This past week was the Texas Democratic State Convention and I was there as an Obama Delegate.  It was so thrilling and exhausting to be with over 15,000 Democrats for 3 days.  

                The weekend started off Thursday night with all the parties.  I was at the Bloggers Caucus and had a blast!!!  It is one of the best attended parties at every Texas Convention.  We had lots of bloggers, candidates, elected officials and excited Democrats.  Who wouldn’t have a great time drinking and talking politics with some the best of the Texas Blogosphere.  The event was host by the Texas Progressive Alliance and I am happy to report I am a member.

Listen to the podcast @ Hearding Cats at the Texas Democratic Convention

A little music, a little politics and a few laughs. LOL
Here are just a few of the great candidates who stopped by;(be sure and visit their websites to help out with their campaigns)


                Diana Maldonado TX-HD52


                Robert Miklos TX-HD 101


                Larry Joe Doherty TX-US 10 and his wife Joanne


                Glen Melancon TX-US Con 4

                Rick Noriega

                Rick Noreiga TX-US Senate

                The list goes on and on….

Now is the time for Democrats to get busy working on the November elections.  WE need to elect good people from the White House to the Courthouse!!!

Friday was spent waiting in lines and finding rooms and then finally convening the SD14 delegates to start the long procedure of voting for committee members and also national delegates.  We set Texas history by staying in session the longest of any senate district ever.  We were there till 3:36 am on Friday Night and then had to be back as early as 8 am for some. LOL

Chelsea Clinton spoke to the Delegates on Friday night.

Saturday was spent listening to speeches and voting on resolutions, the party platform and the Party Chairperson.  I am happy to say that Boyd Richie was reelected to a second term.   I finally gave up around 7pm and headed out for dinner and cocktails but I know others who stayed till at least midnight on Saturday.  

Texas By The Numbers

Remembering Ann Richards

 and Lady Bird Johnson

and honoring a True Texas Statesman and Hero

Texas Senator Mario Gallegos

We are ready to Take Texas Back and we hope you will join us in this battle!!!

Help Send me to Netroots Nation!!!

Netroots Nation is coming to Austin next month and the only way I will be able to attend is if I win one of the scholarships being offered by Democracy for America. I am asking all my readers and blogging friends to help me make a dream come true.

                They have announced at Democracy for America that one scholarship will be awarded solely on the number of grass roots supporters.  I have 40 supporters as of airtime but I know my listeners would love to hear me podcast live from Netroots Nation.  

                I got started blogging after attending Demfest 2005 in Austin and meeting some of the top bloggers from around the world. They inspired me to add blogging and podcasting to my political and civil rights activities. The blogging community has made a huge difference in American politics and I believe I have helped inform people about issues near and dear to my heart.

                Attending Netroots Nation will give me a chance to meet some of the great bloggers who inspire me with their activism and writing while also challenging me to do more and more to continue the battle to make this a better world for all people.

                Please visit my Netroots scholarship application and show me some of that famous grassroots support.