Mimikatz at OpenLeft sez:

We Need a New Generation of Leadership…Not a new generation age-wise, but a new generation of leaders in Congress who weren’t there at all, or at least weren’t in leadership positions, on 9/11 and in the years immediately thereafter. Those folks, fundamentally decent and hardworking though some of them are, are simply too compromised to be able to lead us out of the wilderness into which Bush and Cheney have led us. That is the plain and simple truth.

That’s true. But it’s also true about our media. NBC should consider this when they go about replacing Tim Russert. The New York Times and Washington Post should consider it when it comes to covering the next administration. No one has any faith in Michael Gordon or Tom ‘Suck on This’ Friedman or Bill Kristol or Charles Krauthammer or Maureen Dowd or George Will or any of the columnists and reporters that were wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong all throughout the Bush era. It’s time for a general housecleaning. There are so many talented people out there that were not wrong during the Bush era. Let’s hear what they have to say.