Promoted by Steven D
For the next five months, the GOP will be trying to convince America that Barack Obama is nothing more than the culmination of everything “wrong” with affirmative action, liberal guilt and its consequences, race relations, and African-Americans in general in this country in 2008.
They will de-legitimize him as a candidate, as a politician, and as eventually he will be robbed of his status as human being. He will simply become The Great Black Problem In This Country to millions of Americans, and of course the GOP will point out not that shouldn’t vote for him, but that it’s so hard to agonize over what voting for him or against him means.
Even thinking about Obama is meant to be difficult. The GOP wants as much difficulty emotionally involved with weighing the pros and cons of Obama, every argument has a hidden emotional racial meaning according to the pundits. They won’t SAY that, but it will be implied. Obama is the country’s emotional baggage on race writ large.
The plan therefore is to make voting for McCain to be a guilt-free and hassle-free as possible, while making voting for Obama as uncomfortable and taxing as they can, even if the baggage for doing so is created out of wholly imaginary cloth.
“Why stress over Obama when you can just vote for McCain?”
Five months of happy, guilt-free McCain. Five months of seriously grave Obama with all those “undertones”.
That may be their plan, but, if it is, I don’t think it will work. Bush’s approval ratings are at 28%. McMore’s offering four more years of the same. People are fed up. They want an end to the war, the economy fixed, they want adult diplomacy and most of all they want change.
I don’t have the link at hand, but the Shrub’s approval rating is now at 25%.
Even better!
Polling Report.
And, I’d be RESTED AND READY for THAT battle…
I expected this from the GOP.
It’s the racebaiting battle of the past 6 months, beginning with Billy Shaheen in New Hampshire – from FELLOW DEMOCRATS – that I wasn’t ready for emotionally.
But, the GOP doing it?
He’s Black..that’s all they’ve got.
Too bad they have John McCain, who more and more is starting to look as old as he sounded last night.
A couple of unscripted McCain angry out bursts and a few deer in the head lights moments as McCain tries to remember where he is and what line he was on in that damned teleprompter …… McCain doesn’t easily recover from gaffs like that.
McCain will be like Bob Dole after he fell off the front of the stage, and he will have a harder time trying to bounce back in front of the camera, something he hasn’t had to do up to now.
A second thought, McCain and his handlers still don’t seem to understand the Internet yet or what it will do to them, and a general election for the presidency is no place to learn.
Who can forget the continuous stream of buffoonery and absolute idiocy that emanated from the lips of George Bush on an almost hourly basis during his campaign. And this didn’t make the corporate media portray him for what he really was, he became a “plain spoken regular guy”. So with the help of a little luvin’ from his media friends, I’m sure McCain will easily get over any humps created by any outbursts, gaffes or “senior moments” that might be potentially damaging. Obama, on the other hand, will likely always be framed from the perspective of the angry black man with elite tendencies. It is just too easy a narrative for our media to ignore.
do i have to move to paris now?
what up with hullabaloo?
I have a professional male acquaintance — bright, well-educated, capable, likeable, etc., who shocked me by saying yesterday that he’s commit suicide before he would vote for Obama. He said that he would never vote for Obama because Obama hates America! Guess he was affected by the endless loop of Reverend Wright video clips.
I was surprised, not that someone said this, but that it was coming from someone who should know better — an intelligent professional man with advanced degrees and who seems otherwise so sane. Well, I’m backtracking on the sane part now, because if he plans to vote for Bush’s third term because of some angry black preacher, he’s got some screws loose.
Hope this guy is not an indication of trouble for Obama. He’s just one guy, after all, but still, it worries me.
Well, I’m surely grateful to see Steven D promote this, because it needed to be said and heard.
As I said, the GOP won’t tell you flat out not to vote for Obama. They’re in the business of providing the excuse and having folks take the next step and pulling the lever for McCain.
The GOP “reasoning” goes something like this:
“You know people who see Obama’s run as historic and unprecedented and that they will vote for him simply because he’s black. It’s not fair, but it happens. You know people who will vote against him because of his race, and that’s not fair either but it will happen too. This entire election seems to be a referendum on Obama and that’s a lot of stress and hassle. If only there was an alternative…“
Keep in mind every little sling and arrow thrown at Obama has to be followed up by the phrase “Well now you have a good reason to skip the stress and vote McCain, guilt-free.” Even if the reason is made up bullshit, it’s being fronted to give people an excuse to justify voting for another 4 years of Bush to “avoid the hassle.”
Whether it’s “HIS MIDDLE NAME IS HUSSEIN!” or “He’s a socialist!” or “His wife hates America!” or “REVEREND WRIIIIIIIGHT!” the GOP understands very well there’s a whole hell of a lot of people who are looking for an excuse to justify not putting a black man in the White House.
They’re looking for an out. John McCain is that out. McCain’s not running this campaign on his record. His record is Bush record. He’s running it as the excuse you need to feel absolved about not voting for Obama.
Five months of this ahead.
A vote for McCain is not a vote against the black guy, it’s a vote FOR the white guy. Let’s keep the whole thing honest and ethical. The times have changed, after all.
For all my anger at Hillary’s attack campaign and her long delayed exit she has become in the end a strong candidate and passionate speaker. To mollify her loss I think Obama and the Democrats should say she will be in charge of managing the universal health care bill through congress. Let it be called the Clinton bill. Let her fight for it. advocate it, push until it is done. This will be a legacy for both Obama and Clinton but it will free Obama to pursue the rest of his agenda with out fighting her.
As for her debt I think he should give a passionate speech about her and then encourage all who voted for her to send in just one dollar. Voila!
$18 million cancelled on her debt!
I really don’t understand why it seems to be conventional wisdom that Hillary needs(and will get) fundraising help to repay her debt. She decided to spend her money on her campaign, why should Democrats waste money in repaying her, when that money could and should be spent refuting McSame’s lies about Obama? Out of $109M, she’s got plenty left. Makes no sense to me.
Those of us who are interested in Barak making it to the White House need to get the emotional baggage of American racism as a major obstruction to Barak out of our minds. Barak has three obstacles to overcome: (1) Barak is still unknown by hundreds of millions of voters. (2) Hillary continuing to inject herself into the general election campaign and attempting to hog the media’s attention. (3)Entrenched and uncompromising racist hate towards anyone of color.
Of the three, number 1 is the most important and critical for Barak. There are 8 weeks before the Democratic convention and it is critical that Barak use this time to define himself to the American people. He should not spend this time talking about Hillary or John McCain. He needs to speak to his political philosophy of inclusiveness for all Americans as he did in the early days in the primary. This is what people want to hear, so sing this song!
Hillary’s public antics are the DNC’s problem, not the Obama campaign’s problem to fix. We who are behind Barak should simply acknowledge that racism among some voters is a fact of life and the campaign should simply regard it as a demographic. The racist demographic can be statistically estimated as a percentile variable (by region), which then can be used as one of the parameters used to set the goals for new Obama voter registration. Field volunteers should also be instructed not to waste time trying to convince racists of the benefits of Obama’s programs.