Out of the 81 representatives and 29 senators of the Democratic Party that voted to authorize military force against Iraq, only two can truly be said to have prospered. Rep. Rod Blagojevich was elected as Governor of Illinois and Sen. Harry Reid was promoted to Majority Leader. Some other members have since acquired chairmanships or (in Chuck Schumer and Steny Hoyer’s cases) leadership positions, but no other pro-war voters have advanced to higher office. In fact, they have all (save Blagojevich) lost in every single attempt to advance their careers. Here is the sad state of the pro-war caucus in the House:

Gary Ackerman (NY)-
Rob Andrews (NJ)- lost senate primary to Frank Lautenberg in 2008
James Barcia (MI)- deceased
Ken Bentsen (TX)- lost senate primary to Ron Kirk in 2002
Shelley Berkley (NV)-
Howard Berman (CA)-
Marion Berry (AR)-
Sanford Bishop (GA)-
Rod Blagojevich (IL)- elected Governor of Illinois in 2002
Bob Borski (PA)- retired after redistricting
Leonard Boswell (IA)- just survived primary challenge in 2008
Rick Boucher (VA)-
Allan Boyd (FL)-
Brad Carson (OK)- lost 2004 senate race to Tom Coburn
Bob Clement (TN)- lost 2002 senate race to Lamar Alexander
Robert ‘Bud’ Cramer- retiring in 2009
Joe Crowley (NY)-
Jim Davis (FL)- lost gubernatorial race to Charlie Christ in 2006
Peter Deutsch (FL)- lost senate primary to Betty Castor in 2004. Mel Martinez won the seat.
Norm Dicks (WA)-
Cal Dooley (CA)- retired in 2004
Chet Edwards (TX)-
Eliot Engel (NY)-
Bob Etheridge (NC)-
Harold Ford Jr. (TN)- lost senate campaign in 2006
Martin Frost- lost reelection in 2002. Victim of Tom DeLay’s redistricting plan
Dick Gephardt (MO)- did not win single primary in 2004 presidential bid
Bart Gordon (TN)-
Gene Green (TX)-
Ralph Hall (TX)- switched to GOP in 2004
Jane Harman (CA)- narrowly survived primary challenge in 2006
Baron Hill (IN)- defeated in 2004. Re-elected in 2006
Joe Hoeffel (PA)- lost senate challenge to Arlen Specter in 2004
Tim Holden (PA)-
Steny Hoyer- Majority Leader of House of Representatives
Steve Israel (NY)-
William Jefferson (LA)- under indictment
Chris John (LA)- lost senate bid to David Vitter in 2004
Paul Kanjorski (PA)-
Patrick Kennedy (RI)-
Ron Kind (WI)-
Nick Lampson (TX)- defeated in 2004 as part of Tom DeLay’s redistricting. Won election in DeLay’s distict in 2006.
Tom Lantos- deceased
Nita Lowey (NY)-
Ken Lucas (KY)- retired in 2004. Lost election bid for old seat in 2006
Bill Luther (MN)- defeated in 2002. Victim of redistricting
Stephen Lynch (MA)
Carolyn Maloney (NY)
Ed Markey (MA)-
Frank Mascara (PA)- lost primary against John Murtha after 2002 redistricting
Jim Matheson (UT)-
Carolyn McCarthy (NY)-
Mike McIntyre (NC)-
Mike McNulty (NY)- retiring in 2009
Marty Meehan (MA)- retired in 2007
Dennis Moore (KS)-
John Murtha (PA)-
Bill Pascrell (NJ)-
Collin Peterson (MN)-
Dave Phelps (IL)- lost to Shimkus after 2002 redistricting
Earl Pomeroy (ND)-
Tim Roemer (IN)- retired in 2003
Mike Ross- (AR)-
Steve Rothman (NJ)-
Max Sandlin (TX)- defeated in 2004. Victim of Tom DeLay’s resdistricting plan
Adam Schiff (CA)-
Brad Sherman (CA)-
Ronnie Shows (MS)- defeated in 2002, after redistricting
Ike Skelton (MO)-
Adam Smith (WA)-
John Spratt (SC)-
Charlie Stenholm (TX)- defeated in 2004. Victim of Tom DeLay’s redistricting plan.
John Tanner (TN)-
Ellen Tauscher (CA)-
Gene Taylor (MS)-
Karen Thurman (FL)- defeated in 2002. Victim of redistricting
Jim Turner (TX)- retired in 2005. Victim of Tom DeLay’s redistricting plan
Henry Waxman (CA)-
Anthony Weiner (NY)- lost the 2005 Mayoral primary in NYC
Robert Wexler (FL)-
Al Wynn (MD)- lost primary to Donna Edwards in 2008

And here is the sad state of the pro-war caucus in the Senate.

Max Baucus (D-MT)-
Evan Bayh (D-IN)-
Joe Biden (D-DE)- 2008 presidential bid went nowhere
John Breaux (D-LA)- retired in 2005
Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
Jean Carnahan (D-MO)- defeated in 2002
Tom Carper (D-DE)-
Max Cleland (D-GA)- defeated in 2002
Hillary Clinton (D-NY)- defeated in 2008 presidential primary despite being heavy favorite
Tom Daschle (D-SD)- defeated in 2004
Chris Dodd (D-CT)- 2008 presidential bid went nowhere
Byron Dorgan (D-ND)-
John Edwards (D-NC)- lost 2004 presidential election as part of John Kerry’s ticket. Won no primaries in 2008 presidential bid
Diane Feinstein (D-CA)-
Tom Harkin (D-IA)-
Fritz Hollings (D-SC)- retired in 2003. Democrats lost seat to GOP
Tim Johnson (D-SD)-
John Kerry (D-MA)- lost 2004 presidential bid
Herb Kohl (D-WI)-
Mary Landrieu (D-LA)- only vulnerable Democratic senator in 2008 election
Joe Lieberman (D-CT)- lost 2006 primary to Ned Lamont. Now an Independent that is supporting John McCain
Blanche Lincoln (D-AR)-
Zell Miller (D-GA)- retired in 2005. Endorsed George W. Bush’s reelection and spoke at Republican National Convention. Democrats lost seat to GOP
Bill Nelson (D-FL)-
Ben Nelson (D-NE)-
Harry Reid (D-NV)- Majority Leader
Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)-
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)-
Bob Torricelli (D-NJ)- did not run for reelection in 2002 because of scandal

What does this tell you about whether or not Barack Obama should pick someone as his running mate that voted for the war?