The DCCC’s Red-to-Blue program has several categories. The first category is for open seats, which are presumed to be to lowest hanging fruit.

1. John Adler (NJ-03)
2. John Boccieri (OH-16)
3. Bobby Bright (AL-02)
4. Charlie Brown (CA-04)
5. Debbie Halvorson (IL-11)
6. Martin Heinrich (NM-01)
7. Mary Jo Kilroy (OH-15)
8. Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-01)
9. Ashwin Madia (MN-03)
10. Dan Maffei (NY-25)
11. Linda Stender (NJ-07)
12. Gary Trauner (WY-AL)

The second category was for the most competitive races involving Republican incumbents.

13. Kay Barnes (MO-06)
14. Anne Barth (WV-02)
15. Darcy Burner (WA-08)
16. Robert Daskas (NV-03)
17. Steve Driehaus (OH-01)
18. Jim Himes (CT-04)
19. Christine Jennings (FL-13)
20. Larry Kissell (NC-08)
21. Suzanne Kosmas (FL-24)
22. Eric Massa (NY-29)
23. Gary Peters (MI-09)
24. Mark Schauer (MI-07)
25. Dan Seals (IL-10)

The DCCC has just released an expanded list of competitive seats:

26. AK-AL: Ethan Berkowitz
27. AZ-01: Ann Kirkpatrick
28. AZ-03: Bob Lord
29. CO-04: Betsy Markey
30. FL-21: Raul Martinez
31. FL-25: Joe Garcia
32. LA-04: Paul Carmouche
33. MD-01: Frank Kratovil
34. NM-01: Martin Heinrich
35. NM-02: Harry Teague
36. NV-03: Dina Titus
37. NY-13: Mike McMahon
38. VA-02: Glenn Nye
39. VA-11: Gerry Connolly

And they also produced a list of ’emerging races’ which they think could become competitive.

40. AL-03: Josh Segall
41. CA-50: Nick Leibham
42. FL-09: John Dicks
43. FL-18: Annette Taddeo
44. IL-06: Jill Morgenthaler
45. IL-18: Colleen Callahan
46. IN-03: Mike Montagano
47. KY-02: David Boswell
48. MN-02: Steve Sarvi
49. MN-06: El Tinklenberg
50. NC-10: Dan Johnson
51. NJ-05: Dennis Shulman
52. NV-02: Jill Derby
53. OH-02: Vic Wulsin
54. PA-03: Kathy Dahlkemper
55. PA-06: Bob Roggio
56. PA-15: Sam Bennett
57. TX-07: Michael Skelly
58. VA-05: Tom Perriello
59. VA-10: Judy Feder

Before everything is said and done, I think there will be another dozen or so seats that are competitive. I believe the Democrats will wind up winning a solid majority of these races. If I had to put a number on it right now, I’d say that the Dems will pick up between 35-45 of these seats. If the presidential election is not perceived as close, differential turnout could push that number north of fifty seats. I anticipate that maybe two or three Democratic incumbents will be defeated. You should spend a little time investigating some of these candidates to see which ones you can really support enthusiastically.