Color of Change and Blue America PAC teamed up to run the above ad in the Washington Post, placing the blame for the FISA travesty in the House squarely where it belongs — on the shoulders of Steny Hoyer. It will appear next Thursday.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
All those Dems who voted for the FISA so-called ‘compromise’ are certifiable cowards.
Obama is one huge disappointment.
Today McCain is in Canada. The captured headline in The Toronto Star:
“Beware Obama, McCain says”
we should also.
Here’s a link to a larger version so you can actually read the text.
Soo, where will Hillary come in next week when Senate gets their turn?
Click within to find out.
Maryland 5 Democratic Party Incumbent
Total Receipts: $2,782,802
Transfers From Authorized Committees: $0
Individual Contributions: $1,026,504
Non-Party (e.g. PACs) or Other Committees: $1,714,714
Contributions from Party Committees $637
Candidate Contribution: $0
Candidate Loans: $0
Other Loans: $0
Total Disbursements: $1,559,422
Transfers to Authorized Committees: $0
Individual Refunds: $900
Non-Party (e.g. PACs) or Other Refunds: $3,100
Candidate Loan Repayments: $0
Other Loan Repayments: $0
Beginning Cash: $393,844
Latest Cash On Hand: $1,617,225
Debts Owed By: $0
Committees Included:
Through: 03/31/2008
the Hoyer deed is done. The larger issue is that, as Party Leader, Obama threw away an important premise and promise of his campaign.
Greg Sargent, TPM, nails it
and that’s a lot of people’s faith that Obama has thrown to the pigs.
Playing it safe so as not to jeopardize his 15-point lead over McCain is not being principled and sways me not.
Not-so-amusingly, I think this fuck-up, combined with his little song-and-dance at AIPAC, has probably done more to harm his GE chances than standing firm would have.
Of course, I think we all know why he folded: if he didn’t, he’d have pissed off a lot of very influential superdelegates who would, if the scuttlebutt is true, probably go to jail if the illegal domestic spying mess was investigated thoroughly. I can just see it: Obama comes out against the bill, it passes anyway, and Pelosi, Reid, Hoyer, Rockefeller, and all the other swine start publicly and loudly doubting his electability and “suggesting” that they suddenly find Clinton’s arguments very compelling. Even if he still got the nomination, I think it’d be lethal for him in the general.
The only solution? Primary every single douchebag that voted for this. Don’t donate a single dollar to them, or the DNC (since it could go to them). Make it clear that having voted for this means your political career is over – the netroots might not get you now, and might not get you in 2010, but will get you eventually, and will replace you with someone who will promise to repeal this atrocious piece of shit.
Maybe Obama looks forward to having those surveillance powers as President. Maybe he isn’t quite who you think he is.
There was no progressive in this race.
No progressive, eh Alice? My, have we changed our tune! What happened to Ms. Clinton? Was she not in the race? Or was she not as progressive as you claimed?
I thought some of the things said about Clinton here in the pond were unfair, I never said that she was a progressive.
I wanted Gore to run. When he didn’t run, I was sort of interested in Edwards. When Edwards didn’t run I lost interest, except I thought blogosphere was very unfair to Clinton, and amazingly short sighted about the way they went after Clinton. So I said so.
Watch how Clinton vote on FISA when it comes to the Senate. It’ll be telling will she vote No as Obama votes Yes?
Hmmmm. just to show him up? She has NOTHING to lose.
don’t get me started on AIPAC and the Ziocons.
Dunno what they’ll do now that Israel has been deleted from the list of developing, under-privileged countries…ya know the rationale for billions of our tax dollars going to Tel Aviv.
That’s a great ad.
I wonder if Nancy Pelosi will feel the effects of her sellout. She is my rep and I can no longer support her.
I guess it’s Cindy Sheehan? I’m not excited about her but oh well–she’s better than Pelosi.
Any other suggestions?
Shirley Golub, Deomcrat for SF
I called and said I hoped, at some point, he was going to be one of the victims of the law he helped pass. One can only hope. Such BS!!
This bill was never about National Security. It was about political and business surveillance. They couldn’t wiretap Steny Hoyer, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama and get a retroactive OK from the FISA court, so they want to dispense with the court. Maybe Steny has some $5,000 hookers like Spitzer. Maybe they have intercepted calls and put the screws to him. THAT is why unwarranted wiretaps are dangerous. Expect every e-mail and phone conversation of the Obama campaign to be monitored and provided to the McCain campaign.
Can’t wait to hear you applaud the ad against Obama, who has already caved and will do so when the bill comes to the Senate.
I won’t complain. I’m trying to organize just that type of coordinated response right now.
let me at the corrupt motherfucker.
What would it take to kick Hoyer out of his leadership position as soon as possible? What kind of pressure, on whom? Such an event would be the strongest possible warning to other traitor Dems. We can’t wait another 2 years.
Wasn’t that vote 129 Dems no and 109 yes? Then the votes should be there to toss Steny from his leadership position. Nancy is tougher to drop, the Republicans would probably vote to keep her.
Next Thursday? Isn’t that a little late?
Ya, let’s run it in the Washington Post, where nobody will see it except the Washington insiders. And they agree with Hoyer.
BTW, Pelosi voted for it. She is Speaker and nothing should get by that she does not agree with. So why is it all ‘on the shoulders’ of Steny Hoyer?
I have a plan…
Hoyer for Attorney General
Pelosi for National Security Adviser
Hagel for VP.
And people wonder why I am willing to ‘dismiss’ these ‘servants of the people’.
The Washington Post is the number one selling newspaper in Hoyer’s district. His constituents will see this.