{Originally posted at Senate Guru.}

As I noted in my wrap-up of the OR-Sen Democratic primary, Speaker Jeff Merkley and the Democrats have the grassroots, the issues, and the momentum.  All Republican Gordon Smith has going for him is a campaign bankroll just shy of $5 million.

Smith is unquestionably vulnerable.  With enough resources, Merkley will be able to cut through Smith’s spin and deliver the facts of Smith’s record to the voters of Oregon.  But, of course, he’ll need the support of people throughout the grassroots and the netroots.

To that end, I have added Merkley to the Expand the Map! ActBlue page and am announcing the “Twenty Twenties for Jeff Merkley” effort.  Basically, I’m pleading with twenty of you to contribute at least twenty dollars via the Expand the Map! ActBlue page toward helping Jeff Merkley oust Gordon Smith.  Can twenty of you spare twenty bucks to bounce a bum like Republican Gordon Smith from the hallowed halls of the U.S. Senate?

I think we can get twenty twenties in by the end of Memorial Day weekend.  Please contribute if you can.  Thanks yet again!