Yesterday, my sister called me. Why? To let me know she was okay, despite the giant “mile wide” tornado that missed her house in Northern Colorado by about a mile or two. What tornado?!! I asked. Well she was talking about this one:
Her power was out all day, and when it came back on she called to let me know she was all right, not knowing that I was completely unaware of her plight. The tornado was barely covered in the national news (a better NBC video of the tornado can be seen here), but it could have killed my sister or destroyed her home had it taken a slightly different path. She got lucky.
The aftermath:
Because of the proximity of the Rocky Mountains tornadoes along the front range of Colorado and Wyoming are rare events. And I’ve never before heard of any tornado the size of the one that just missed my sister’s house. Not in Colorado, anyway. Not this violent with winds up to 200 mph, and not this large. And it was just one of a series of tornadoes that struck the area.
Here is a video of a tornado in Cheyenne, Wyoming that was spawned by the same storm:
Tornadoes and violent storms also hit Southern California yesterday, as well:
A tornado flipped a big-rig truck, derailed a freight train and clogged a major interstate for several miles Thursday as a wild spring thunderstorm hopscotched across Southern California dumping hail, rain and snow.
The most severe damage was reported in Riverside County, where dark, towering funnel clouds spun across the communities east and west of the 215 Freeway corridor. In Orange County, walls of water, mud and debris — some 8 feet high — battered eastern canyons that had burned in last year’s wildfires, leaving behind a muddy mess but little major damage and no injuries.
It has been a particularly violent tornado season so far this year, one that some are calling unprecedented in its scope.
There were 368 documented U.S. tornadoes in January and February of this year. The previous record for that two month span? 243, in 1999.
February 2008’s 232 tornadoes was also a record.
And that was only for the first two months of the year. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to tie any of these specific weather events directly to the phenomenon of global warming, but one of the predictions that most climate change models make as the result of increased warming of the planet is an increase in the number of severe storms during all seasons of the year.
NASA scientists have developed a new climate model that indicates that the most violent severe storms and tornadoes may become more common as Earth’s climate warms.
… The model developed at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies by researchers Tony Del Genio, Mao-Sung Yao, and Jeff Jonas is the first to successfully simulate the observed difference in strength between land and ocean storms and is the first to estimate how the strength will change in a warming climate, including “severe thunderstorms” that also occur with significant wind shear and produce damaging winds at the ground. …
Maybe its time to start taking the scientists who study global climate change seriously. Past time, even. My sister is alive and well today, but many other people are not. And we are a developed country with sophisticated warning technologies in place. In parts of the world like Myanmar, where such warning systems are not in place, the effects of one severe storm (in this case a cyclone) killed tens of thousands of people earlier this month.
This time the effects of severe weather hit very close to home for me. Next time, it might be your turn. And by the way, when you fool with Mother Nature, as we have been doing by pumping billions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere each and every year, she doesn’t distinguish between those who accept the reality of global warming and those who willfully choose to deny it. The pain and suffering which will result from the massive changes we as human beings are making to our planet’s climate will know no distinctions, based on political affiliation, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or faith in any particular God.
Maybe someone ought to tell our political leaders about this. Because while they fiddle around with their oppo research, smear attacks and all the other trivial and typically ridiculous campaign crapola that will be forgotten by most of us in a few years, the world is burning. And none of them is seriously trying to put out the fire.
to your sister. Glad she was okay.
And excellent points about the equal opportunity nature of environmental disaster. Don’t fool with Mother Nature.
Yep. That’s near where we live and we had to take shelter while three smaller ones touched down all around us. Did I ever mention that hate triangulation?
Picture me, my daughter, a large panting dog, and a pissy cat all stuck in a bathroom for over an hour. Not that we’re complaining- Windsor has tremendous losses.
It was a day.
You (and dada) were the first people I thought of when I saw that on the news. Glad you’re okay!
What I saw yesterday looked awful.
Thanks for thinking of us! The sky was the strangest green/ grey color when I started driving my daughter to the library. The National Weather Service came on the radio and used the strongest terms I’d ever heard- massive- take shelter IMMEDIATELY. It was a few miles north of us, and heading towards Wyoming, so we booked it home just as the hail hit. (My garden is shredded.) Just about the time we got home the radio named our small town and said one was on the way and to take cover immediately. The town sirens added to the thrill.
I have to give credit to my kiddo. She had both pets in the bathroom and the tub filling with water within 30 seconds, easily.
They showed video of the hail – I bet your garden is absolutely mangled by that.
Good for your daughter, just doing what needed to be done.
Completely mangled! I have collard coleslaw and mashed peas. But we got the horses in!
It must have been very frightening. Glad you’re okay.
It was interesting. I took the phone into the bathroom to call my folks and they had no idea what was going on. Mom actually wanted a detailed conversation about touchdown points, speed, and direction and I had to tell her to be quiet and get the hell under cover. I feel bad about it now, but she can gab forever and things were urgent.
phew! glad you’re ok tehanu…the brunt of the sorm went north of me, just caught the south edge w/ winds, rain and a bit of pea size hail…passed over in about 15 min here at casa d.
no damage to speak of, certainly nothing comparable to the one 2 yrs ago that shredded the landscape and destroyed my roof.
I’m very pleased to hear you are unscathed. And to hear this has happened to you before- yikes!
We had pretty nasty hail here, in three visits. I thought we might lose a window.
We’re in a small valley up in the mountains 200 sw of Denver, so a tornado (or so I’d like to think) would have a difficult time forming. But we did have very dark clouds and incredible winds all afternoon.
At a social event last night, the tornado was the top item of conversation.
So glad you and yours are ok, but sad for those who lost their homes and for the family of the one deceased.
I’m glad your sister was okay, Steven.
I guess the talking heads were too busy worrying about Hillary and her latest batshit insanity to take much notice of the storm, or our changing weather patterns.
Steven D, that’s too close. Glad your sister is OK.
Be well.
Glad your sister is okay and am sending good thoughts for the people in the area. I’ve been through tornadoes before and do not wish that on anyone.
Glad about your sis. As for TV news, maybe you need to change the channel. I was switching between CNN and MSNBC, and I knew about it. There were ongoing reports.
Think Marilyn Musgrave will pay a little more attention now?
So glad your sister’s OK.
Don’t count on Marilyn! Work for Betsy Markey. I heard her talk at the State Democratic Convention last week and she is energetic and articulate. The general gossip is that she has a good chance of beating this disgrace to the Congrees.
Believe me, I will! I’ve worked for Stan twice and would do anything to send Musgrave home.
glad everyone’s ok steven.
that was a monster storm…f3+, used to be very rare up here. it’s fortunate all round there weren’t more fatalities.
Strange the Colorado and SoCal has the same weather and it was oddish for both locales. There was hail here and some of my friends have smashed windows and destroyed gardens. We get tornadoes here, though they’re usually small and in the South Bay area. But damn, the LA Times has a photo of twin twisters in the Inland Empire and that’s freaky. Makes me happy that I didn’t have any project sites to photograph out that way
Steven, be glad your sister called you to tell you that, rather than looking at Olberman while cleaning the kitchen, and learning that a tornado struck 5 minutes away from your parents’ home. (That was me a few weeks ago but they are fine.) It sucks to learn about things on the news, and I’m glad she was able to call you. I can’t imagine the fear she must have had.
I hope she is as well as can be expected and that the folks in her community get all the help they need, as well.
Meanwhile–I hope to God we can start talking about global warming. The teevee meteorologists know full well this is real, and I believe they are all wearing corporate muzzles to prevent discussion.
And of course, we know full well that scientists have been locked in the basement for seven years. It’s time to break down the door and let them out.
You can order them from the FEMA website, but the essentials are in this file.
The one I put together was on page ten – the wood-framed model with steel and plywood sheathing. Inexpensive at ~$1000, but I got the steel-frame door for only three hundred dollars. It’s the most expensive single part, BTW. (these price figures are for last summer)
The downside was the labor involved – this thing was incredibly massive, despite being only 4’x6′. I managed it by myself, but it’s really a two-man job.
Welcome to the plains (says the poster who has lived in Minnesota and South-Central Iowa).
You’re right, none of them care except a few voices in the wilderness. Obama ’08, save when can be saved, and survive.