Clinton’s decision to not concede denies me what I most wanted, which is a sense of closure and some peace of mind so that I can relax after six months of battle. That probably makes some of her supporters happy, but my feelings and emotional well-being are insignificant. The only problem is that I’m not alone. The entire country is exhausted. Obama’s campaign had one motto for hiring staff: ‘No drama’.
Well…all we have left is drama. This is the view from across the Pond, where I’m headed:
The lead story tonight – my “lede,” as we spell it here – should have been about the remarkable fact that a black man has been nominated by a major party to lead a developed Western nation for the first time in the history of the world. A man – in whose lifetime people with his shade of skin were denied the right to vote and to use public accommodations – who is now on the cusp of the presidency. It says something good about America, and I would like to have been able to dwell on it.
But no. Once again, it’s all about Hillary Clinton, who delivered the most abrasive, self-absorbed, selfish, delusional, emasculating and extortionate political speech I’ve heard in a long time. And I’ve left out some adjectives, just to be polite.
That evaluation is nearly unanimous in the columns that came out this morning. And I share that view. But, what of it? Hardening her supporters against our nominee is an act of great irresponsibility and classlessness. But we either knew, or should have known, that this would be her decision. It’s been a long campaign, but try to think back to when it started. Do you remember what I was saying? I was saying that we had to defeat Clinton not so much because of her espoused policies, but because she surrounds herself with people that hate us. How have the following people conducted themselves in this campaign?
James Carville
Lanny Davis
Harold Ickes
Terry McAuliffe
Bob Johnson
Geraldine Ferraro
Bill Clinton
I hate to say ‘I told you so’ but I did. I knew who we were dealing with. My only surprise was to learn that Hillary Clinton was perhaps worse than all of them rolled together. I didn’t come to that conclusion until last night. I always thought she’d eventually try to atone for whatever hard feelings she had created by giving a gracious concession speech. But by the time last night rolled around, I no longer expected that. And she didn’t defy my low expectations.
I always understood that it was exciting to have a viable female candidate and that it meant a tremendous amount to millions of people. But I never saw this a battle between a black man and a white woman. I saw it is a battle to rid the party’s power structure of people like Lanny Davis and Terry McAuliffe. Hopefully, a lot of people now see why I saw things in these terms. Because those people are trying to force their way into the Naval Observatory where they can continue to lord it over decent hard working activists. I say, no more.
Right again.
Have a nice trip. It’ll all be here when you get back.
Christina and I listened to both speeches. We keot waiting to hear clinton wrap up her list of demands with something like “…and that’s why we must come together and support the presumptive nominee, Barack Obama.”
But she never did. Even my parents’ who voted for HRC in the NJ primary, are appalled. My father thinks she may have gone round the bend, may have become truly mentally ill.
Bon Voyage.
We continue the battle to defeat Clintonism and the ickies.
I don’t think HRC’s supporters are as solidly devoted as depicted. I’ve read many comments this morning from Clinton supporters who were disappointed by her speech last night, some even horrified. Hillary did not take the opportunity to gracefully retreat and they feel embarrassed. I especially liked Hilary Rosen’s essay on HuffPo. She said, “I am not a bargaining chip. I am a Democrat.”
That noted, I do not think Obama should pander or cater to HRC’s voters. Let them listen to him — probably for the first time — not the crap they’ve been fed and they’ll realize why MORE THAN HALF of Democratic voters picked him.
Also, that UK guy should have never used the word “emasculating.” What is he, some kind of sexist pig? He wouldn’t have said that if Hillary were a man! ๐
Have a wonderful vacation and return relaxed and re-charged!
Relax, enjoy and just don’t think about this stuff.
I’ve always seen this race as a contest between the DLC and the grassroots.
Hillary doesn’t have nearly the power she imagines. Many of the people who voted for her in early contests have changed their minds, and many were part of Operation Chaos.
I think we should just ignore her. Hillary who?
Long time reader, first time poster. Felt I just had to say this.
By letting HRC’s concession or lack thereof influence your psychological state, you are giving her and her minions a power over you they do not deserve.
Obama has won the democratic nomination. Even Pelosi has stated this in unambiguous terms.
It would be gracious if HRC would acknowledge this sooner rather than later. It would be helpful to Obama’s task of unifying the party. Ultimately, however, whatever HRC chooses to do, the vast majority of her voters will “come home” to Obama before the election. We already see that with Erica Jong and Hilary Rosen and even (sorta, kinda) Big Tent Democrat and the like, who are now pushing her as VP.
She doesn’t have nearly the power some ascribe to her to wreck Obama’s chances in the general. Nor is she the anti-Christ. Just relax and enjoy the win. I know I am.
I’m appalled by Hillary’s behavior last night and the way she ran her campaign. But BankerNole has a good point. Democrats are going to rally to Obama, the presumptive nominee.
Hillary may try to use her supporters to force her way onto Obama’s ticket or else carry her fight on to Denver…but she lost the election. And, if she continues in this way, she’ll ruin her political reputation. My guess is that most of her supporters are loyal Democrats, who don’t want another four years of Bush. They will vote the Democratic ticket, whether or not Hillary is on it.
We need to celebrate our victory. It’s a remarkable, historic victory! And I think things will improve for Obama, as Hillary becomes more irrelevant.
TPM As clear as can be — Pelosi crowned Obama the nominee, and talked about Hillary’s candidacy as being “history.” More party leaders are likely to follow suit today.
Pelosi Says The Dem Primary Is Over, Declares Obama The “Nominee”
Relax. Take it easy. Illegitimi non carborundum. We’ll try to keep things rolling while you’re off getting tanned, rested and ready for the general.
I’m so jealous you’re going to Italy. Travel is my original and lifelong passion. I hope you have lots of cool little experiences and meet interesting people.
But if you think you’re escaping the election, think again. I’ll bet the front pages in Europe today are all about Obama!
Democrats have to be better politicians. Democrats have had terrible political instincts the last 8 or so years. Better politics means getting back to the basics and living by the rules of the jungle. Hillary lost. It’s time to deliver the death blow. Go for the jugular. A good politician can do this with a smile on his face. Anyone in a position of authority in the party that gives Hillary support must be punished. Starting now. No need to be mean about it. Just tell these poor creatures that they had a choice and it’s not personal but we have to enforce discipline. Any sort of perk or benefit these Hillary supporting Dems have needs to be rescinded immediately. The party should also punish with extreme prejudice any Dem that undermines the nominee by clinging to Hillary’s dead end campaign. Especially those that claim McCain would be a better Commander in Chief or actively take swipes at Obama. It’s life. It’s politics. It’s time to start playing to win. Let’s show people that Obama is not the naive rube that doesn’t know how to play politics. Gore and Kerry lost because they couldn’t play hardball politics. This year we have to play hardball politics. Which means taking out the weak and those sorry, pathetic figures that stand in Obama’s way. I know it’s tough to play hardball and Democrats are not used to doing it. We can feel sorry for the likes of Hillary and her supporters but like a jungle cat, a good politician simply has to go on instincts. It’s time to deliver the death blow.
If Obama caves in to Hillary he will look weak. So weak it could cost him the election to McCain. Give her till this weekend and then Obama
Oops. Give her until the weekend and then announce that Hillary will not be the VP.
Of course she’s just like the bunch you list. Otherwise they wouldn’t have been in her employ. And her husband’s too! I find it so idiotic that Mr. Clinton is still seen as the goofy, amiable guy who inadvertently, boyishly messed up his wife’s otherwise faultless, fair campaign instead of the guy who failed to effecively deliver the nasty, underhanded crap he agreed to fling into the campaign. Look at the lakes, the trees, listen to the birds, eat and sleep well and thanks for all your effort.
I didn’t hear her speech, but the reviews from people whose progressive views I respect (and who didn’t seem to support Clinton)seem somewhat more favorable. I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, unlike the other SOP’s on your list. She took a really big hit on this one, and it’s got to hurt, especially as she’s been in denial since the Wisconson primary. She’ll get over it before her rapid supporters. She’s a pro now.
Have a great stay in Italia. If your go through Milano, be sure to stop by Pech’s, a few blocks away from the Cathedral. It’s the greatest food shop in the world. Dean and Delucca eat your heart out.
She is a pro. And as a pro she may realize that her best bet is to be the victim. She may think her best bet is to keep making her argument to the bitter end and to let the party and Obama “kick her out” or “steal” the election from her. If Obama and the party “disrespect” her she has the beginning of a rallying cry for 2012 or even as an independent Maverick in the Senate.
The fact is she lost control of the party. She doesn’t get that back by giving Obama exactly what he wants. That’s done. So the only benefit (to her personally) in conceding and doing what we all want her to do is for some of us to praise her in the short term. If she helps Obama get elected she will quickly be forgotten.
The main thing she has to worry about is being blamed for getting McCain elected. And that’s not much of a fear for her because she can always say that it was Obama’s electability that was the problem. Indeed, she will say that’s why she stayed in the race.
The real fight against the DLC started when they wanted to remove Gov. Dean as DNC Chairman. Wonder where we would be today without Gov. Dean being neutral and having a 50 state plan.
Have a good trip, Boo. Let the Euros know America’s back.
But you might want to pack a maple leaf t-shirt just in case;-)
Booman, have a great R&R. It is good for the soul to rejuvenate and get ready for the real big one to fight when you get back….I think things will be interesting for you over across the big pond. Let us get a postcard if you will and show us you are having a great time..hugs and stay well and safe…oh and just have plain fun!
Hilary Rosen’s statement is well worth reading if you’ve missed it so far.
Today she reminds me of the rat that chewed every night in the rafters of my shared hovel during college days. The rat kept us all awake as it worked and worked to bring the house down.
One day we pooled our resources and called in The Exterminator who told us we had spent too much time worrying about the house falling down, that we must get along with our studies and that he would remove rather than kill the rat. He did and being college and all we had a kegger to celebrate. Grades improved, life was good.
So, today, I’m not so worried about Hillary. She will never change, but today I know that Obama’s judgment, his leadership will remove her knawing little self from our house. Today we have a leader and the rat is history.
You will be missed.
Have as much fun as possible.
Remember – she’s so over. Just like her fellow New York media fave Rudy G. Forgotten in time.
Ironically, the person who accurately judged her was Babs Bush when she called her “rhymes with witch”. LOL!
One of my commie anti-war buddies comments that “There are two Republican candidates, Obama & McCain” and goes off into all sorts of other delusions as well.
Good grief people! Give it up! Clinton has deservedly lost!!
Are you coming to my neck of the woods? I’d love to see you if so.
Unlike you, I never thought the Clinton’s would go quietly or graciously. They never have in the past.
And this was/is not about a black candidate and a female candidate. It is about breaking the death grip of the Clinton/Bush Mafias. Bush committed figurative suicide through self abuse. The Clinton mistook hubris for strategy.
But its done. And listening to Obama today at AIPAC I think he too is moving on and knows exactly where he wants to go.
From his speech I think too it is obvious that he has some very smart and wise people around him and THAT is the most important job of the president.
Enjoy your trip. Eat well. Love yourself more than a little ๐
We already miss you, Booman.
Have a great trip!!
At this point most people are aware that there will be events on Friday and Saturday in which Clinton announces the end of her candidacy and her support for Obama.
Although I would have liked to see some more graceful comments yesterday, a few days of waiting won’t hurt me.