Thanks, knucklehead. we had a few rainy days while we were here, but the sun did make a few notable appearances and give us the blue sky in that picture.
Things are slowly drying out. Our county didn’t get hit so bad but the ones around us got it much worse and are going to be a long time recovering. Probably a 1/3 of the houses in the area around Jim’s school (which is in the county to the east of us) have flood damage and that wasn’t even one of the worst hit places.
And a lovely pic from you today too! Are you having the gawdawful heat there too?
I’m glad to be home (I think Jim and I have similar travel limits!), but it was a wonderful trip. In spite of the work part. 😉
I’m a little bummed because I somehow knocked the filter on my lens so that it’s slightly off the threads on one edge, and can’t get it all the way on or off now. Does anybody here have any hints on what to do?
I took my camera over to the local camera shop, where the young lady did not want to wait for the other person working there to come over and have a look at me off-kilter 72 mm polarizing filter, and just grabbed the rotating ring and gave it a twist with all her might, and snapped it into 3 pieces.
And then both camera store employees insisted that it was already that way before she touched it. When I called them to get the number of their district manager, they actually refused to give it to me, and began yelling at me that I was being ungrateful when all they had done was try to help. Whereupon I lost my patience and cursed at him.
I called their other store, and when I began to explain what happened to their camera tech, he groaned at their stupidity. And gave me the company owner’s phone number.
I am so ticked off. I took it in there because I didn’t want to break it, and they broke it for me. And then yelled at me for not being more appreciative of their hard work.
arrggghhhhh! those things are expensive too. l hope the lens barrel inner threads aren’t trashed as well.
l’d think an apology, a new filter, and who knows what else depending on the extent of the damage, are the least he could do…and l wouldn’t be shy about demanding it.
did you get the equip there originally? certainly a positioning point.
Actually, I always use B&H because their prices and shipping are the best. Did I mention that the filter is attached to my 18-200 lens?
I called another place a few towns over, explained my predicament, and after being appropriately horrified by my story, they said to bring it in. I’m pretty sure she only destroyed my filter…but not for lack of trying to do more.
agree on B&H, have used them for years, and rec them highly. l figured it might be the 18-200…as l remember when l looked at switching to nikon a while back, it took a big filter dia….[that is one sweet lens btw. canon doesn’t make a comparable unit, and l’ve too much canon gear to switch…do have a 17-85mm that’s a pretty sweet walking around lens]
the first thing l’d have done was remove the filter from the lens, assuming that it was the rotating element that had come undone…speculation and and hindsight, always 20/20.
It was actually that the filter was screwed on a little crooked (maybe I hit it on something?), and I couldn’t unscrew it.
Anyway, the good news is that I drove over to where I should have taken it in the first place, where they took their filter wrench and got the other piece of the filter off, and now I have a new polarizing filter that will screw on and off.
I’m thinking about mailing the broken one to the store owner with a letter explaining how it got that way, and why I will be telling anyone who will listen to me not to patronize his business. I’m just not sure it’s worth the postage…
Welcome home CG. I was suitably horrified with the beginning of your story, but when you got to the part where they lied and yelled at you, I was astounded. I think you have every right to bitch as loudly as you want. At the very least, I would find search out the management at have a word with them.
I’m glad you got the problem resolved and that y’all made it back home safely.
I think that phone call was the first time I’ve ever actually yelled at a store employee. Probably the first time I ever had one do something right in front of me and then deny she did it, too.
I’m just glad I have my filter problem fixed now. I had a lot of fun with my camera on our trip.
Morning Family Man. The voting is going pretty good. Both Manny and I are now on the front page but the more the better. LOL I know that is not the only criteria but I am sure grassroots support will help.
LOL yeah but you wouldn’t think so highly of my picture taking if you saw some of the goos this past weekend at the convention. I had the dang thing set on video instead of camera. LOL
Hi refinish! Italy was so gorgeous, it was hard to stop taking pictures…I think we took 338.
I had to go vote for you and Manny – I hope you both are selected, because you both deserve to go (and maybe I’ll even come this year if you guys are there!)
Sounds like a close relative of the tang sandwich: Tang, fluffernutter, and 2 slices of Wonder bread.
Num, num.
I’m missing all the nice cheeses and various hams with yummy crunchy breads and fresh fruit we had for breakfast last week. And to think that was just the standard hotel buffet there…what a change from the dunkin donuts and non-dairy creamer fare you get here.
Yeah, breakfast in Europe is always very nice (except for all the meat and fish in Sweden which didn’t thrill me). I especially liked the breakfast in Germany (beautiful breads, wonderful fresh yogurt, and great muesli.
You’ve might have just found my calling for me. But we’d have to rename it from Shabby Lawn movement to something like Save the Weeds movement. Something environmental. 🙂
I wonder if this could be the road to a comfortable retirement. I could open up a weed warehouse and send out only the best weeds for everyone’s lawn. I could start a blogger page and have the Shabby Lawn of the month. Of course mine would have to be first. 😉
I hope your asthma isn’t acting up to badly. I’ve never had it, but I’ve lived around enough people that do. It can horrible. Stay inside and take care of yourself.
Oops. I think I posted a new cafe at the same time you posted your comment. It’s such a gorgeous picture, I think you should post it again in the new cafe. 🙂
and you guys need a new cafe!
We do!
Is that the Italian spelling…
Yeah, I thought the title needed to go with the picture. 🙂
That’s on Isola Pescatore, where we stayed Sunday night.
ahhh…the colours, great shot!
I loved the colors they paint their houses! And the architecture sort of made me feel like I was in a postcard or something.
It was just wonderful. Now I want to go back again…
Very nice rich colors. I love it.
Thanks, knucklehead. we had a few rainy days while we were here, but the sun did make a few notable appearances and give us the blue sky in that picture.
Lovely pic, CG. Welcome home.
click for larger
Morning Andi.
How are things going up there? Hope you and ID are fine.
Welcome back CG! Very European picture you have up there.
Things are slowly drying out. Our county didn’t get hit so bad but the ones around us got it much worse and are going to be a long time recovering. Probably a 1/3 of the houses in the area around Jim’s school (which is in the county to the east of us) have flood damage and that wasn’t even one of the worst hit places.
Hopefully the rain stays away long enough for everyone to dry out.
I saw where it’s starting to hit the Mississippi River. It will be headed down this way soon.
We dodged a bullet yesterday — there was a chance for heavy rain and it didn’t happen so that will really help.
It looks to me like all of the mid-west is just getting creamed.
Thanks FM. I’m sure you all will be seeing a few more where those came from…. 🙂
Have I told you yet how happy I am to see you feeling better and back to posting in the cafe?
I always like pictures from Europe. I always try to see is it a place I recognize.
I’m glad to be back and thanks. 🙂
And a lovely pic from you today too! Are you having the gawdawful heat there too?
I’m glad to be home (I think Jim and I have similar travel limits!), but it was a wonderful trip. In spite of the work part. 😉
I’m a little bummed because I somehow knocked the filter on my lens so that it’s slightly off the threads on one edge, and can’t get it all the way on or off now. Does anybody here have any hints on what to do?
It sounded like it was a great trip, even with the work.
Yep, heat here too — upper 80, low 90s. Lots of humidity. Ugh.
Jim thinks you should take it to a camera shop.
That’s what I thought too…guess I’ll do that this morning.
Oh, did I mention that we had a welcome home thunderstorm and 12-hour power outage last night. It’s so good to be home.
I took my camera over to the local camera shop, where the young lady did not want to wait for the other person working there to come over and have a look at me off-kilter 72 mm polarizing filter, and just grabbed the rotating ring and gave it a twist with all her might, and snapped it into 3 pieces.
And then both camera store employees insisted that it was already that way before she touched it. When I called them to get the number of their district manager, they actually refused to give it to me, and began yelling at me that I was being ungrateful when all they had done was try to help. Whereupon I lost my patience and cursed at him.
I called their other store, and when I began to explain what happened to their camera tech, he groaned at their stupidity. And gave me the company owner’s phone number.
I am so ticked off. I took it in there because I didn’t want to break it, and they broke it for me. And then yelled at me for not being more appreciative of their hard work.
arrggghhhhh! those things are expensive too. l hope the lens barrel inner threads aren’t trashed as well.
l’d think an apology, a new filter, and who knows what else depending on the extent of the damage, are the least he could do…and l wouldn’t be shy about demanding it.
did you get the equip there originally? certainly a positioning point.
good luck cg.
Actually, I always use B&H because their prices and shipping are the best. Did I mention that the filter is attached to my 18-200 lens?
I called another place a few towns over, explained my predicament, and after being appropriately horrified by my story, they said to bring it in. I’m pretty sure she only destroyed my filter…but not for lack of trying to do more.
Thanks for listening…
agree on B&H, have used them for years, and rec them highly. l figured it might be the 18-200…as l remember when l looked at switching to nikon a while back, it took a big filter dia….[that is one sweet lens btw. canon doesn’t make a comparable unit, and l’ve too much canon gear to switch…do have a 17-85mm that’s a pretty sweet walking around lens]
the first thing l’d have done was remove the filter from the lens, assuming that it was the rotating element that had come undone…speculation and and hindsight, always 20/20.
hoping for the best. good luck.
It was actually that the filter was screwed on a little crooked (maybe I hit it on something?), and I couldn’t unscrew it.
Anyway, the good news is that I drove over to where I should have taken it in the first place, where they took their filter wrench and got the other piece of the filter off, and now I have a new polarizing filter that will screw on and off.
I’m thinking about mailing the broken one to the store owner with a letter explaining how it got that way, and why I will be telling anyone who will listen to me not to patronize his business. I’m just not sure it’s worth the postage…
postage is cheap, esp if it’s a letter to the editor in the local rag, could probably do that via the intertubes, $0…eh.
probably shouldn’t encourage you, but…:{)
glad you got it resolved satisfactorily.
Jim and I are really sorry about that … what a pisser. I hope you let everyone you know what a crappy place that camera store it.
In the end, it’s been fixed elsewhere (see my reply to dada above).
I’m resisting the temptation to blog about it and googlebomb them…
Welcome home CG. I was suitably horrified with the beginning of your story, but when you got to the part where they lied and yelled at you, I was astounded. I think you have every right to bitch as loudly as you want. At the very least, I would find search out the management at have a word with them.
I’m glad you got the problem resolved and that y’all made it back home safely.
I think that phone call was the first time I’ve ever actually yelled at a store employee. Probably the first time I ever had one do something right in front of me and then deny she did it, too.
I’m just glad I have my filter problem fixed now. I had a lot of fun with my camera on our trip.
(btw, you have ravmail…)
Morning all!!!! Love the colorful picture up top and Miss Andi’s beautiful picture also!!! Someday I will learn how to use a camera. LOL
I wanted to than those who voted for Manny and I for the Netroots Nation scholarships and also remind those who haven’t yet. LOL
Help Send refinish69 and Man Eegee to Netroots Nation
Morning RF.
How’s the voting coming?
Morning Family Man. The voting is going pretty good. Both Manny and I are now on the front page but the more the better. LOL I know that is not the only criteria but I am sure grassroots support will help.
Hey you can’t fool us … we know you can use a camera — otherwise, we’d never have all those great pictures of the diva dogs.
LOL yeah but you wouldn’t think so highly of my picture taking if you saw some of the goos this past weekend at the convention. I had the dang thing set on video instead of camera. LOL
Hi refinish! Italy was so gorgeous, it was hard to stop taking pictures…I think we took 338.
I had to go vote for you and Manny – I hope you both are selected, because you both deserve to go (and maybe I’ll even come this year if you guys are there!)
I would love for you to be here!!! We could have a Froggy Bottom Happy Hour. LOL
and go for a
coolcooler morning walk.Hope everybody has a fine day.
George is whining, so I’ve got to get going.
Have a good day in the pond.
Exams start today. Only two more mornings to wake up early left in the school year!!!!!!!!!!!
And then you have a sabbatical year, don’t you? Niiice. What are your plans (besides loving up that little cutie Andrew)?
CBtY is mentally finished with school (it’s hard o get up and go when everyone else is home all day), but has to go until the 19th.
A beautiful day here after last night’s storms. I’ll be walking later on.
There’s definitely been an improvement in the temperature post storms.
Happy walking!
Thanks, CG!
What a waste of a zillion puns that we’re not in a feud with the DailyKos.
click for larger
Hey, we could always have a pretend feud…
Nah. For some reason, I seem to have had enough of feuding for awhile. 😉
Though I did go find a recipe for mock orange pie (doesn’t use the flower though).
Yeah, feuding didn’t have that much appeal for me either.
The flowers are really pretty. But what is a mock orange pie?
Am I late in seeing it or did ya’ll see that Booman is over at Raw Story?
I just went and looked. 🙂
It’s made with powdered “orange breakfast drink” (and cool whip, sour cream, and condensed milk) — it sounds kind of awful.
Sounds like a close relative of the tang sandwich: Tang, fluffernutter, and 2 slices of Wonder bread.
Num, num.
I’m missing all the nice cheeses and various hams with yummy crunchy breads and fresh fruit we had for breakfast last week. And to think that was just the standard hotel buffet there…what a change from the dunkin donuts and non-dairy creamer fare you get here.
And ya’ll give me a hard time about pimento cheese sandwiches, go figure. 🙂
Yep I always did like the breakfasts at European hotels and bed and breakfast places.
Ew, not the pimento cheese again… 🙂
Well you started it with tang sandwiches. 😛
Yeah, breakfast in Europe is always very nice (except for all the meat and fish in Sweden which didn’t thrill me). I especially liked the breakfast in Germany (beautiful breads, wonderful fresh yogurt, and great muesli.
Someone I know was very impressed with the banana chips that were provided for adding to your cereal.
The lack of eggs (ok, 23 places had hard boiled ones) for breakfast was kind of interesting.
Morning Andi and CG.
Waiting for coffee and my eyes to completely open. Actually I need the coffee more than I do to see good.
Hi FM!
I know what you mean about needing coffee to see good…I’m just starting my first cup, and I feel like everything still looks fuzzy…
Even after coffee everything will still look fuzzy to me, but I haven’t gotten a new pair of glasses in years. Gotta do something about that someday.
I sure hope you didn’t mow the lawn yesterday.
Hi Andi.
Nope I didn’t do the lawn yesterday, but I did do it the day before. Hah!
No weed eating though, so it still looks reasonable shabby. 🙂
Well that’s good. I’m all for shabby lawns. In fact, if I wasn’t almost as good a slacker as you, I’d start a Shabby Lawn movement.
You’ve might have just found my calling for me. But we’d have to rename it from Shabby Lawn movement to something like Save the Weeds movement. Something environmental. 🙂
I like Save the Weeds. I do believe this is the cause for you.
Giddy says my cause should Go for a Walk. So I guess I’m outta here.
See ya later.
Enjoy your walk.
George is whining to get out too.
See ya later.
Save the weeds!
Maybe we can get Mary-Louise Parker to host a telethon on 4/20?
Hiya Jim.
We need a catchy phrase first. Plus a multi-millionaire donor for national TV spots. I can do the first, but someone else will have to do the second.
Gotta go, George is really starting to jump.
Where can I contribute to Save the Weeds? You need to set up a blogger page for it.
Hi Boran
I wonder if this could be the road to a comfortable retirement. I could open up a weed warehouse and send out only the best weeds for everyone’s lawn. I could start a blogger page and have the Shabby Lawn of the month. Of course mine would have to be first. 😉
Morning everyone. A hot smoky day on tap due to the wildfires in the eastern part of the state. Just the thing for a fat, asthmatic…
Afternoon SN
I hope your asthma isn’t acting up to badly. I’ve never had it, but I’ve lived around enough people that do. It can horrible. Stay inside and take care of yourself.
Hiya Andi
That looks like a nice little place to just lay in. I’d be shussing (wonder if that’s a word) the pack to the side.
Anyone know if Keres is on vacation or something? I’m missing my weekly Alfred and Luna pics. I hope she’s ok.
I don’t know where Keres is, but I’m like you, and I want some Alfred and Luna pics.
keres was around last week but she’s said that she’s been really busy. It looks like she’s still too busy for Dog Blogging. 🙁
Thanks. Busy is good, illness or injury is not! :>)
Especially since I’m on vacation next week.
click for larger
Oops. I think I posted a new cafe at the same time you posted your comment. It’s such a gorgeous picture, I think you should post it again in the new cafe. 🙂