Take out your violins and cellos. Pass the facial tissue.


In an  exclusive interview with The Times, UK: (June 11, 2008 edition)

President Bush regrets his legacy as man who wanted war.

President Bush has admitted to The Times that his gun-slinging rhetoric made the world believe that he was a “guy really anxious for war” in Iraq. He said that his aim now was to leave his successor a legacy of international diplomacy for tackling Iran.

In an exclusive interview, he expressed regret at the bitter divisions over the war and said that he was troubled about how his country had been misunderstood. “I think that in retrospect I could have used a different tone, a different rhetoric.”

Phrases such as “bring them on” or “dead or alive”, he said, “indicated to people that I was, you know, not a man of peace”. He said that he found it very painful “to put youngsters in harm’s way”. He added: “I try to meet with as many of the families as I can. And I have an obligation to comfort and console as best as I possibly can. I also have an obligation to make sure that those lives were not lost in vain.”


Mr Bush is concerned that the Democratic nominee Barack Obama might open cracks in the West’s united front towards Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. At the EU-US summit in Slovenia, he pressed for tougher sanctions against Iran unless it agreed to suspend its uranium enrichment programme verifiably: “They can either face isolation, or they can have better relations with all of us.”

Mr Bush told The Times that when his successor arrived and assessed “what will work or what won’t work in dealing with Iran”, he would stick with the current policy.

Shaul Mofaz, a hardline Israeli minister, has suggested that a military strike on Iran is “unavoidable”. But Mr Bush said: “We ought to work together, keep focused. His comments really should be viewed as the need to continue to keep pressuring Iran.”


Do you believe that Bush regrets? We need a sprinkle of salt here:

The President was keen to bind his successor into a continued military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq,..”[.]

Is that why Bush is laying the ground work to perpetuate the Iraq situation indefinitely without the approval of Congress or the Iraqi Parliament?

In case you missed it Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s  35 articles of impeachment against Bush was presented to Congress

What is regretful is this; Kucinich’s drive for impeachment won’t gain any traction.

If there are any karma gods still around, there’ll be a war crimes trial of the BushCheney gang.