For the past year, I have heard the stories coming out of the press, and liberal bloggers all over the internet that this is the Democrats year. All they have to do is trot out John Mc.Cain, and morph him into George Bush, and the Democrats will take control of the White House back after Bush has soiled it for the past eight years. But the latest Gallup poll may give some Democrats an uneasy feeling.

In the poll, it shows that Barack Obama has only a 3% lead over Mc.Cain, 45-42% That is statistically a dead heat, and what’s worse, Obama’s lead is down after Hillary Clinton got out of the race and endorsed Obama.

Now I know this is only one poll, and it’s only a snapshot in time, but with the way things are running in this country right now, Obama should have a 12-15% lead.
Think about it. The economy is bad, we are in an endless Iraqi war, gas prices are through the roof, homes are foreclosing in record rates, Bush’s approval rating is at an all time low of 25%, most of the world hates us because of Bush’s cowboy diplomacy, the middle class is worse off than eight years ago, the poor are getting poorer, while the rich just get richer. All this bad news comes in a time where we have a Republican in the White House. Obama has said over and over again that he is the change candidate, and this is a change election, but we have yet to see the supposed change candidate manifest itself in an environment that certainly favors Democrats.

So what is Obama’s problem? Could the people who voted for Hillary be holding out on Obama? Could it be that Obama is a classic liberal, and in some parts of this country, the word liberal is a dirty word? John Mc.Cain is one of the worst candidates the Republicans could ever throw at the Democrats. The guy makes paint drying an exciting thing to watch, he is prone to making gaffes in his supposed strength in foreign policy, a solid minority in his own party hate the guy because he isn’t conservative enough, and to top that off, he represents a party who can’t get out of its own way.

If I were a Democrat, I would be worried. Here we have a fresh, young face in Barack Obama, who has dethroned the Clinton machine, on a message of change in this country, who is suffering with all kinds of problems, running against a man, a party, and a sitting worthless president, and he is only up by 3%!!!

Something ain’t right here.