The political scene may have changed since I went on vacation but the same idiots are on my teevee as were on it before I left. When do you think that will begin to change?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
When they die.
Nah. They can be replaced.
But those will be new idiots.
When you stop watching along with the other 300 million teevee addicts in the US.
Well, looks like Fox cancelled ED Hill after her apology on the Terrorist Fist Bump. Almost sounds like Fox was attempting to be accountable.
And, looks like Countdown finally bumped O’Reilly out for the #1 spot.
On Fox, all the minor cogs are interchangeable.
I think it’s easier to cancel a woman’s show. What double standards. That asshole Glen Beck says 50 outrageous things a week, and they just promote him more and more. This woman (whom I’ve never even heard of) says one outrageous thing, and they dump her.
Sexism? Let’s ask Hillary . . .
New blockbuster release coming this June: Obama as the 100 Million Dollar Man
When will that change? When I buy CNN.
You may want to check out how Larry Johnson’s blog has changed from a sort of non-partisan investigative one into Freeperland II. It’s sole purpose now is to completely annihilate Barack Obama. You wouldn’t believe the hate and vile comments amassing up there, it’s like wading through a cesspool. My guess is Johnson is on the Hillary payroll. I am so glad I didn’t vote for her.
I bring this up particularly here because you are on his blogroll, so I thought you’d want to know.
If I were you, I’d want no part of that mess. Just sayin’.
No, Johnson is still on the CIA’s payroll. They didn’t care if it was Hillary or McCain – so long as it wasn’t Obama.
(That would be my guess.)
I doubt, as an institution, the CIA has such opinions (even informally or implicitly), but factions within it are capable of anything. We’ve all seen the movies, right?
For the really juicy conspiracies, we’ve got to look past the usual suspects.
Muddy the waters and anything is possible..
An Obama under attack by overtly foolish, caricatured opponents will drive people towards an emotional devotion to Obama’s defense, lest they be associated with folks like Larry ‘The Ass’ Johnson. The louder, more offensive, hateful and despicable his opponents are, the more ‘fairminded’ folks (aka not assholes) will gravitate to him.
So let’s keep linking to No Quarter. Especially the threads with the worst comments and the most threats of legal action.
From No Quarter’s comment thread:
oops, layout buster!!!
Well, that’s special. Is it just me or is that rant just a little bit too perfectly stupid?
I dunno, I kinda thought it was funny – even witty – and a decent send up of the 90% spite filled comments over at No Quarter.
I’m always looking for the Dick Cheney hand off to Scooter hand off to Judy Miller to NYT to a front page story that Dick points to on MTP kind of reason – in otherwords, I’d prefer to think this is a Rep planted post that can be pointed to rather than a really sick individual that wants us to call ’em a Democrat.
But you’re right, it does have a certainn rhythm to it, kind of like my first guitar lesson.
It was satire. I’m certain of it.
Definitely! The user name gives it away.
He wants a father who cheats on his mother? What a guy!
The CIA as an institution? Not sure what that means, unless as an institution we’re talking about it’s written charter. The Supreme Court as an institution rules on the constitutionality of laws and legal decisions. It’s just those damned factions on the Supreme Court that get in the way of justice.
The CIA is nothing but factions.
For real juicy conspiracies we’ve got to look past the usual suspects? Huh? Who are the usual suspects? Maybe I’m not following the snark.
Larry Johnson crawled out from under a rock and became a “former CIA” person who mostly ripped his old org regarding Plame. He became a cheerleader for Clinton/attacker of Obama. There is nothing consistent in the personality of someone supposedly fighting for justice for a former fellow employee to become a racist attacking a political candidate for President who opposes the kind of crap thrown at Plame. Johnson at least shows the kind of career path that other CIA psyops have displayed. He’s shown it in support of Plame and Clinton, which should at least call into question Plame and Clinton.
Watch Jonathan Turley on Countdown tonight.
just a different scene. same actors, same lame script.
maybe it’ll change in act lV… deus ex machina and all that.
The political scene may have changed since you went on vacation but the same idiots are running the country too.
Don’t know what to think of Taylor Marsh needing help
She’s done such a good job training her fold that now that she’s supporting Obama they looking to put her out of business.
What bloggers should be on “the list?”
Booman, John Cole, John Aravosis, Kos, Ariana Huffington, Josh Marshall….??
When will it change?
When you turn the goddamned thing off, Booman.
How many times do you have to be told
You be bettah off.
Bet on it.