Why shouldn’t we just go ahead and let Hillary be President?  What have we got to lose?  She has been the heir presumptive since 2006.  She is entitled to be president and has proven what a great leader she will be for the next 4 years.

Cross posted at Daily Kos, Texas Kaos, Doing My Part For The Left
With Hillary, we will have a type of president we have become so use to in the past 8 years.  Hillary’s strong belief in her way or the highway is so reminiscent of Shrub we might find it hard to realize that a Democrat is actually in the White House.

Just think, we can look forward to 4 glorious years of a President who can never be allowed in public with out people to keep a tight reign on what she says.  Who knows she might be tired and just say any old thing that is lurking in her mind.  Sort of like Shrub giving the finger or telling people to go to hell when they don’t agree with him. At least we know Hillary can pronounce nuclear and read cue cards.

Hillary will be just one of the boys tossing back shots and bluffing her way through 4 years just like George has done.  She voted for the Iraq War and by god she ain’t apologizing.  While we’re at it we might as well start a 3rd war with Iran just so Hillary can get some good photo ops.

And we know Hillary can spin a good yarn to keep us all entertained.  Just look at that whopper she told about her trip to Bosnia.  If the TV stations hadn’t had actual video of her hugging that little girl, we would have sworn she had Chelsea under one arm and a sub-machine gun in the other.  Why it’s as good a whopper as Shrub’s about weapons of mass destruction.

Hillary will also do a bang up job on getting us better health coverage just like she did when she was First Lady.  She proved as First Lady how well she could reach out and build a coalition to get things changed.  She has all that experience working with Democrats and Republicans to make things easier for All Americans.  Well, not the people who lost their jobs because of NAFTA or the GLBT Community that she threw under the bus when she was advising Bill about “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” or said nothing against DOMA, but that’s fine.  George has been throwing people under the bus for 8 years so it won’t be an adjustment for anyone.

On the other hand you might not better bring up mistakes she made when she was First Lady.  She has that thing like Shrub where if it wasn’t good, it didn’t happen.  She cannot be held responsible for things in her past cause that’s  the past.

Now don’t cross her cause we never know what she might have in mind for you.  Hillary has a long memory and can think up some of the worst things that have ever happened to wish on people who ain’t with her.

Here’s to a Hillary Presidency.  4 more years of the same stuff we have been getting for the last 8.  It’ll be like Shrub never left.