Appearing at The Jaundiced Eye, the Independent Bloggers’ Alliance, and My Left Wing.

Muslim Terrorist or Paisley Scarf Wearing Foodie?
I was venting my spleen last night about Dunkin’ Donuts idiotic decision to cave to Michelle Malkin and her band of crazies in the right wing blogosphere. And the inimitable skippy stopped by to give me an action alert.
As skippy points out, by playing Malkin’s game, Dunkin’ Donuts not only insults one-time bohemian college students, like myself, who wore the ultra-hip keffiyah, but THE ENTIRE ARAB WORLD.
From Epicurious:
Of course, Malkin glosses over the fact that the kaffiyeh is a staple of Arab wardrobes all over the Middle East (Jordanians prefer red-and-white ones, Kuwaitis all-white ones, etc.), not just among those using violent means to create a Palestinian state. Simply saying that anyone who wears a kaffiyeh is demonstrating solidarity with Islamic terrorists is like saying anyone who wears a beret believes in Cuban-style communism as espoused by Che Guevara. True, Arafat made it his trademark, but it’s critical to remember that to a vast number of Arabs, the kaffiyeh’s basically just another kind of hat, and that to equate kaffiyeh-wearers with terrorists sets a dangerous precedent in a country that should have learned by now the pitfalls of underestimating the complexities of Arab (and Muslim) cultures.
Unless Malkin actually is saying that all kaffiyeh-wearing Arabs are jihadists and terrorists, which is certainly something she’d conceivably say.
But let’s face it. That’s how Malkin and her ilk think, as they stoke racist hate against Muslims… and some Sikhs and others who have the misfortune of looking somewhat Arabic. And now Dunkin’ Donuts corporation has joined the appallingly ignorant in legitimizing prejudice.
we say, what’s good for the batshit insane is good for the logical.
here’s dunkin’ donuts contact form. why not email them and let them know that you will no longer be buying their donuts or coffee or any product because their actions, at worst, in effect condemn all who wear scarves, and at best, are just plain looney?
be nice…and point out what epicurious says…a kaffiyeh is merely a piece of wardrobe worn by most people in the arab world, and to ascribe a political philosophy to its usage is moronic.
and we don’t need to buy from moronic corporations.
Dunkin’ Donuts, protecting US citizens from the indignity of viewing terrorist clothing since early May of 2008.
There are so many more reasons. Dunkin Donuts coffee is “plantation” coffee, grown with tons of chemicals and using near-slave labor to grow it. Employees of these coffee plantations work in toxic environments and can’t support their families. It can be grown on former rainforest land that’s been burned or defoliated to drive out “rebels” by our “War on Drugs.”
By contrast, some Starbucks coffee is fair traded, and if you buy carefully, you can get gently grown, songbird friendly coffee from forests where other plants are grown, too.
Take a sip of the coffee black. Can you taste the bitter chemical undertaste at DD? That’s the alkali reaction to the way it’s raised. That’s also why they dump the cream in for you.
I’m not worried about your stomach. I’m worried about your conscience!
and it tastes better, too! This is a promotional painting that my son did for his wife’s Starbucks location to promote their Fair Trade coffee:
It might make you feel better about that $4.25 iced half-caf misto…
does Starbuck’s coffee suck? It’s the worst coffee I’ve ever tasted, and to me, it tastes very chemically.
You might want to try some of this stuff – its a favorite of mine.
from coffee — well, anything really — proffered by dead people. Good god. We’ve got skeletons pimping coffee, sirens luring us to our deaths for coffee… Actually, that’s kind of a joke. I don’t think Starbucks, or Slutbucks as the fundies are calling it these days, really grasps the myth of Melusine, whose image they’ve attached to their foul tasting brew.
I suppose all those years around images of the Grateful Dead have hardened me to that aversion;-)
I’d rather boycott Michelle Malkin.
Hey, that was easy, I’ve never even seen her on TV.
Seriously. Of all the brain-dead crap they spew–and Lord knows it’s a lot–this takes the cake for its sheer lunacy.
It’s just a damned scarf.
And these corporate types need to grow a spine when it counts. I’m sure they’ll strongly defend their coffee plantations, but they fold like a tent over any ol’ bizarro BS in ad?
For me it brings to mind the infamous freedom fries episode of the not-too-distant past. As I recall, the charge was led by that patriotic congressman Bob Nay. Gosh, I wonder what he could be doing now that he has retired from those hallowed halls?
May Ms. Malkin and her cronies enjoy a similar fate.
I told this stroy to a barista over at Starbucks and she just laughed her head off.