The basic problem with the character of immature liberal passion is that warm urban friendliness is present everywhere as long things are proceeding smoothly and there are no contentious tough problems in the mix. However, as soon as an issue surfaces that is perceived to present a restriction or a compromise to one’s cherished principles the battle is joined with friend and foe alike; and unfortunately on the basis of “You’re either with me or you’re against me!”  I have seen many instances during my lifetime of passion driven political recklessness and witnessed the extent and the long lasting destructive pernicious attitudes its negative responses can engender.
IMHO, it’s time for many fair-weather Obama supporters here to shut-up and smarten up! I certainly agree that the ENTIRE FISA bill before congress is super important to every citizen of this country. Those with wisdom properly evaluate leadership along with a correlation of a COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING of the respective situation that arose at the time. Wisdom validates our judgment of the leader’s actions, and the worthiness thereof as performed by the one who we freely chose to be our leader. The history of the current FISA bill is complex and lengthy. There are many Senate Democrats who are actively supporting the immunity provisions for the Telecoms. A while back I happened to catch Senator Diane Feinstein speaking strongly on behalf of the immunity provisions of the bill on C-SPAN. I have no doubt as to how she will vote.

The months leading up to November will be politically toxic and the Republicans are distributing their 250 million dollar war chest to a small army of 527’s spread out all over America. This is their answer to the DNC’s 50 state campaign, BLITZ with BUCKS! Under their new design, the Republican 527’s will all be TV swift-boating DIFFERENT anti-Obama “hot button” issues. The idea is regardless of Barack’s speaking eloquence, he won’t be able to “put out the forest fire” so as to speak.

If you sit on your hands and on your pocketbooks; you in your own small way, will be giving away your best chance to make sure that those Constitutional freedoms that are so near and dear to your heart WILL NOT be restricted even further. The Republicans are not running against YOU, they are running against Barack Obama. Their 527’s are busy developing wedge issues to use against Obama even as you read this; and they can do this very well without your help or your negative attitude.

This campaign will be the mother of all campaigns and many political distasteful compromises will be made in the name of victory before it is over. This is not only a fight for control of the presidency, it is a battle for control of Congress and don’t forget the Supreme Court. We have to, simply have to, keep our Eyes on the Prize if we ever hope to achieve the “change” in America that we all so desperately desire.