Well, we certainly can’t exchange Saturday for Monday, can we?
I am a little busy. Have a work something I need to send in this morning that isn’t as close to being finished as I might like..so I’m up early and having a little coffee and trying to wake up before I get started.
Not too busy.
Things have calmed down since last week, swimmer left for vacation on Monday (thunderstorms delayed her flight from 5.40 pm till 1 am). Young asklet will come over a bit later and we’ll enjoy a beautiful day.
You know, busy with stuff. CBtE has been out of school for nearly 3 weeks, so I’m trying to keep him from becoming a total teenage slug (hopefully he’ll read the books we got at the library yesterday); CBtY has his last day tomorrow.
Looking forward to going to the beach at the end of July, and trying to get ahead on my work schedule so I can relax a little.
Three weeks between the end of the school year for the two? Wow, that’s a big gap. What grades will they be in this fall?
We don’t have much planned, nothing like a trip to Italy 🙂 We’ll be pretty broke for the next year so the race is on as to who finds a part-time job first, me or my husband. Thus, I’ll be riding the bus as often as I can. I have to make one transfer today to get to where I am going.
Howdy all. This is just a drive-by picture post because I only have internet access for a short time. Talk to you all after I get back home Friday night.
hey everyone, just wanted to drop a quick note of thanks for your support with the DfA scholarships to Netroots Nation. I got a call a couple of days ago that I was selected. I’m looking forward to going to Austin and, hopefully, seeing some of you!
I wanted to say thanks again for your activated charcoal idea. This finally arrived in my mail today, and after being in the car for an hour, the decaying animal smell of the ground turkey is GONE! I feel like I should be their spokesperson or something.
And now I’m starting to want to go to Netroots Nation too…
But now you won’t be able to justify buying a vespa?
Yeah – having Manny there is making all the difference in my frame of mind. Especially when Austin will seem COOL to him. Except for the humidity … so maybe it will still be ok to complain about the heat.
Did you see Carnacki got a scholarship too?
I wish Refinish had gotten one. I’m hoping he has a Plan B. Since he’s local it would be wrong for him to miss it.
appreciate it, Kamakhya! I touched based with SanDiegoDem, who will be there. It’ll be nice to see her after two years from the Del Mar meetup (time flies!) hope you and KamaKid are doing well.
Good morning, boran and everyone else!
Friday is finally here. It is also the longest day of 2008 and summer solstice occurs at 23.59 (may vary depending on your location).
It’s a really interesting area with lots of variation — there are the lush areas, rhododendron “hells”, beautiful forests, sheer cliffs, arches, and, of course, the Red River.
FMom and I are doing fine. It looks like the whole family will be down here this w/e. I’ve got to get some coffee in me and start cleaning around here.
Giddy is pointing out she rates some sympathy for not having gotten to take me for a walk in the woods for a week. So I’m off. Don’t clean too much … it’ll just get dirty again, anyway.
Oh FM – I feel your pain about the whole fam damily being down there. Sit out in the carport with a beer and give me a call and forget about the turkeys if they get to you. 😉
Well I’ve got part of the house cleaned and just resting for awhile before I get the rest. Wish I could sit out in the carport with a beer, but that would have all hell raining down on me and don’t want to do that.
I’ve just have George as a buffer. That constant barking does work. 🙂
Well unless I’ve somehow overlooked a large river, big cliffs, arches and alcoves and a huge profusion of rhododendrons over the last 29 years, I definitely wasn’t home.
Hi FM! Things are slowly returning to relative sanity here after the big floods of June 7. I got our state senator to come over to a disaster briefing a week ago yesterday, even though she had fallen & broken several ribs and punctured a lung a few weeks before. I don’t think she had even been cleared to drive yet by the docs. I could tell she was in pain, but she showed up anyway. I always knew she was one of the “good guys”. Anyway, she went home afterward and called the guv and screeched pretty loudly that we needed assistance down here NOW! So we have a pretty nice group of services here, including FEMA, who are out doing inspections an incredible one day after the homeowner registers for assistance. Heckuvajob, Michael. We’ll see how long it takes for the $$ to show up.
As for me, I have a high school class reunion this afternoon. Once again the geezers gather.
About 10 years ago, she helped us get 225K to help buy a really nice fire engine and I’m still grateful for that! The total cost was 312K after equipment and that’s a lot of fish sandwiches!
why isn’t it Friday yet?
Good morning, CG!
Cause then it would be Monday on Saturday…
Busy morning?
Well, we certainly can’t exchange Saturday for Monday, can we?
I am a little busy. Have a work something I need to send in this morning that isn’t as close to being finished as I might like..so I’m up early and having a little coffee and trying to wake up before I get started.
How about you?
Not too busy.
Things have calmed down since last week, swimmer left for vacation on Monday (thunderstorms delayed her flight from 5.40 pm till 1 am). Young asklet will come over a bit later and we’ll enjoy a beautiful day.
Sounds very nice. It’s nice having plenty of time to hang out with the young asklet this summer, isn’t it?
I’m about half done my project, trying to finish before noon. Not so relaxing!
But after that, I think I’m going to take a walk or break out the bikes for a ride with CBtE.
Hi everybody!
Good morning! Are you all done school now? enjoying a leisurely morning at home?
Indeed. School is done. Everyone is out of the house. I will attempt to navigate the local bus system for the first time today.
How are you?
You know, busy with stuff. CBtE has been out of school for nearly 3 weeks, so I’m trying to keep him from becoming a total teenage slug (hopefully he’ll read the books we got at the library yesterday); CBtY has his last day tomorrow.
Looking forward to going to the beach at the end of July, and trying to get ahead on my work schedule so I can relax a little.
What are you up to this summer?
Three weeks between the end of the school year for the two? Wow, that’s a big gap. What grades will they be in this fall?
We don’t have much planned, nothing like a trip to Italy 🙂 We’ll be pretty broke for the next year so the race is on as to who finds a part-time job first, me or my husband. Thus, I’ll be riding the bus as often as I can. I have to make one transfer today to get to where I am going.
Hay CG! The b2 has a series of half days through next week. Great for working parents.
They’re just trying to drive you insane, aren’t they?
When does camp start?
Insane is the word. Camp starts at the very end of June, I believe.
And why the bus? Or do I even need to ask with gas prices being what they are?
Good morning everyone.
George woke me up to go out, but I think I’ll go back to sleep. It’s Saturday isn’t it? 🙂
During the next year, everyday is Saturday!
Lucky you!
Off to run errands. See everyone later.
Hope we can all agree on the message of this video.
(I don’t know if it can be embedded, couldn’t figure it out.)
I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy the 5 minutes…
Howdy all. This is just a drive-by picture post because I only have internet access for a short time. Talk to you all after I get back home Friday night.
Early morning along side the Red River

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Trails are decorated with rhododendrons in bloom

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I really like the picture of the river, with rays of streaming through the trees.
It looks gorgeous. Hope you all are having fun…we’ve missed you in the mornings!
Good morning all.
George decided 3:00 am was a good time to get me up to take him outside. Of course he’s back asleep now and I’m awake.
Supposed to be another nice day down here.
Good morning, FM!
Woke up at 4, but actually managed to go back to sleep.
You need to get back at George – maybe train him to chase snakes away.
Morning Ask
I did manage to get back to sleep. I can’t train him to chase snakes away. The only thing he’d learn from me is to run away screaming from snakes. 🙂
3:00 A.M.? He needs a litter box.
Morning Toni.
Litter box……I wonder.
Ugh. I’m sorry he did that, FM. It was a restless night here too, but with people getting up in the night.
Today is CBtY’s last day of school! Woo-hoo! No more getting up at 6 AM for a while.
Morning CG.
Congrats to CBtY on last day of school. You’ll still be waking up early though. 🙂
I’ve been getting up early also. Maybe by posting here all our hormones are now in sync. 😉
hey everyone, just wanted to drop a quick note of thanks for your support with the DfA scholarships to Netroots Nation. I got a call a couple of days ago that I was selected. I’m looking forward to going to Austin and, hopefully, seeing some of you!
This is such great news!
We’re counting on you to live up to the reputation of boran2. He was a party animal in Las Vegas. A party animal I tell you.
This is making me much more excited about the idea of NN this year.
heh, I bet he was – you should have seen the effects of the Sedona vortex on him last summer. Wild, I say, Wild 😉
I’m excited to finally get to meet you. We can test out some of those drink recipes that I have flogged over the years in the lounge. jejeje
ALL of those drink recipes? oy!
Damn, I miss out on all the fun…. 🙁
You should come. We could have a good time. We could skip all of the big name blogger stuff (or go and make fun of them) and just hang out.
The mister owes you …
Hmmmm….where are you staying?
The Hilton Austin. (That’s the convention hotel.)
If you keep your eyes open at DailyKos there is usually someone selling their registration to the convention that they bought when it was cheaper.
Just think … Manny ….
and me too of course. And hopefully CG. And Boo. But I know the three of us combined don’t rise to the level of Manny. 🙂
I wonder if Fabooj is going again this year?
I second this.
We could redefine fun for the rest of eternity.
Will you wear your Zorro mask?
that can be arranged. there is a precedent already established for mask-wearing.
Hmm, I prefer Zorro, but we can work something out. 😛
i’m flexible
Oh my.
I wanted to say thanks again for your activated charcoal idea. This finally arrived in my mail today, and after being in the car for an hour, the decaying animal smell of the ground turkey is GONE! I feel like I should be their spokesperson or something.
And now I’m starting to want to go to Netroots Nation too…
that was really FAST. I’m glad it worked.
But now you won’t be able to justify buying a vespa?
Yeah – having Manny there is making all the difference in my frame of mind. Especially when Austin will seem COOL to him. Except for the humidity … so maybe it will still be ok to complain about the heat.
Did you see Carnacki got a scholarship too?
I wish Refinish had gotten one. I’m hoping he has a Plan B. Since he’s local it would be wrong for him to miss it.
i hear they’re working on getting local bloggers squared away to be able to attend. i really hope it works out and refinish can be there.
i’d still like to get together with him if he’s unable to make it to the conference. will see what happens over the next couple of weeks.
appreciate it a lot!
Congratulations, Manny! Now I wanna go too…
gracias, CG. I was wondering if i’d be seeing you and others in Austin.
I’m wondering if Manny brings all his drink recipes if ya’ll make it to the meetings or not? 🙂
there will be some sessions where a liquid primer will be a necessity.
Congratulations, Manny! Have a great time. Wish I could go this year.
thanks, b2!
That is so great! You totally deserve it!
appreciate it, Kamakhya! I touched based with SanDiegoDem, who will be there. It’ll be nice to see her after two years from the Del Mar meetup (time flies!) hope you and KamaKid are doing well.
Hey, tell SD Dem I said hi, will ya?
will do!
Way to go! (and way to get to go.)
thx, Andi and welcome home!
Good morning, boran and everyone else!
Friday is finally here. It is also the longest day of 2008 and summer solstice occurs at 23.59 (may vary depending on your location).
I thought she was coming back tonight. Where the F are the Fs?
Taking a nap after a long drive? Or down and depressed like most everyone else because of today’s FISA vote.
They’re around since I got a rating from Jim this afternoon.
Fortunately we’re too tired yet for that to have hit us yet. Tomorrow we’ll probably be awake enough to be thoroughly bummed.
how you can completely trash a house just by emptying out a car.
We have finally cleared a path so you can get from the kitchen to the living room.
Just imagine if you had had kids…
Welcome back! 🙂
Thankfully my imagination isn’t that good.
Nice to be back. Vacations are nice but I like coming home too.
Who knew that Kentucky could look like a South American rain forest …
click for larger
Good morning Andi.
That is beautiful there. Glad you and Jim had a good vacation.
It’s a really interesting area with lots of variation — there are the lush areas, rhododendron “hells”, beautiful forests, sheer cliffs, arches, and, of course, the Red River.
How are things with you and FMom going?
To think of all that so close to home. 🙂
FMom and I are doing fine. It looks like the whole family will be down here this w/e. I’ve got to get some coffee in me and start cleaning around here.
Ick, I don’t know what’s worse — cleaning or family visits but you have my sympathy on both counts
I think both rate about the same and thank you.
Giddy is pointing out she rates some sympathy for not having gotten to take me for a walk in the woods for a week. So I’m off. Don’t clean too much … it’ll just get dirty again, anyway.
See ya, have a good walk.
Oh FM – I feel your pain about the whole fam damily being down there. Sit out in the carport with a beer and give me a call and forget about the turkeys if they get to you. 😉
Hi SN.
Well I’ve got part of the house cleaned and just resting for awhile before I get the rest. Wish I could sit out in the carport with a beer, but that would have all hell raining down on me and don’t want to do that.
I’ve just have George as a buffer. That constant barking does work. 🙂
Are you sure you left home? 🙂
Well unless I’ve somehow overlooked a large river, big cliffs, arches and alcoves and a huge profusion of rhododendrons over the last 29 years, I definitely wasn’t home.
click for larger
Good morning all! Congrats on your scholarship Manee!
Morning ID.
How are things going?
Hi FM! Things are slowly returning to relative sanity here after the big floods of June 7. I got our state senator to come over to a disaster briefing a week ago yesterday, even though she had fallen & broken several ribs and punctured a lung a few weeks before. I don’t think she had even been cleared to drive yet by the docs. I could tell she was in pain, but she showed up anyway. I always knew she was one of the “good guys”. Anyway, she went home afterward and called the guv and screeched pretty loudly that we needed assistance down here NOW! So we have a pretty nice group of services here, including FEMA, who are out doing inspections an incredible one day after the homeowner registers for assistance. Heckuvajob, Michael. We’ll see how long it takes for the $$ to show up.
As for me, I have a high school class reunion this afternoon. Once again the geezers gather.
Vi is the best! Iwish she would run for governor or u.s. rep.
About 10 years ago, she helped us get 225K to help buy a really nice fire engine and I’m still grateful for that! The total cost was 312K after equipment and that’s a lot of fish sandwiches!
I’ve always wondered how the fish fry became the fund-raiser of choice for volunteer fire depts.
After the town became more populated, it was too hard to find a place to have a turkey-shoot.
I’m glad to hear things got done so fast.
My younger brother has a high school class reunion this afternoon too. Wait an minute, are you sure you’re not my younger brother? 😉
Could be… is he in geezerhood?
Nah, he’s only in his late 40’s. He has a couple more years before geezerhood.
Why, he’s just a kid. My oldest is now approaching 40!!!
Oh no, so soon!
My sympathies.
All vacations are over too soon. Ah well, I’ll just think of it as moving closer to retirement
Oooh Nooo! I hate when that happens.
I’m thinking we need a new cafe this morning. Anyone else agree?
Makes sense, it starts to look a bit beat up.
Sounds like a good idea.
Sniff and Giddy say a better idea is going for a walk.
See ya in the new place later.