graphic Production Manager of a Fortune 500 company.
Then, I got sick, was on Medicaid and living in public housing until I started creating scale miniature projects. Currently telecommuting to a large mail order catalog that sells dollhouse kits and accessories. I create projects, photography for the catalog cover and detail shots, and write assembly and finished instructions.
Oooh. I’d love to see what you do. (I work with dolls in 1/6 scale, but there’s a lot of useful overlap with dollhouse scale…)
1. Your Race or Ethnicity, i.e., African American, Hispanic American, East Asian American, Native American, Arab American, Indian American, White American (WASP, Scot, German, Irish, Italian, Eastern European, Scandinavian, or Mixed) or multiracial.
I don’t see race.
2. Gender (male, female or transgender)
I don’t see gender.
3. Sexual Orientation (Hetero, Gay or bisexual).
I don’t see sexual orientation.
4. Marital Status (Married, Never Married, Single but previously married, Divorced but remarried) Also if you are, or have ever been married to a person other than your own race or ethnicity.
I don’t see marital status.
5. Religious Beliefs (including agnosticism or atheism)
I don’t see religious beliefs.
6. Children?
I see all children.
7. Favored Candidate, including first choice, and current choice.
I favor candidacy.
8. Political Affiliation (GOP, Democrat, Green, Independent, or Other)
I don’t see political affiliation.
9. Education Level
Education happens at all levels.
10. Career/Work History
Work is my hobby.
Simple. Clear. Direct.
And loving.
I’m almost in tears. Really. You are very wise.
Where I come from, we call this: “Who’s your mama?”
female, 57
agnostic, since I have been known to pray to every god known and unknown when caught in the open sea, I have to admit some belief
no children
Obama (and how about the 75,000 turnout in Portland today!)
BA Anthropology rec’d in Canada
The perfect country western song:
White…mostly English, little French. My chiropractor said there was a Swede in the woodpile.
12 years with partner, not married
Buddhist, raised Episcopalian
one son college age artist
Kucinich, Edwards, Obama, liked Dodd through out, thought Hillary was fine for a long time, not now at all.Tend to vote green or very progressive but with a strong local democracy streak, ran for office twice both times as a green, currently registered Dem. Looking forward to campaigning for Obama.
3 years college no degree
Local energy activist
Have had relationships outside of my race. One serious, with a Ugandan national.
Have been paid house help for the super wealthy in Palm Beach, second mate on an offshore fishing vessel, concrete finisher, house painter, factory scallop shucker, boatyard rat (general laborer), and yacht painter. Will work for Oreos if it comes down to it….
Maybe we can work something out. I like the chocolate cookie outside, but not the creamy middle…
How do Double Stuffs fit into this equation?
I’m afraid to even speculate… π
your double stuff right here, sweetheart!
What a cool thing to come up with.
I was hoping there’d be another UCCer in our group here! And an editor, too; I’m a copyeditor, who wishes everybody, including me, had fringe benefits!
Did you have the sermon on race this morning? Ours was most interesting.
π I’m a reformed Lutheran, now UCC member (and my kid’s youth group visited Obama’s south Chi-town church last summer).
A couple more, and we can all go to the next General Synod together and be an interest group or something.
What part of the publishing world? Fiction? Non-fiction? Genre?
Mostly academic books for university presses, which is like auditing all sorts of graduate-level courses, only they pay me instead of the reverse. And other stuff.
My grasp of arcane trivia from various unrelated disciplines can make me obnoxious at times.
I know a little bit about that world. My wife’s a physics department chair and has done some textbook consulting, so I’ve spent a lot of time with academics and little bit with academic press folks. Very different world from the land of genre fiction where I mostly hang out. I always laugh when people talk about publishing as though it were one business rather than a whole bunch of wildly separate realms that intersect at the level of production technology.
Fiction is hard because you have to keep track of all the characters and their descriptions so someone’s eye color doesn’t change from chapter to chapter. A friend gave me a copy of her style sheet for a novel, and it was huge.
Plus fiction doesn’t pay well.
1. Your Race or Ethnicity: WASP mix – German/English/Scottish/and probably some Scandinavian in there…
1a: Age: 52
2. Gender: Female
3. Sexual Orientation: mostly straight
4. Marital Status: Never married. (Given who’s asked me, no regrets, either.)
5. Religious Beliefs: Raised Presbyterian, was involved in the fundamentalist movement for a while… moved on from there. Now consider myself Christian with no particular denominational attachment.
6. Children: None. I get to spoil everyone else’s, then give them back. It’s in my contract. π
7. Favored Candidate: I started out really hoping for Gore, then went with Edwards, now solidly Obama.
8. Political Affiliation: Started out Republican, changed to Democrat as soon as I figured out what the difference between the two flavors actually was.
9. Education Level: BA in Art/Art Education, plus a lot of extraneous college classes taken since then for fun or work-related, everything from acting to TV production to commercial art to basic accounting.
10. Career/Work History: Did not want to be a teacher, despite the degree, so I’ve done everything from office/secretarial to security guard to free-lance artist to Renfaire performer. Most recently legal secretary, freelance writer (game books and related fiction) and now working in website development/maintenance.
there are a lot of new and a lot of old faces in this diary. Great to see.
Misspelled Myers-Briggs. Mea culpa. That’s Latin for “Sorry, I goofed.”
The unconscious mind talks to us through the body’s symptoms. It is a somatic language, so to speak. This mind also communicates to us through dreams.
Oh yeah–age. 30-something. π
1.) 3/4 German 1/4 English & other
2.) male
3.) hetero
4.) married same person 22 years
5.) Atheist
6.) 1 child
7.) Edwards 1st, then Obama
8.) Democrat
9.) licensed atty
10.) corporate lawyer
This is a terrific idea, Steven. Gives a lot of insight into the makeup of the Pond Dwellers.
1.) Irish Catholic and Scots-Irish
2.) Male
3.) Hetro
4.) divorced, single parent.
5.) raised catholic – parochial school, altar boy. Now a zen practicing Unitarian.
6.) Two children , one a HS senior, one just finished their first year of college.
7.) Leaned Edwards most of the race, then Obama.
8.) Democratic – though I can be a bit of a non-comnformist and a “maverick” π
9.) Masters
10.) Consultant type. Typically strategy, marketing and communications. Lots of background in market and industry analysis too. IT manager, Legal Assistant. Have worked in many a fine dining establishment and on landscape crews as well.
LOL at Misery Lutheran Synod. Oh, I so agree.
1.. Your Race or Ethnicity
American….Mayflower descendant
2. Gender
3. Sexual Orientation
4. Marital Status
Married once, sort of divorced
5. Religious Beliefs
Atheist Pagan
6. Children?
1 14 yo daughter
7. Favored Candidate, including first choice, and current choice.
8. Political Affiliation
Lifelong Democrat, except with Diane Feinstein is on the ticket.
9. Education Level
B.A. Anthropology and Sociology (would you like fries with that?)
10. Career/Work History
Office peon, sales clerk, legal assistant
Though I read regularly, I just created an account to post this.