Sorry about the crowds at your place, but the bike ride sounds fun. I need to pump up my tires and get out for a ride. Hmm, wonder if I can convince someone to ride to the tennis courts this weekend…
I think they just treat memorial day as a regular day because they get out on May 30th anyway, and maybe it doesn’t make sense to have the long weekend right before the end because so many students are boarding? CBtE doesn’t seem to mind, since he’s finished exams on Wednesday, has no school on Thursday, and just has to attend graduation on Friday.
The boys and I are heading to the coast to spend a couple of days at the cottage. Traffic should be just awful and there is only one small drawbridge over to the island and on holiday weekends it backs up for an hour or more. But the forecast is clear and low 80s…
I’m sure it will be worth the trip. I love the OB.
Usually we do Yearly Carnacki on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, but we’ve decided to push it back to later in June this year because everyone has too much going on.
So I think it’s just the usual weekend stuff for me.
Nice of you to offer but for some reason ever since I found Jim a job working on a shaker table at a scrap yard 25 years ago, he’s hasn’t worked another summer job.
Heh – he would have about 25 instant mom’s to take care of him (all the women in our building). Bad enough all the wonderful food that comes in periodically. My 2nd in command moonlights as a baker for one of the local restaurants, so you can imagine. My waistline is the worst for it.
I actually just applied for one. A friend sent me a job posting for part-time work at the library. The pay is very nice (+$20/hour) and I had been thinking about library work for a while. This could be my ticket away of a district that is spinning its wheels and a principal who swipes a teacher’s cell phone and hides it (and no, she was not on it, it was sitting on her desk).
If I don’t get that job, my husband has to get a summer job!
That really sounds like a good opportunity. Mrs. Dem wishes she had gotten a masters in library science, but instead she volunteers at the county library one night a week to satisfy her book lust;-)
Good morning, Andi!
I see you over in the right margin.
It rained on and off most of the night, but woke up to blue skies. Sun now peering over the trees.
Morning Miss Andi and Ask!!!! It is suppose to be a scorcher here today in the mid 90’s. LOL I will be home doing housework, finishing up a podcast I started working on at 5 am and doing some designs. Hope you have better plans for today. LOL
Jep, that would be perfect.
Anyway, we’re planning a walk in the Canoe Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary, but curly is still soundly asleep so it will be a late start.
We do, but unfortunately, we must return to the city by early evening today. But – Memorial Day will be with young asklet, which is always a great time – big sister now works full time to earn enough for the summer’s Euro-trip with friends.
Good morning Teacher Toni – Andi, ask and refinish69 too! I was thinking the same thoughts about getting some plants in today, although Andi’s itinerary sounds very tempting instead.
Good morning ask, andiF, Teacher toni, refinish69, and Indianadem!
I’m off to yoga in a bit…and then I have to figure out what to do about my laptop, which fell from the nightstand to the floor this morning, and now doesn’t think it has an airport network card in it anymore. I’m guessing it just got knocked loose, but a laptop with no internet is just kind of useless…
It’s a beautiful day here. I think some yard work is in order. 🙂
Me too. This one is 4 years old, but it’s a 12″ powerbook and they don’t make them anymore. I’m thinking the fall just knocked the card loose, and I actually ALMOST ordered a new laptop this week, but couldn’t quite bring myself to part with the old one.
Since Mrs. Dem is still snoozing, I’m catching up with the political news around the state. Its strange – this guy just bought a vacation cottage here, right next door to my son’s place. My son is almost as activist as I am and has already had one conversation with the guy. Later, I’m springing Mom from assisted living for some home cooking at our house.
Thank you…does not having to get someone on the bus before 6 am count, even though I have to drive CBtE to school this morning for his exams?
So, any picnics or bike rides planned for today? I’ve been getting back to my walking this week, so I think I’m going to do that this afternoon. (It was funny, yesterday both CBs decided to take walks -sans mom- to entertain themselves yesterday afternoon…I guess it has rubbed off on them).
It is so nice to finally have a stretch of warm sunny weather.
Sorry about the drive to school. Kinda spoils the holiday. Sigh.
Hope you get a nice walk in.
Nothing planned here and there’s a 70% chance of rain and thunderstorms so we’ll probably end up just walking close to home. We had a great weekend though — the weather was gorgeous and I took walks and bike rides both days.
Morning Miss Andi, Cabin Girl and Indianadem!!! No big plans for today. I actually slept in for me- 7 am and have been reading emails , feeding dogs and making coffee. LOL I have lots of house work that did not get done through my own laziness so will try and get that done today along with some more work on my design sites.
ROTFLMAO!!! Yes, but I do need to learn to set priorities better. I am notorious for letting the house go until it takes forever to get it back to a near respectable state. If I just did a little each day it would be much easier.
Thank you. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I might start working as a writer for a blog and getting paid I am still looking for other work and starting tomorrow I will be going to the temp agencies. LOL
Thanks. If it happens it will be not commentary but just reporting the news and covering 25 states. LOL It will be a go to source for bloggers to find headlines to write about or that tie in with other stories. I am hoping it will move into oped pieces later own by myself and the owner as we have similar views but I am much more liberal. LOL
At least there wasn’t any traffic, and it gave me a chance to pick up some coffee at muffins for breakfast while I was out.
I feel like I have so much to do today. I need to do some housework, I have something for work that I need to finish and send in today, something else that I need to push through and finish tomorrow, timesheets and invoices, and then there’s that business trip looming in the distance.
Just back from a couple of days at the cottage. I’m not much of a beach person, especially in season, but it was nice and stormy and the clouds were beautiful:
And with these guys patrolling the beach, all was well…
I’m painting the dining room today and biding my time until the mistah goes on another business trip tomorrow. I will at some point provide a dinner, I suppose….
Weird that the elder boy has school today. Are you all looking forward to summer?
Nice set of photos, SN. Yeah, I miss the beach too, especially the pelican squadrons. For years, I lived about 15 minutes away from the ocean, now I’m about as far away as I can get from it. Still, the enchanted forest (see AndiF’s photos) here is where I grew up and is most homelike.
I’m much more comfortable in the northern woods and the great lakes area, where I spent my first 40 years. I like to visit the beach, but it gets monotonous. I was actually telling my younger son that I was getting sort of tired of the constant sound of the ocean….after two days!
It’s weird, but he’ll be done exams by Wednesday, and finished for the year on Friday, so it works out okay.
I am looking forward to summer, actually. I think CBtE will be working, I’m going to try working a 4-day week and planning a fun day in the middle of the week where we all go do something, and of course, there’s the beach week in late July/early August.
And I think we’re going to be able to squeeze in a little grown-up trip too.
How about you? What is the youngest NB doing this summer?
Next time you come into town to see your mom you can come with me to our cottage on Topsail. In exchange for a free place to stay I will expect you to bake cookies, of course. 🙂
CG, here are the 5 tops I made in the last week. They all have ties in the back. The black and white one I made from a skirt I had never worn and I am looking around for more material to make more tops.
I used to sew a lot then didn’t for years, now I am totally into it. going to make gaucho pants too.
Thanks you, but I’m not going to bed just yet (it’s only 7:30pm and I have to pick up Imogen at the airport in two hours).
There should be a rule about partners having to travel during cold/damp weather (especially if the partner is going some place tropical). The last two nights I’ve had to share the bed with a hot wheat-pack – which didn’t know the first thing about snuggling.
Of course Imogen didn’t fare much better (even thought it was toasty in Brisbane) because her hotel got evacuated at 3am when a fire alarm went off.
I am so jealous of all the water you are getting. Not to mention – it’s so green and purty.
All of our drizzles over the last few days have added up to a whopping 5mm (that’s 0.2 inches for the metric impaired). Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, but still way, way, way below our seasonal average. At least it dried out today in time for Imogen to come home to a damp- and mud-free dog (she can’t really cope with the smell of a musty wet dog).
Only an hour before I have to leave for the airport. Can you tell I’m excited?
We’ve had an incredibly wet year so far. It’s been great for the forest (the ferns are huge!) but really bad for the farmers who may not be able to get their corn in. I wish I could share our lush precip with you.
It’s a little hard to tell excitement over the internet but yes! I can feel it oozing through the ether. 😉
Dang. Her flights been delayed again. At this rate we will be up late. Luna likes to walk along the verge at the airport, so we usually leave about a half hour early. But, having just written that, I now see that it’s starting to drizzle on the diagonal. Oh well.
Too bad we can’t convince the rain to go where it’s wanted. The day before last we had about two inches of rain come down in about an hour the north part of the state. Roofs collapsed and roads flooded.
Actually, CBtE is the one who’s basically finished this week, while CBtY has about 3 more weeks.
This week isn’t too bad, because CBtY had Monday off and CBtE didn’t. I also think they’ve gotten used to having different school holidays, so the jealousy isn’t quite as bad anymore.
Do you have any time off planned for yourself soon?
Everything here is so lush and green I feel like it’s Seattle. Actually, the eternal gray wetness makes me feel that way too. I wonder how our rainfall this year stacks up against Seattle anyway…
CBtY is off to the zoo with school this morning, and CBtE is off to school this afternoon for a make-up of his algebra exam.
I’m hoping to work on one of my longer term projects today so I can finish it up this week. I have been WAY too busy…but maybe that’s a good thing, since it has spared me the pain of reading the news.
I think we need a new cafe. Do you have a pic you’d like to donate? 🙂
For some one who lives at the beach, I think your photos are beautiful.
Watching the flight of a group of such ungainly looking birds as the pelicans, is something I can`t resist watching. I love watching them fly below sea-level. They ride the air current just in front of the large waves here. To keep from gliding out of the uplift, they`ll dip their wing into the face of the wave just enough to keep themselves in the g-spot. I watch them every day. And again, beautiful ‘clouds at the beach’ series.
makes me think we should all head to AndiF’s for the weekend. 🙂
Anybody have any big plans for the long weekend? CBtE has exams Monday (?!?), so we’re not going anywhere special.
Lots of people will be heading this way — big weekend crowds for the nearby state park and all the other tourist stops plus overflow from the 500.
We’ve finally got a weekend forecast without rain and with warm temps, so we’ll be getting out on the bikes.
Sorry about the crowds at your place, but the bike ride sounds fun. I need to pump up my tires and get out for a ride. Hmm, wonder if I can convince someone to ride to the tennis courts this weekend…
Good morning, CG and Andi!
Exam on Memorial Day, bizarre.
Weekend plans – we picked up a rental last night and will head for the Berkshires this morning.
That sounds lovely. I hope the forecast is good.
It’s lightly raining here now but Giddy has pointed out I’m not witchy enough to melt so no excuses for me
Enjoy your holiday weekend.
That sounds fun.
I think they just treat memorial day as a regular day because they get out on May 30th anyway, and maybe it doesn’t make sense to have the long weekend right before the end because so many students are boarding? CBtE doesn’t seem to mind, since he’s finished exams on Wednesday, has no school on Thursday, and just has to attend graduation on Friday.
The boys and I are heading to the coast to spend a couple of days at the cottage. Traffic should be just awful and there is only one small drawbridge over to the island and on holiday weekends it backs up for an hour or more. But the forecast is clear and low 80s…
I’m sure it will be worth the trip. I love the OB.
Usually we do Yearly Carnacki on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, but we’ve decided to push it back to later in June this year because everyone has too much going on.
So I think it’s just the usual weekend stuff for me.
Morning my froggy friends!!!!!
Woohoo! No rain, at least for a couple of days.
Hello all! Is it just me, or did this long weekend get here just in the nick of time?
Yes. Even though I sent my students home to their parents for the last time today, at least until the middle of August.
Yea sure, rub it in. In three weeks, I’ll start my one year leave.
Yeah sure both of you, rub it in. ;P
Anybody want a summer job? The customers aren’t really that abusive – most of the time, anyway.
Nice of you to offer but for some reason ever since I found Jim a job working on a shaker table at a scrap yard 25 years ago, he’s hasn’t worked another summer job.
Some of life’s mysteries are never solved;-)
I have a CB you could hire…but I think the commute might be a little far. 🙂
Heh – he would have about 25 instant mom’s to take care of him (all the women in our building). Bad enough all the wonderful food that comes in periodically. My 2nd in command moonlights as a baker for one of the local restaurants, so you can imagine. My waistline is the worst for it.
I actually just applied for one. A friend sent me a job posting for part-time work at the library. The pay is very nice (+$20/hour) and I had been thinking about library work for a while. This could be my ticket away of a district that is spinning its wheels and a principal who swipes a teacher’s cell phone and hides it (and no, she was not on it, it was sitting on her desk).
If I don’t get that job, my husband has to get a summer job!
That really sounds like a good opportunity. Mrs. Dem wishes she had gotten a masters in library science, but instead she volunteers at the county library one night a week to satisfy her book lust;-)
That sounds like fun. And part-time is perfect too, IMO. More time to spend with your Andrew-cutie. 🙂
Wow, I bet you’re excited. I know I would be…
I can’t wait! We’ll be broke, but my nerves will not be shot and I won’t be grading papers all the time.
Good morning, Andi!
I see you over in the right margin.
It rained on and off most of the night, but woke up to blue skies. Sun now peering over the trees.
We had rain and now have sun too.
I’ll bet the Berkshires are gorgeous in spring.
Morning Miss Andi and Ask!!!! It is suppose to be a scorcher here today in the mid 90’s. LOL I will be home doing housework, finishing up a podcast I started working on at 5 am and doing some designs. Hope you have better plans for today. LOL
No big plans for me but I will definitely be outside enjoying our much-cooler weather … if the dogs have their way, probably within the hour.
And we all know our dogs run the households. LOL
Yep, there’s no question about who is in charge — at least in things that don’t require opposable thumbs.
Hi, refinish!
That’s too hot, but we’ll barely get to the mid-60s today, let’s have something in-between.
I would prefer the high 70’s to mid 80’s LOL
Jep, that would be perfect.
Anyway, we’re planning a walk in the Canoe Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary, but curly is still soundly asleep so it will be a late start.
Good morning Andi, ask, refinish69 and anyone else who might wander in! Lovely day here in mid-america.
My Latest Podcast
Ca. Gay Marriage & Hillary Has Lost Her Mind
Finally got the dang podcast posted. LOL Hope everyone is having a great day!!!!
especially those of us who don’t have to go to work tomorrow.
Good morning to you, too!
The sun is just peeking over the trees, though it’s on the cold side this morning at 45.
Hope you are having a lovely time in the Berkshires.
We do, but unfortunately, we must return to the city by early evening today. But – Memorial Day will be with young asklet, which is always a great time – big sister now works full time to earn enough for the summer’s Euro-trip with friends.
Sounds like a great wrap-up to the holiday weekend.
I’m off to replicate yesterday … first a walk with the dogs, then a bike ride, and then sitting on the deck reading.
Safe journey back to the city.
See ya.
Morning Miss Andi and Ask!!!!
Good morning everyone! A sunny day here. We’ll be off to a nursery for a rose bush some bedding plants. Then back home for gardening!!!
Good morning Teacher Toni – Andi, ask and refinish69 too! I was thinking the same thoughts about getting some plants in today, although Andi’s itinerary sounds very tempting instead.
Good morning ask, andiF, Teacher toni, refinish69, and Indianadem!
I’m off to yoga in a bit…and then I have to figure out what to do about my laptop, which fell from the nightstand to the floor this morning, and now doesn’t think it has an airport network card in it anymore. I’m guessing it just got knocked loose, but a laptop with no internet is just kind of useless…
It’s a beautiful day here. I think some yard work is in order. 🙂
Good morning CabinGirl! Hope the laptop cure is an easy one.
Me too. This one is 4 years old, but it’s a 12″ powerbook and they don’t make them anymore. I’m thinking the fall just knocked the card loose, and I actually ALMOST ordered a new laptop this week, but couldn’t quite bring myself to part with the old one.
What are you up to this fine day, ID?
Since Mrs. Dem is still snoozing, I’m catching up with the political news around the state. Its strange – this guy just bought a vacation cottage here, right next door to my son’s place. My son is almost as activist as I am and has already had one conversation with the guy. Later, I’m springing Mom from assisted living for some home cooking at our house.
Hope everyone is having a great Sunday. Here is a podcast I did this morning.
Texas Kaos: Taking Texas Back Episode 9
A little music and some politics.
to those of you who usually do have to get up by a specific time today.
click for larger
Thank you…does not having to get someone on the bus before 6 am count, even though I have to drive CBtE to school this morning for his exams?
So, any picnics or bike rides planned for today? I’ve been getting back to my walking this week, so I think I’m going to do that this afternoon. (It was funny, yesterday both CBs decided to take walks -sans mom- to entertain themselves yesterday afternoon…I guess it has rubbed off on them).
It is so nice to finally have a stretch of warm sunny weather.
Sorry about the drive to school. Kinda spoils the holiday. Sigh.
Hope you get a nice walk in.
Nothing planned here and there’s a 70% chance of rain and thunderstorms so we’ll probably end up just walking close to home. We had a great weekend though — the weather was gorgeous and I took walks and bike rides both days.
Good morning Andi & Cabin Girl! I was hoping to get some more bedding plants in. Guess I’ll see what the thunderstorms do and go from there.
Morning Miss Andi, Cabin Girl and Indianadem!!! No big plans for today. I actually slept in for me- 7 am and have been reading emails , feeding dogs and making coffee. LOL I have lots of house work that did not get done through my own laziness so will try and get that done today along with some more work on my design sites.
Laziness, you? What you call laziness the rest of call massive bursts of energy.
ROTFLMAO!!! Yes, but I do need to learn to set priorities better. I am notorious for letting the house go until it takes forever to get it back to a near respectable state. If I just did a little each day it would be much easier.
“…my own laziness…”
Somehow I find that hard to believe about you. I think you must be the busiest person I know! I’m really glad you’re on our side;-)
Thank you. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I might start working as a writer for a blog and getting paid I am still looking for other work and starting tomorrow I will be going to the temp agencies. LOL
Fingers crossed here. 🙂
Good luck with the blogging gig! One of the bright young bloggers here in Indiana just landed a spot with an Indy TV station and she has a new blog, too.
Thanks. If it happens it will be not commentary but just reporting the news and covering 25 states. LOL It will be a go to source for bloggers to find headlines to write about or that tie in with other stories. I am hoping it will move into oped pieces later own by myself and the owner as we have similar views but I am much more liberal. LOL
Damn she is good. I like her story on the Senator running for Governor.
She is the queen of snark up here!
Well the radar shows the rain is still in Illinois so looks like you can do some morning gardening.
Ack! That would ruin my lazy, layabout morning plans. Maybe I’ll let the plants languish awhile.
At least there wasn’t any traffic, and it gave me a chance to pick up some coffee at muffins for breakfast while I was out.
I feel like I have so much to do today. I need to do some housework, I have something for work that I need to finish and send in today, something else that I need to push through and finish tomorrow, timesheets and invoices, and then there’s that business trip looming in the distance.
Sounds like you will have a busy day.
Going try to get in a bike ride before the rain.
Hope everybody has a great day.
Just back from a couple of days at the cottage. I’m not much of a beach person, especially in season, but it was nice and stormy and the clouds were beautiful:
And with these guys patrolling the beach, all was well…
Those cloud pictures are gorgeous (I think you should be a cloud-bloggin guest poster at olivia’s blog)…
And can I say, I miss the beach?
Are you grilling today?
I’m painting the dining room today and biding my time until the mistah goes on another business trip tomorrow. I will at some point provide a dinner, I suppose….
Weird that the elder boy has school today. Are you all looking forward to summer?
Nice set of photos, SN. Yeah, I miss the beach too, especially the pelican squadrons. For years, I lived about 15 minutes away from the ocean, now I’m about as far away as I can get from it. Still, the enchanted forest (see AndiF’s photos) here is where I grew up and is most homelike.
I’m much more comfortable in the northern woods and the great lakes area, where I spent my first 40 years. I like to visit the beach, but it gets monotonous. I was actually telling my younger son that I was getting sort of tired of the constant sound of the ocean….after two days!
It’s weird, but he’ll be done exams by Wednesday, and finished for the year on Friday, so it works out okay.
I am looking forward to summer, actually. I think CBtE will be working, I’m going to try working a 4-day week and planning a fun day in the middle of the week where we all go do something, and of course, there’s the beach week in late July/early August.
And I think we’re going to be able to squeeze in a little grown-up trip too.
How about you? What is the youngest NB doing this summer?
The pictures are beautiful!!! I miss the beach so much. The last time I saw the beach was 10 years ago when I went to HI.
Next time you come into town to see your mom you can come with me to our cottage on Topsail. In exchange for a free place to stay I will expect you to bake cookies, of course. 🙂
You are on!!!
Looks like you had a “lovely” time at the beach, at least in terms of wonderful skies.
Does anyone else know the long weekend is over?
How was your bike ride yesterday?
Heh. I’ve been up since 6, working since 7:15. Looking forward to conference calls later this morning..ick.
But it’s always so interesting to see what strange feedback will suddenly erupt in a bluetooth earpiece.
Hilly. 🙂
Jim knows the long weekend starts tomorrow and will end some time in mid-August.
Back at work. And thunderstorms are comiing. Tuesday is like a Monday. 🙁
CG, here are the 5 tops I made in the last week. They all have ties in the back. The black and white one I made from a skirt I had never worn and I am looking around for more material to make more tops.
I used to sew a lot then didn’t for years, now I am totally into it. going to make gaucho pants too.
They’re very cute, Diane!
I woke up to a fogged in valley. When the mist finally lifted, it left the webs on this cherry tree outlined in dew drops.
The webs are just perfect.
And a good night to you.
Thanks you, but I’m not going to bed just yet (it’s only 7:30pm and I have to pick up Imogen at the airport in two hours).
There should be a rule about partners having to travel during cold/damp weather (especially if the partner is going some place tropical). The last two nights I’ve had to share the bed with a hot wheat-pack – which didn’t know the first thing about snuggling.
Of course Imogen didn’t fare much better (even thought it was toasty in Brisbane) because her hotel got evacuated at 3am when a fire alarm went off.
Ah, I love short weeks.
click for larger
I am so jealous of all the water you are getting. Not to mention – it’s so green and purty.
All of our drizzles over the last few days have added up to a whopping 5mm (that’s 0.2 inches for the metric impaired). Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, but still way, way, way below our seasonal average. At least it dried out today in time for Imogen to come home to a damp- and mud-free dog (she can’t really cope with the smell of a musty wet dog).
Only an hour before I have to leave for the airport. Can you tell I’m excited?
We’ve had an incredibly wet year so far. It’s been great for the forest (the ferns are huge!) but really bad for the farmers who may not be able to get their corn in. I wish I could share our lush precip with you.
It’s a little hard to tell excitement over the internet but yes! I can feel it oozing through the ether. 😉
Dang. Her flights been delayed again. At this rate we will be up late. Luna likes to walk along the verge at the airport, so we usually leave about a half hour early. But, having just written that, I now see that it’s starting to drizzle on the diagonal. Oh well.
Too bad we can’t convince the rain to go where it’s wanted. The day before last we had about two inches of rain come down in about an hour the north part of the state. Roofs collapsed and roads flooded.
If we could convince the rain to go where it’s wanted, I’d have sentt yesterday’s batch to you. Like Andi said, it’s been a very wet year this year.
I hope the flight delays end soon.
Is CBtE as jealous of CBtY being done for the summer as I am of Jim?
Actually, CBtE is the one who’s basically finished this week, while CBtY has about 3 more weeks.
This week isn’t too bad, because CBtY had Monday off and CBtE didn’t. I also think they’ve gotten used to having different school holidays, so the jealousy isn’t quite as bad anymore.
Do you have any time off planned for yourself soon?
Sorry about the wait. 🙁
2″ inches in an hour sounds almost terrifying. I can’t even imagine how hard a rain that must have been.
I get to go to the airport and pick up a snuggler today too. 🙂
Morning everyone…
Wow, is it green there!
Everything here is so lush and green I feel like it’s Seattle. Actually, the eternal gray wetness makes me feel that way too. I wonder how our rainfall this year stacks up against Seattle anyway…
We have gotten tons of rain here, you must have gotten similar amounts too. Everything is growing like crazy. I could cut the lawn twice a week.
I’ve got a physical this morning. I do so love ritual humiliations.
Aren’t you lucky? </sarcasm>
CBtY is off to the zoo with school this morning, and CBtE is off to school this afternoon for a make-up of his algebra exam.
I’m hoping to work on one of my longer term projects today so I can finish it up this week. I have been WAY too busy…but maybe that’s a good thing, since it has spared me the pain of reading the news.
I think we need a new cafe. Do you have a pic you’d like to donate? 🙂
Definitely time for a new cafe. I think you should use the first of SN’s beach pictures for it.
For some one who lives at the beach, I think your photos are beautiful.
Watching the flight of a group of such ungainly looking birds as the pelicans, is something I can`t resist watching. I love watching them fly below sea-level. They ride the air current just in front of the large waves here. To keep from gliding out of the uplift, they`ll dip their wing into the face of the wave just enough to keep themselves in the g-spot. I watch them every day. And again, beautiful ‘clouds at the beach’ series.