For three years I have dedicated my life to combating ‘the stupid’, by which I mean, for example, the asinine pronouncements of people like Clifford May, who famously declared that everyone in Washington DC knew that Valerie Wilson was employed by the CIA. This stuff isn’t really ‘stupid’, it’s deadly serious and it is perpetrated by people that know full well that what they are saying is not true.

And as I sat down each day to combat ‘the stupid’ (alway supplied copiously by both the media and the administration) I was always able to look around and find allies on the left of me and allies on the right. But now things are different. Now it is the Clintons and their allies that are perpetrating ‘the stupid’. And this is a whole new ball of wax. Former allies (including former front-pagers at this blog) have gone off the deep end and betrayed everything I thought we held in common, which is a dedication to the truth.

And, frankly, I find the whole atmosphere somewhat exhausting. It’s an emotional drain. It’s a disappointment. There is even a small element of disillusionment and a tinge of embarrassment. No one likes to be associated with intellectually dishonest people. Yet, here we are. And it is a matter of leadership.

The Clintons are leading their allies and advocates down the wrong path. It’s a path to oblivion. It’s not so much about policy, although that forms a part. It’s a matter of credibility. Once you lose your credibility among those that have standards in such things, there is no getting it back. And no place is more unforgiving than the Blogosphere. Once you embark on a path of making intellectually dishonest arguments you will almost immediately find it necessary to start censoring your comment section, banning people, and closing threads. And every pro-Clinton blog began doing that no later than the Potomac primaries. That was the point where the Clintons’ case became intellectually dishonest.

At this point, there isn’t much left to say to the Clintons and their advocates other than to reiterate that they are being dishonest. And at some point one tires of making the same arguments over and over again to a group of people that simply refuse to play the game according to rules as the Blogosphere has always understood the rules.

I have my ideological reasons for opposing the Clintons and they haven’t changed. But we are no longer having an ideological debate. We’re now having the same kind of idiotic debate that we waged against the people that supported Scooter Libby during l’ffaire Plame. We tell the truth and the other side makes shit up, and we try to get the media to be a fair referee.

I actually enjoyed going into combat each day against the advocates of the outing of Valerie Wilson, but I do not enjoy this. I am tired of pointing out that my former friends are liars. Very tired.

And whatever noble reasons that some people might have for supporting Clinton, the Clintons have turned their advocates into liars.