Are you ready for another pastor controversy? Maybe this is the year where the balance is tipped and it becomes disadvantageous to seek out the political support of religious leaders.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Isn’t McCain too < cough > left-leaning for the flock(s) to follow the lead of a religious leader in supporting him?
Maybe. He certainly hasn’t benefited from the associations he has made.
doesn’t appear to of concern of his bff and surrogate LIEberman (POO)
I think it’s cyclical; people are tired of the fundamental hogwash, especially a lot of moderate Christians (aka, who believe in science etc) so this is not their year. The pendulum swung to the far right and it’s bound to swing back. How far left or left of center, we’ll find out in November.
You’re SO right. The zeitgeist is not their friend this time. Not the Republicans or the slavering religious extremists they’ve been joined in holy ignominy to. Trying to give zygotes Social Security numbers (while simultaneously plotting to privatize said Social Security) is not a winning electoral formula this cycle. You’d think so, but…
Video of Rupert Murdock on McCain problems-the making of a complete political phenomenon with this election.
I just read that some crazed Clinton supporters are working with Shawn Hannity to create another pastor controversy.
They’ll fall on their faces again.
I just went to TalkLeft and I think I have to take a shower. Armando is on the warpath again about Obama’s church. He’s got some clip that he thinks shows how scary black churches are and how they are preaching hatred of whitey . . . or something. Of course, he claims he doesn’t want to impugn Obama by sharing the video . . . but the ditto heads in comments are doing that for him.
What a slime ball. And he goes around in the comments making silly ad hominen attacks and threatening to ban people that disagree with him.
Some things never change.
It’s gonna be some kinda fun to watch those guys do the necessary 180-degree turn and side with the Obama people when Clinton is finally put out of it. Or maybe at that point, they’ll have ended up believing so much of the anti-Obama stuff themselves, they’ll find they’ve actually been transformed into Republicans! AGGHHHHHHH–!
I’ve been wondering about this too. My hope is that they just go silent on Obama, find other things to bitch about. I don’t expect them to support him, or even go after McCain. TalkLeft will have to go back to criminal justice issues, which is what they should have stuck with all along.
TalkLeft will be forced to go back to criminal justice issues but Jeralyn totally squandered her readership and I do not see her recovering from the direction she chose to take for her blog. I have no idea how a liberal criminal defense lawyer ended up attracting so many conservative Democrats that are actually hostile to her criminal justice positions. So ironic that she is squandering her reputation on these people. My only guess is that she was so enamored to have a woman of her age running for President that she lost all her marbles.
And Armando and Jeralyn have demonstrated how not to host a site. They ban and censor anyone they disagree with. Armando is a total jerk that can’t handle anyone challenging his opinion. He’s a baby and he’s perfect for the dead ender Hillary crowd.
I have another theory.
A lot of CIA people are supporting Hillary. So maybe this is a tip-off of some bloggers’ loyalties. I can’t say in any specific case, but there is a predictability to all of this.
Lisa, I saw this trend awhile back. I never connected it to TalkLeft although this “Armando/Big Top Democrat” guy is the most pro-Clinton Obama supporter. Gloria Steinem’s NYT op-ed on the eve of the NH primary was a tell for me. Larry Johnson. Valerie Plame. I find Taylor Marsh’s invention suspicious too.
When I grew up if you invoked the CIA in any other context than as patriotic warriors then you were paranoid or a conspiracy theorist. But in fact the CIA, FBI and numerous military intelligence groups have run all sorts of intelligence ops against American citizens in violation of the law, even after their exposure post-Watergate.
So while we recognize the CIA lying to Americans about, say, pre-war intelligence that still doesn’t preclude all sorts of funny business that may occur during a political campaign. That Rubicon was crossed long ago.
In 1972 Lucianne Goldberg used a CIA cover to spy on McGovern’s campaign for Nixon (and was a friend to Linda Tripp, formerly of Delta Force during Monicagate).
So I am sure that at least a faction of the ruling class as reflected in the spook community are backing Clinton. I suspect that a closer look at Bill and H. Clinton might show a long relationship with them. Just my suspicions. They wouldn’t be the first candidate with a relationship to the Agency. Hey, Bob Barr is a former CIA employee. And don’t forget Bush and his son.
Actually, I fully expect he’ll be just as strong an advocate for Obama as he’s been for Clinton when the time for that comes, in the GE. Maybe not for Obama the person, because he’s always been clear he doesn’t like his political style, but for Obama the Dem standard bearer. He’s always objected to him not being a partisan enough Dem.
Once Obama’s elected though, all bets are off. I expect the bludgeoning will resume in full force, though not aimed at discrediting him but as part of the stick and occasional carrot thing to encourage him to do what progressives want him to do. And that’s as it should be.
I’d be surprised though if Jeralyn will be able to show that kind of detachment and throw any real support behind Obama in the GE. Her sins have been far more egregious in this primary, imo.
In Contrast With Core Hillary Message, Carville Says He Thinks Obama “Will” Win General Election
So it begins…
first rupert, now carville…plus pelosi and reids’s statements…the media’s turned…the “power brokers” have broken ranks and it’s officially over.
will she or won’t she do the right thing?
we shall see…the sooner the better.
Drudge Report, under this banner, Ready to lower the Boom links to AP story on Reid and Pelosi:
BTW, with WVA Congressman Mollohan on board it’s 43 needed to clinch the nomination at the 2026 under current rules – ex MI and FL.
l’ll take your word for it idredtit….drudge…l don’t go there.
I go so you don’t have to. The hatman thinks he sets the world on fire…and Hillary’s camp has been leaking to him.
Yeah for Cruvilla
There are some camels that we should never let back in the tent.
Keep them in mind.
I just saw a piece of this YouTube video on TV and had to go find the whole thing. Hillary-ous.
Thanks a lot!
Right on the button, great LOL here.
Unfortunately, they misspelled “Hilary”. Kind of detracts….
Wasn’t that on purpose?
That is phreakin’ phunny! Thanks for putting it up.
It’s gone! WT????
I’ve got dollars to donuts that the Clinton legal team had a talk with YouTube…
then they’re really not going to like these:
got these via e.mail…it a bit harsher: serious satire alert…definitely NOT PC:
Hillary vs Obama
Hillary vs Obama ll
ims, these folks are/were part of MAD TV
If you go to YouTube proper to see it you get this message:
Looks like they took it down with the mis-spelling of “Hillary” but they have fixed and re-posted it:
Yeah. LOL!!
Senator Reid says it’ll be over by Wednesday
oh jesus fucking christ, what now?!?
Yeah, I’m wondering the same thing. Is there another pastor controversy I haven’t heard about?
Is that physically possible for Jesus to do?
I’m depressed about Jeralyn and Talk Left — she really was a writer I enjoyed, and she’s really squandered any intellectual capital she once had — she even supported the Lanny Davis “compromise” on seating Mich and Fla, on the basis of “nobody forced Obama to follow the rules so he deserves what he gets.”
Depressing. Especially because there are clear parallels to the right-wing cognitive dissonance we’ve been fed for seven years now.
Not to mention No Quarter and Corrente …..
I started reading TalkLeft regularly when that Duke lacrosse case came up. I enjoyed the discussion about the case. Jeralyn was on the mark about Durham’s abuse of the defendants’ rights, and it remained a good place to continue discussing the case as information surfaced.
I haven’t seen any of the names of people who posted there back then. Of course, I’ve been banned from commenting there (wasn’t given an explanation) so I only go to read the headlines and see how far out Jeralyn and Big Top have gotten.
كتابي–دردشة كتابية–شات
صوتي–دردشة صوتية–شات
سعودي–دردشة سعودية–شات
الغلا–منتديات الغلا–تحميل
العاب–برامج كمبيوتر–كتب
مجانية–برامج جوال–مقاطع
جوال موبايل–تصاميم–هكر–صور–صور
انمي–اخبار الفن–صور
سيارات–كاس امم اوروبا–تحميل
وسفر–منتدى النقاش–منتديات
عامة–منتديات اسلامية–صور
كاريكاتير–منتدى تعارف–نكت–الغاز–خواطر–قصائد–شعر–قصص–اساطير–روايات–حكم
النفس–منال العالم–مركز
تحميل–دليل مواقع–1–2–3–4–5–6–7–8–9–برق–19–p1–p2–p3–p4–78–71–20–21–59–60–58–61–67–53–56–9–a9–a1–a8–a12—a15–a16–a18–ماسنجر–صور
حب–مسجات عتاب–مسجات
شوق–مسجات مقالب–مسجات
نكت–مسجات حلوة–صور
حب–صور بنات–شات
بنات–دردشة بنات–شات
الحب–دردشة الحب–دردشة
كويت 25–اغاني هيفاء وهبي–دردشة
بنت السعودية–عمرو خالد–ناصر
الفراعنة–صور نانسي عجرم–ياسر
القحطاني–شات بنات عوانس–نغمات
الراشد–تامر حسني–العاب–