YOU remember Larry, right…??? The supposed “ex”-CIA guy who you so dutifully defended when he ran his game on your front page for so many years?
Could it be because he’s turned into…
Read on if you are curious, folks.
Larry’s gone all anti-Obama.
(There seems to be this tape of Michelle saying some nasty things about white people, y’see….)
Read on.
More Bad News for Michelle Obama
By Larry Johnson on May 26, 2008 at 11:07 AM in Barack Obama, Current Affairs, Michelle Obama
I know for a fact that Barack and Michelle Obama would like the tape of her blasting “whitey” during a rant at Jeremiah Wright’s church to never see the light of day. They are worried, appropriately so, about the damage this tape will inflict on the Obama campaign. They can be certain of one thing–the tape will hit the blogosphere and TV land come October if Obama is the nominee.
How do I know? I have learned from someone in touch with a senior Republican over this holiday weekend that a major McCain backer has a copy of the tape in addition to the one controlled by the Karl Rove folks. McCain’s supporters are not about to cut Hillary a break. They believe that John McCain stands a better chance of beating Barack rather than Hillary. That’s why they are holding the video. They realize showing it now would likely boost support for Hillary and erode support for Obama among the Super Delegates. Simply put, McCain wants Obama.
Then there is the angry woman problem. Here’s Michelle–living in a $1.6 million dollar home, graduate of America’s most prestigious universities, and pulling a six-figure salary–and she was not proud of the United States until Barack ran for President. Know what? The average angry, bitter white person. who is clinging to God and guns and not living in a mansion, not able to afford college, and making less than $50,000 a year, does not know what her damn problem is.
Jeff Jacoby’s column yesterday in the Boston Globe adds further insight:
In an interview on ABC, Obama growled that Republicans “should lay off my wife,” and described the inoffensive Tennessee video as “detestable,” “low class,” and reflecting “a lack of decency.”
If Republicans “think that they’re going to try to make Michelle an issue in this campaign,” he added ominously, “they should be careful.”
Ooh, very fierce. But unless Obama is prepared to emulate Jackson – Old Hickory defended his wife’s honor by fighting duels, in one of which he killed a man – he stands no chance of putting his wife’s remarks off-limits to criticism. As long as he keeps sending her around the country to campaign on his behalf, everything she says is – and should be – fair game.
And unfortunately for Obama and his allegedly sunny politics of hope, what Mrs. Obama seems to say with grim regularity is that America is a scary, bleak, and hopeless place.
Here she is, for instance, in Wisconsin:
“Life for regular folks has gotten worse over the course of my lifetime, through Republican and Democratic administrations. It hasn’t gotten much better.”
And in South Carolina:
America is “just downright mean” and “guided by fear . . . We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day.”
Michelle needs an attitude adjustment. Americans don’t want a nattering nabob of negativism in their face for the next four years. And that will become increasingly clear as America gets to know Michelle.
Why I Believe the Michelle Obama Tape Exists
By Larry Johnson on May 26, 2008 at 1:34 PM in Current Affairs
I understand the skepticism of many about whether there actually exists a tape of Michelle Obama engaged in an anti-white rant. The lady obviously has some anger management issues–just check out her senior thesis she wrote at Princeton–but this sounds too good to be true. However, here is why I think the tape exists.
I have two friends. One is a Democrat and one is a Republican. One lives on the west coast and one lives on the east coast. They do not know each other. Yet each has spoken directly with someone who has seen the tape. In fact, I first heard about the tape from my east coast friend. I thought it was interesting but, without additional proof, not worth mentioning. Later that night I was chatting with a friend, who happens to be an Obama supporter, but is very well connected to the Washington political scene. That person told me he had heard the same thing. He also told me about a separate tape of Barack Obama during an overseas trip that also is in the hands of the McCain folks.
The clincher came when my buddy on the west coast wrote to me that he had a friend who had seen the tape. Given that there are two separate people, completely unconnected, giving the same report, I think it is reasonable to conclude that the tape exists. We shall see.
Here it comes, Booman.
The perfect storm.
And it’s your storm.
They couldn’t run this game on Hillary Clinton.
Larry’s your folks.
A spokesman for the CIA.
The so-called “liberal” wing of the Intel Org.
THEY know what’s coming. Just as do I.
How come YOU can’t figure it out?
Neener neener neener. I can’t HEAR you…!!!
NOW you don’t read Larry. Now that he “disagrees” with you.
Good work, boyo.
My congrats.
It’s your perfect storm.
Now deal with it.
Have fun.
While you still can.
hey genius…you’re at least one step too slow for Larry.
prove it.
You got a lotta ‘splainin’ to do, Boo.
I don’t think Larry operates at your penny-ante level, Arthur. Unfortunately for his tribe, he got outflanked this time. But he’s throwing the big bombs because they’re the only hope they have left.
Maybe you didn’t realize that l’affaire plame has an example of the ratfuckees ratfucking the ratfuckers, but I did.
Problem is…they are ALL ratfuckers.
What you…we…must decide is which ratfuckers to support and how best to support them.
You support ratfucker Obama.
Me too.
It’s just that I don’t mind including the ratfucker Clinton/DNC/left-wing-of-the-right-wing CIA group in order to get him in there.
He needs a coalition.
Without one he will lose to McCain.
That’s where it stands today in this divided country.
Bet on it.
Your own liberal parochialism blinded you to this truth right in your own state. And now you stubbornly continue to make the same miscalculation on a national level.
You’re wrong, Booman. And you apparently lack the curiosity, courage and imagination to go out and actually SEE where the silent white middle ands working class majority of this country is really at. You prefer to cling to your imaginary urban settler liberal soft moody white leftiness elite dream.
Sad but true and so it goes.
And you have the nerve to talk about penny ante?
It is you who are wearing the blinders, Booman, and God help us all if you manage to get Obama nominated wiithout a strong running mate that the white working class trusts. If you do, they will FLOCK to McCain.
< snickering > If Hillary was getting the nomination they wouldn’t have anything on her, right? No, absolutely not. Very dramatic but rather naive, Arthur.
that would rival a perceived notion that candidate Obama, his wife and his advisors literally hate America?
Not true, just perceived.
And you call me naive.
Nice, boran2.
Go home and think about it.
Put that in your snark pipe and snicker it.
AG; I’m surprised you’re still here. – Enjoying the silly season are you?
I’ll make a special note to send you a bottle of over-proof rum (150% guaranteed) – b/c you’re gonna need it. With this special brand, it’ll take you a few months to recover. Don’t dilute it, drink it straight by the shots, like your fav person, Hillary. Oh and btw, if you do not drink hard stuff, I’ll substitute bizzy, so you can make pots of tea – cleanses the brain.
Those tapes of Michelle? Haven’t you heard, tapes are enhanced, edited, everyday. The alleged Michelle tape is likely enhanced by Larry’s colleagues …as are the ones from OBL. You remember OBL, the birth child of Larry’s colleagues? They’ve had enough practice at tape enhancing especially so over the past 7 years. Very good at what they do.
Have you ever thought of that? OBL is dead or can’t be found but ‘is kept alive’ in a cave on Mars – he’s on a dialysis machine running without any electricity so he can remain the pop up in every federal campaign. If Bush strikes Iran in August we won’t need an OBL tape.
AG, just so you know, Hillary’s Time Chart has expired to beyond 2016. She has said Obama can’t win in November and you drank the Clintons’ kool aid…. so let me ask you, why would she be his VP,,,,,, to go down with him?
Hillary’s campaign imploded in 2004.
I still pop into NQ from time to time to see if Larry has gone back to what he did best.
No. It’s become an insane asylum.
AG must have missed the latest about Obama supporters threatening to have blood run in the streets if they don’t get their way this weekend.
Good thing Obama asked his supporters not to show up. If anything do happen, remember what Limbaugh and NQ have instigated.
DOES happen
The Drudge Report…possibly the clearest expression of the Rove wing of the RatPubs, the site that began the sinking of the Weak Ship Small K kerry with the swiftboating thing…has been plainly pro-Obama/anti-Clinton for 6 months.
Innumerable visuals, innumerable articles. Y’shoulda been watching.
I have.
AG, why are you bringing this magical, mystery, missing videotape tripe over here?
this is bullshit, and you know it.
as they say in missouri…show me.
I’m betting that it will show up.
I’m also betting that I personally will agree with its content. I certainly agreed with Rev. Wright. But that doesn’t matter.
In fact, it doesn’t even matter if the tape exists. Nor whether Johnson is working for Hillary or the Roves.
Here is an important salient fact.
This is how the right thinks that it can beat Obama.
And here is another salient fact.
The presence of Hilary Clinton on the ticket would insulate him from those attacks. It would be an implicit guarantee that someone trusts him who is herself trusted by a large percentage of the people at whom this sort of sideswipe is aimed.
Of course, I will admit the possibility that the Johnson thing is in reality a part of the continuing Clinton campaign for the nomination, but I find it hard to believe that Hillary Clinton still believes that she CAN win the nomination. She can read; she can count; the numbers are not in her favor and the media is decidedly against her. If the Clinton campaign possesses this tape and uses it as political blackmail, the very act would destroy her and probably the chances for a Dem win as well.
And so the various pots boil and bubble.
Trouble trouble trouble trouble.
Right here in River City.
Arthur, you have an uncommon devotion to your senator and it is touching.
If you haven’t noticed, this primary hasn’t been a battle between the Hatfields and the McCoys. That’s normally the general election. Team Obama is more like the multinational coal mining consortium that came in and ate the Hatfield-McCoy’s lunch. No one gives a fuck about either the Hatfields or the McCoys anymore because someone bigger came to town and put in their own sheriffs and their own judges.
They even put some of the Hatfields and some of the McCoys in jail. And then they told them that they could take their penny-ante feuding over some hog and shove it.
There’s a new sheriff in town and he’s not hiring riff-raff or any Annie Oakley wannabe faux-Democrats.
So, parts of the Clinton clan, people that stand to lose substantial business under Obama, are engaging in some A level mind games and they’ve got some jazz musician from the Bronx dancing to their tune.
It’s a Hail Mary pass to the supers to keep on the fence in case something happens. Nothing more.
The good guys are gonna win.
I repeat:
Your various misjudgments…Larry Johnson and that ex-black ops prick who lives in France come to mind immediately as does your total misreading of the voting tenor of the members of your own party in your own state during the recent primary…disqualify you from being trusted to make any reliable calls whatsoever in this matter as far as I am concerned. The only part of the electorate that you seem to understand is the gentrification vote, and I am here to tell you that it ain’t nearly enough to win the election for Obama. You have your head up your own ass and you are looking around thinking that the available vista from that sad position represents the effective totality of whole world.
It ain’t so, Booman.
It just ain’t so.
I do not give a flying FUCK if Larry Johnson and/or the entire Clinton campaign is “engaging in some A level mind games” in this instance. The fact of the matter is that they are right on the money as far as Obama’s electability is concerned among a large majority of the white working class and much of the the white suburban middle class as well, and whatever coalition he can put together without including a serious cross section of those two demographics will be insufficient to win the election.
There it is.
Deal with it.
The female vote that would turn out if HRC was the vice-presidential candidate would guarantee a win for him all by itself, and a serious percentage of the rest of the demographic that I mentioned above would turn the election into a total rout.
I have suggested the following idea to you several times over the past few years, Booman, and on the evidence of your own apparently willful blindness you have not done it.
I will try again.
Dress down a little and drive away from Philadelphia in a mainstream American non-yuppie style car of some sort. A pickup would be perfect, as would just about any sedan that can be bought on the open market for under $10K. Drive for two hours or so. Away from the urban centers…don’t drive to Baltimore or NYC. YOU know…into the scary hinterlands where alla’ them ignorant white assholes live. Drive into Joe Bageant country. You can do it. Give it a try. You’ll survive the ordeal. Go someplace where you can’t buy a decent bagel for 100 miles in any direction. Listen to AM radio while you drive. Switch around to catch the talk shows. The preachers, the right wingers the so-called “news”, the sports talkers. Also listen to country stations and hard rock/retro-rock djs. Check into a downscale motel…I recommend Motel 6, myself…and eat at local restaurants and/or chain places. Go shopping at a Wal-Mart. If you feel safely anonymous enough, drop into a couple of bars, order what you see the others drinking and keep your antennae up. Watch the local news on TV in your motel room. If you are lucky enough to actually have some acquaintances or relatives who actually belong to said demographics (And I mean REALLY belong…like they might have voted for Butch in 2000 and/or 2004?) all the better. Drop in for dinner and stick around for TV time.
If you do not get a better take on where mainstream, majority white America’s head is at than the one you have now after two or three days of this sort of effort…simply retire from blogging and take up another craft, because you no longer have the sense you were born with.
And best of luck in the future.
Sincerely, that ignorant, know-nothing jazz musician…YOU know, the one who does this sort of thing as part and parcel of his everyday life…???
P.S. Wake the fuck up. The Silent Majority is STILL the majority here. And they are absolutely media-hypnotizable.
Wish it were otherwise.
But it’s not.
Fox News recently (RECENTLY!!!) became the most watched TV news in the country.
Dig it.
Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. “…runs the most-watched TV network, the largest movie studio (based on year-to-date box office sales), a clutch of cable channels and an expanding array of Internet sites.” Plus the Wall Street Journal and about 2 gazillion other newspapers.
C’mon, Booman.
Get real here.
What makes you so certain that the folks living in Joe Bageant country would vote for a woman over, say, John McCain?
I ask because I’m here in mighty white suburbia, and one of my neighbors (a lower-information voter to be sure) flat-out says he’s not voting for a woman for president because she’s a woman. And if that’s the attitude here, I can guarantee you that if I drove out another 2 hours west of here, I’d hear the same thing. Putting her on the ticket won’t change that.
Plus, she finished that idea off herself last week with her RFK ‘gaffe’.
#1 Gaff(e)s are for fish. ANYTHING that is widely labelled a “gaffe” by the media is just “ARRRRGH” branding. Nothing more. Fuggedaboudit. It will lose her nothing except among the credulous leftiness voters who have already decided that she is the Queen Bitch Witch.
#2-All Obama needs is a 5% boost in those “lower-information” voters, CG. By last count, fully half of them are women. That’s God’s work, don’tcha know. That means that if her presence on the ticket simply gets 10% more women in that demographic to vote Dem…it’s a win.
Simple. eh?
Now…please examine the results of the Pennsylvania and West Virginia primaries for more on this.
Follow that by examining the importance of Ohio in the 2000 + 2004 elections.
And then go to a map and see where PA and WV lie geographically (and more importantly, demographically) relative to Ohio.
The nascent black vote will hold much of the old south for Obama. bet on it. That vote will be HUGE!!!
He will carry the classic blue states. The classic red states will go RatPub.
That leaves the so-called swing states. YOU know…where Hillary has done so well?
UH oh!!!
It’s Ohio and Florida again.
it’s a no-brainer.
Unfortunately, many of the leftiness Dems are no-brainers, too.
Oh well.
So it goes,
Maybe McCain’s not as bad as he seems.
McCain’s an absolute and unmitigated disaster on all counts, make no mistake. And anyone claiming to be a feminist for Hillary who’s going to vote for McCain if she’s not on the ticket needs to re-think their self-identification.
One of my other questions is “Do you think that adding Hillary to the ticket will add enough voters to offset the number of Repub voters that will be energized and motivated to vote against her?” I think you also have to think about the fact that there’s been a 25% protest vote against McCain in the primaries after he’s sewn up the nomination, and clearly, he isn’t universally supported by his own party and many of them are talking about staying home.
Put GOP Hillary hatred in the mix, though, and what happens then? Do they turnout just to vote “Anybody but Hillary”?
Food for thought.
Who’s talking about feminists?
I’m talking about little Lynndie England’s female relatives, CG.
Sick of being kept (Metaphorically???) barefoot and pregnant.
Sick of not being given proper educational opportunities.
Sick of the glass ceiling, even at tyhe chicken packing fgactory.
Hillary Clinton SPEAKS to those women.
Most of whom have never said a civil word to a person of color who was not in some form of service to them.
Waiters, clerks, cashiers, etc…
And have NEVER had a person of color as a boss or model.
HRC’s presence on the ticket would say to them “Nevermund alla’ this Ratpubliuucan bullshit. This guy…AND his wife…are OK by me. And I am OK by you, right?”
And the votes will come.
Bet on it.
AG- you truly exaggerate how wrong I was about Pennsylvania. I called every congressional district but two correctly. I got the delegate splits correct in all but two.
I basically failed to account for three things.
I underestimated how important Rendell’s endorsement would be in the Philly suburbs. I underestimated how strong Clinton would do in Scanton-Wilkes Barre, and I forgot that a heated State Senate race in the city would boost turnout in the white ethnic areas of the city and thereby hold down Obama’s absolute percentage in Philly. When combined, it amounted for pretty much all of the difference between a 54-46 win and the toss-up I predicted at the end.
As for your other point, I don’t live in Philly anymore, but in Chester Co. In Bronxese, think White Plains. This ain’t Appalachia, but it’s where fundies meet Rockefeller Republicans and make uneasy truces. Republicans here are as likely to be pro-choice and Democrats, and vice-versa, and it is no lefty utopia.
What you ought to do is look at the state by state polls. I recommend Poblano won’t steer you wrong. You’ll notice funny things, like Obama polling better than Clinton in Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana, and Colorado, or Clinton polling better in North Carolina. You don’t know half of what you think you know.
Especially when they have to do with voting groups who are essentially hostile…from long and accurately observed experience…to the establishment.
And you lie, too. Prevaricate at the very least.
You predicted a win in PA for Obama. You were…I don’t have the time to search…about 8-10 points off. And you were SO surprised!!!
Because you haven’t done your personal, up close and personal homework in the boonies.
Boonies like York PA.
You’ve plenty of excuses; I’ll give you that.
Chester County?
Like White Plains?
Here’s the WAPO map of that primary.
Guess who the gray color represents?
Booman…White PlaIns ain’t York, and it ain’t Erie or Scranton or Pittsburgh, either. Neither is Chester County.
Bet on it.
You’re foolin’ yourself.
But you’re not fooling me, and you are not fooling the voters about whom I am writing either.
How do I know that latter fact?
Nor do they give much of a damn.
They will vote according to their prejudices…media-GENERATED prejudices, mostly…in November.
And they WILL vote against the scary black guy with the Muslim name and the hostile wife/pastor combo.
Unless Ma Clinton is there to soothe their fears.
i never predicted a win.
Also, my peeps founded Berlin, Pennsylvania which happens to be the second highest town in the state.
Appalachia isn’t so far removed in my blood line.
Hung out with them recently?
Watched Fox News and American Idol with them?
Or have they evolved past those roots?
Some of mine haven’t.
Sit down to dinner with old man Wheet…that’s what they call him, old man Wheet…and get an earful.
You be bettah off than watching old man Olbermann.
A best friend lives in Confluence. I spent some fun summer weekends there.
The only “no brainer” I see here is you.
Stick to music. If your music was as bereft as your political analysis you’d be starving by now.
Yeah. New sheriff in town. I wonder if this is why McClellan decided to cleanse his soul…to avoid jail.
Heh. If McCain and Rove really had a tape like that they sure wouldn’t be pushing the rumor right now through tools like Larry Johnson. We wouldn’t hear a whisper about it until we were stuck with Obama and it was too late to do anything about it, like sometime in late October. The only ones pushing this rumor are the people who really really really want to see Hillary nominated, i.e., Hillary, her blogfans, and the Republicans. So what does that tell ya?
Not the right wing.
He’s working for the left wing of the CIA’s preferred candidate.
Not for the Rovians.
THEY’VE been fighting to get Obama nominated.
Because they think that they’ve got the goods on him. Maybe this tape, maybe something else. But one thing has been abundantly clear. They do not want to face Hillary Clinton.
Which is as good an argument for her inclusion on the ticket as anything else I can say.
you really aren’t paying attention at all.
The Right-Wing has been VOTING for Hillary Clinton.
So I am told.
I prefer to believe my eyes.
Read Drudge every day.
Know thine enemy.
Drudge is SO pro-Obama.
Visually in particular. In terms of layout. Nothing but flattering shots of Obama and images of the Clintons…both of them…that make them look like the Over The Hill Gang on steroids and booze.
Check it out.
Drudge Report is the one that led both the Swiftboating charge AND Dean’s “ARRRGH!!!”-ing.
Check it out.
As Drudge goes, so go the Rovians. (Vice-versa, actually.)
Set aside for a moment that Clinton and Drudge have established hard lines of communication and that Drudge has been the recipient of more than a few Clinton exclusives, you must know that Drudge’s core audience is from the Vince Foster school of critical thought.
The Republicans have a 17,000 page dossier that they compiled to go after Clinton. Rush Limbaugh has not been subtle. He’s actually overtly telling his listeners to vote for Clinton. Every day we hear the Republicans stick up for and echo Clinton’s ridiculous talking points. At a minimum, this is intended to sow chaos. But in no universe can it be construed as an institutional preference for Clinton.
should read: for Obama.
Nonsense. Bush proclaimed long ago that Clinton would be the nominee. Wishful thinking like the JFK comment.
McCain even said she is who he wanted to run against.Did you forget that?
They were hoping to unload all of the opposition research they’ve been gathering on her AND Bill.
She’s got too much baggage to be on the ticket. Good riddance to her and her zealots.