Welcome Wagon Wednesdays
Question for everyone:
where did you spend your favorite vacation?
where did you spend your favorite vacation?
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May the 4’s be with you
Say hello to the newest member of the Frog Pond:
And since I’m feeling generous today, here’s your Froggy Bottom Lounge Happy Hour Drink Special for today:
Italian Sunset
* 2 oz Amaretto
* 3 oz Orange juice
* 3 oz Club soda
* 1 dash Grenadine
Mixing instructions:
Fill a tall glass with crushed ice. Pour the Amaretto over the ice then slowly add the orange juice and top with club soda to form layers. Add a dash of grenadine and garnish with a cherry and orange slice.
What’s shakin’ in your part of the world?
Paris was great. But, China was amazing and I brought home the best souvenir:)
most people post pictures of their great souvenirs. Just sayin’.
Though, in my defense, I am still at school while posting this and the other one!
I’m not hinting, I’m saying straight out – I want pictures. 🙂
But since you’re at school I’ll give you some leeway. :~)
Howdy stranger! 🙂
Howdy SN.
Have you been having the oppressive heat like we’ve been having? I’m ready for winter again.
Today was the first hot day – 93 – the next four days are supposed to be close to 100. I’m meeeeeellllllting…..
I’d like to be somewhere where the temperature never get above 75. It doesn’t matter how cold it is, just as long as there’s no oppressive heat.
We used to go to the upper peninsula of Michigan every summer where my ex-husband’s family owned a cabin right on Lake Superior. The water was never above about 60 degrees and we’d have to build a fire inside to keep warm at night. That’s the only thing I miss about the in-laws.
That sounds like a place I’d like to be at the moment. I’ve got a good friend that live in Michigan near Battle Creek. He was just up at the upper peninsula camping out. I told him down here it’s just too damned hot to camp out now. It’s too hot to be anywhere except inside under the air conditioning. 🙂
This was just this weekend.
Yeah Toni!
I wouldn’t say we insisted, we just hinted very heavily. OK we did insist. 🙂
Every time I see a new picture of him, I can’t get over how much he has grown.
He is ever growing and ever talking.
Welcome back!
Thanks, it’s good to be back.
It’s fun when they first learn to talk, but when they start reasoning with you, you’ve lost it. 😉
Howdy mister
Good to see ya. How have things been going out on the West coast. Hope you’ve been doing well.
All`s fine on the western front.
Great to see ya.
It’s great to see everybody in the pond today. As I said earlier, it feels like old home week. 🙂
What a cutie!
has given up even trying to measure his adorableness, he’s so far off the scale. 🙂
Thanks for the pic. It’s a wonderful way to start the day.
Impossible*. I love vacations, all vacations, even ones where I just stay home.
* well maybe I lean just a little toward the one where I got to go to dinner with a charming, intelligent, handsome, witty Arizonan who happens to hang out around welcome wagons. 😉
now if only he could spell Welcome properly whilst wearing the froggy suit 😉
My favorite vacation was a week of solitude spent camping in Arizona’s White Mountains. I had a creek, pine trees, plenty of food, and lots of books to slack the week away.
Mad spelling skillz are highly overrated. 🙂
That does sound lovely. Southern Utah (and the rest of the Colorado Plateau) is probably our favorite place to go on vacation — I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of looking at red rocks.
Yep, we’re going back in August.
Isn’t it going to be kinda hot there in August Boran?
No, Bryce Canyon was in the low 80s at the same time last year.
I could do with those temperatures. We’ve been in the mid 90’s for the last couple of days, and it doesn’t look to break until next week. The North Pole is beginning to look like a prime vacation spot to me.
Whew! 90s?!! It’s comfortable here right now but will get very warm by next week.
It’s full blown summer and only appears to be getting worse. Oh to be extremely wealthy and have a summer and winter residence. I guess I should be just thankful for air conditioning. 🙂
You can always come up north to visit.
Believe me, I’d love to come up North for a vacation. But it seems as usual, FMom and I are stuck here.
I still can’t understand why so many old people end up coming down here with the summers like they are.
This where the Nature Girl is spending the summer, helping some people build a straw bale house.
Lillooet BC
Hi SN.
Nature Girl is lucky. I’d love to spend a summer in a place like that.
Where ya going? I hope some place at a higher altitude so it won’t be so terrifically hot.
We’re going back to Bryce. It was actually in the low 80s at that time last year.
Yeah, that 8K altitude is a big help against the heat. Don’t know what hikes you did last time but the Fairyland loop and the Peek-a-Boo trail loop are both great.
And if you need to cool off more, you can always drive up to even higher Cedar Breaks.
We’ve seen some of each. That’s how it goes when you have a fickle 9 year old. I’ve wanted to see Cedar Breaks, but this year we’re going further north toward what they call Castle Country after Bryce.
to all BooTribbers who have favored HRC and rejoined the frogs in the biggest effort to effectuate change in the political landscape of Washington DC.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The boran2 boy really liked Roswell. Yes, that Roswell.
I drove through there a few years ago at night. It was creepy! Great for star-gazing, though.
be sure to go to the Living Desert Zoo and Gardens State Park near Carlsbad. They have an amazing collection of animals and plants from that region. From javalinas to grey wolves. And an absolutely stunning collection of cacti.
I never get that far south. Usually, my trips from the OK panhandle include heading to I-40 and making a straight shot to the LA/OC area. It’s been nearly 30 years, but I remember going through the I-10 route through NM and AZ as a kid, and thought the area was great. Would love to get that way again.
and if you did that, it would take you right through the Old Pueblo! 😉
Hiya Manny and welcome BankerNole.
The last vacation, which I would have to say was the best, was a week in Switzerland skiing. That was back in the late 80’s though. I guess you could say since I’ve retired, I’ve been on a continuous vacation. 🙂
How’s everyone been doing?
The permanent smile is in effect for today. Great to see you here!
Glad I could make your day a little better and thanks.
As far as a vacation goes, I would love to go to a much cooler climate right now. I’m already sick of the heat and it has only just started. I’m sure where you are it’s much worse. 🙁
Hi FM!
Good to see you again – hope it means you are feeling better.
I was just about to shut down and head out to see young asklet playing clarinet, but wanted to leave a comment. See you later.
Hiya Ask.
Good to see you too. Yep feeling much better and thanks for asking.
Enjoy the asklet playing clarinet and I’ll see ya later.
Hiya FM! Wonderful to see you!
Great to see you too. Although I have been doing some lurking just to check up on everybody.
What’s this about you going on vacation? Andi never takes a vacation. 🙂
I’d take a vacation every damn day if I could only work out the paycheck thingy.
We’re going on vacation from the 11th-20th in Tennessee (Big South Fork) and Kentucky (Red River Gorge).
Hey, hey, did you see that I got to meet kansas last Saturday? It was way kewl.
Yep that paycheck thingy is always a hassle.
I read where you were going to meet her. Some people are just so lucky. 😛
I’ll be glad when she get her blog back up and running.
She’s going to re-open the blog on 6/15. So June is definitely a good month, what with the both of you coming back.
The 15th is so far away. I want her to open it today. However, since she isn’t, I’ll be happy for the 15th.
I just looked up Big South Fork and you and Jim are staying close to home on this vacation aren’t you? I’ve been through that area a long time ago and it is beautiful.
Yeah, we’ve had some work done on the house and are going to do some more, so we decided to skip going anywhere this spring and go cheaper on the summer vacation.
I’ve been in the area too but it was many decades ago. And the Red River Gorge will be almost like being in Utah because it has lots of natural arches.
Yep we’re waiting on getting some repair work done on our house from a bad storm about a month ago. We’re getting a new roof out of it, but we just had one put on about three years ago from another bad storm. I was surprised when the insurance guy came down off the roof and said we needed a new one.
The brothers and sister keep saying they’re going to chip in and have work done on the inside, but as I told FMom, I’ll believe it when I see it. 🙂
Our biggie this year is going to be new windows. I’m afraid to find out what that is going to cost.
I’d love to be able to refurbish the bathrooms. Especially FMom’s so she would have a walk in shower. Then next would be to put down some wood floors instead of the carpet.
Then again, I’d love to be able to build my own house. Just a small 10,000 SF cabin, not much really. 🙂
Welcome back!!!
Thanks. It good to be back. It feels like old home week all of a sudden. 🙂
Yay! FM – great to see you! The froggy bottom has been a lonely wasteland without you.
I’m all for seeing the USA on vacation. We took an inside passage cruise to Alaska hoping to see it before bush destroyed it. Loved it – even better than the Great Smokies. New York City is a treat too.
Hi Alice!
Thanks for the kind words. I’ve toured through most of the US and half of Canada and there was so much more that I didn’t see. Once I win the lottery it will be nothing but touring. 🙂
whoa! fm, great to see you! :{)
and, like all the others, hope this bodes well for you and fmom…roofing problems aside.
welcome back my friend.
Hiya dada.
Thanks and good to see you too. Both FMom and I seem to be getting better. On the roof, I don’t see where we really need a new one. A few shingles are gone, but we haven’t had any leaks yet. I’m just agreeing with everything the insurance people say and going along for the ride. 🙂
Well hello there! I hope this means you’re feeling much better. We missed your sage, slackerly advice, Oh Magnificent One;-)
My finest memories, the Rhine Valley for the food & drink (although the scenery is pretty nice too) and Gunnison National Forest, obviously for the scenery.
Hiya ID!
Yep we are feeling better and thanks.
I lived in Wiesbaden, GE for a couple of years and the Rhine Valley was a great place. The best I can remember was a Rhine A Flame cruise. We cruised to Koblenz during the day and stopped in a little wine town until night. We cruised back to Mainz during the night and the castles were lite with red flares and a big fireworks display. Pretty impressive. Of course after the stop at the wine town, pretty much everything was impressive. 🙂
Paging RustyPipes to the pool bar. Your floating bench awaits you
The pool bar does look refreshing.
I was thinking more about a summer trip to Montana taken with my husband’s family. The weather was pleasant, the scenery was beautiful and the company was great.
Here’s another beach bar (motto on colorful sign: No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem):
And it was a great vacation!
Hmmmm. I’ve had some good ones.
I think the best, though, wss when I was about 23. I was out on my own, I’d saved up some money from my job as a salesdroid for Radio Shack, and had some vacation time coming. So, I spent it just driving around southern Montana, seeing what I wanted to see, doing what I wanted to do. I went to see the Lewis & Clark Caverns. I visited Virginia City, which I’m glad I did while the Bovey automatic musical instroment collection was still intact (some pieces have since been sold off because the Bovey family couldn’t afford to maintain them anymore, and some burned in a fire at the Bale o’ Hay Saloon). Of course I went to Yellowstone Park and visited little places along the way like Red Lodge and Three Forks. (I had a muffler problem there and got it fixed for three bucks. Three bucks!!)
Well FMom is calling and I’ve got to go. Hopefully I’ll see ya’ll later, or if not, I see ya’ll in the cafe in the morning.
Everyone take care.
Hi FM, I heard you were feeling down. I’m glad to see you’re up and . . . um, not doing anything.
Hi Omir.
Yep I’m feeling my best when doing nothing. 🙂
Favorite vacation?
Up the coast of California North of San Fran and all the way to Victoria BC Canada. The most lovely, lively, restful, enjoyable and just sheer fun 3 months of my life!
Ye Ha!!
Hi all froggies, and welcome to newbie tadpoles, old croakers and intermittent hoppers.
Having a lovely spring rain here in SE Idaho today. How about you?
We made that trip in the opposite direction when I was about 10 or 11, going from eastern Wsshington down the coast through San Francisco and eventually to Disneyland. It was great, except for the times when one or another of us kids got carsick (which was no fun).
Southeast Idaho? What part? We will be going through there at the end of the month on our way to Yellowstone (Fred willing).
I live in Rigby. . .a small town about 90 miles South of West Yellowstone on Highway 20. I am between Rexburg to the North and Idaho Falls to the south.
Would love to say Hi if you are going to be anywhere close. Send me an e-mail and I will send my phone number, call if you get anywhere near me and we can meet for coffee, lunch, dinner or just a howdy, if you would care to.
Yellowstone should be even more beautiful than usual this year with all the snow and rain we have had. You will love it for sure.
For our five year anniversary (married there as well).
ooooh, i can see vibrant green just by closing my eyes and imagining it.
Awaiting Book #3, Kelly. Can’t wait!
Hey Man E, hope you enjoy it. Book 4’s in to my editor and it contains a cameo by the Froggy Bottom Cafe, two actually, one with marmot.
That. Is. Awesome.
Way to make sure you have huge audience for you next book — every marmot in existence is already putting in their order at Amazon. 😉
Also, neato-keeno.
Manny – I so wish you would become one of the U.S. Goodwill Ambassadors to the world!!
As to favorite vacations, I really like being in new places (though not cities so much), but I don’t care for the getting from here to there process.
Reminds me of Toot and Puddles: Meet Toot and Puddle — two small, endearing pigs who are friends and as different as different can be. While Toot likes to travel to places unknown, Puddle prefers to stay home and revel in the joys of everyday life. Whimsical postcards capture the excitement of Toot’s travels, while scenes of Puddle celebrate mundane moments spent in familiar confines.
I more of a Puddle than a Toot. 😉
buenos dias, tampopo (or what’s left of it in your time zone) the great thing about a Puddle is that you’ll always be able to find something great in the times most of us just sail on through without even blinking. hope you’re doing well! 🙂