Starting today, you are going to begin to see a lot of posts across the Blogosphere that call for party unity. It is, after all, critical that the two competing camps become reconciled with each other and, as much as possible, become united in the joint purpose of taking back the White House for the American people. So, posts calling for unity are appropriate. But you won’t be seeing any from me.

I see a few articles suggesting that the Clinton campaign is resigned to defeat but I see no overt signs of it. Instead, I see a smear campaign against our candidate’s wife. I see continuing signs that the Clintons are encouraging their supporters to see Obama’s victory as illegitimate, as if he cheated in some manner. At best, they see their loss as due to outside forces, like institutional sexism, rather than any strengths of the Obama campaign or mistakes of the Clinton campaign.

I’m willing to be reconciled, but I am not willing to stop fighting until I see a white flag and an acknowledgment that Barack Obama won this contest fair and square and according to the rules. When I see Hillary Clinton stand up and admit that she lost and that Obama’s victory is 100% legitimate, then I will stop fighting back. I hope to see it soon. And then, I hope, the Clinton supporters in the Blogosphere will stop peddling in hate and unsubstantiated innuendo. We all understand hardball tactics, even if we don’t always respect them. But this contest is coming to a close. And anyone that keeps up the fight against Obama after today is working for McCain. And that includes Hillary Clinton.