Hey CG. We’re finally getting some of your rain. It’s been dry and our drought is worsening after briefly improving earlier in the spring. CBtE would love our brown, dormant grass. 🙂
Sounds about right. 🙂 Soon, even cartoons won’t lure him out of bed before noon. Normally I’ve finished all of my chores and errands for the day and am ready for a nap before the boys even emerge from their bedrooms
We had a thunderstorm come through last night, but this coming week looks like it will be dry and in the 90’s.
I found out yesterday that my sil and niece are on a tour with some group going up to one of the Northern countries. I think it’s call Michigan. I hope they have their passports, and I would have told them to be careful of the natives up there. If they’re not careful one of them natives will try to sell them some bridge in Brooklyn.
The thing to remember about the northern climes is “The further north you go, the more things eat your horse.” The Missouri Breaks (I think). Anyway, one of my favorite movie lines.
Well, it was pretty sedate, now that we’re into geezerhood. I think everyone has aged out of their various conscious-altering substances of choice at this point. Nice to see everyone and look through the scrapbooks, though.
I’ve seen a few of the people I went to HS with, but most have moved away. I’ve never been to a HS reunion, but my 40th will be coming up in a year or so.
I haven’t talked to my brother about his, but after dinner last night he said they were all going out to the family farm house. I think they’re all supposed to have lunch today and then everyone heads out.
Yep, it a natural formation called, ever so cleverly, a window. Water gets into vertical cracks where there are horizontal rock layers and the freeze-thaw cycle erodes a hole in the rock.
We don’t have any of those around. That pic is from vacation and that area does have a lot of that around. It’s even called Kentucky’s Land of the Arches (arch formation is a similar process).
It’s partly cloudy here and soon some woods to myself … and the dogs … and the birds … and the squirrels … and the chipmunks … and the deer … and the … oh well, not so much to myself.
Oh, I was up waaay too late last night. I’m going to pay for it today for sure, because I can’t just go back to bed (CBtE starts his algebra class this morning).
I must have adapted by now, but I still hate the heat. My lawn worries I think are over. We found a guy that does a good job and his charges are extremely reasonable. Just as long as he doesn’t raise his prices in a month or two, I don’t think the lawn will be a problem. 🙂
Nope wouldn’t think of it. The last time we had someone do the lawn, every time they told me they were through, I’d point out something they missed. The guy was just basically doing as little as possible and wanted to be paid twice as much as the new guy. With the new guy, I went out and looked after he was done and he did an excellent job.
Morning Folks!!! Sorry I haven’t been around much but have been trying to deal with the crap that has become my life lately. LOL Still looking for work and attending political events when I can. Today I get to go to court for an eviction hearing. Oh happy days.
I am excited that Manny won a scholarship to Netroots Nation and a good friend here in Texas has transfered their registration to me so I will be attending.
Well FMom had another sleepless night which means I’ve been up all night. Hopefully in the next hour or two she’ll finally get to sleep which means that I’ll be able to get some sleep. Hopefully.
One good thing about being up all night is I got a hell of a lot of house cleaning/laundry done. This is a good thing since I’ve got a brother and sil coming to stay for a couple of weeks.
It’s gonna be hot down here all this week. I don’t think we’ll be out of the 90’s all week.
So everybody wake up and lets get ready for work….Oh I meant ya’ll get ready for work. 🙂
I like the new acronym. It seems to pinpoint nights at this house. 🙂
With the rels coming to stay so long this time, I’m laying down the law and letting them know this isn’t a motel. Clean up after yourself!
I thought it might be a nap soon, but while I wasn’t watching FMom sneaked in her own nap and she’s awake again. I’ve got her everything she needs right now, so I might try and sneak in a nap myself.
So it’s the second day after vacation. I bet you couldn’t wait to get back to work :~)
How do you think I feel when I read about some 20 year old computer wizards that make millions and retire. Now if Publisher’s Clearing House would only knock at my door, I’d feel much better about my retirement.
I wish we had Powerball down here, but any type of state lottery always gets voted down. They’re just now lifting some blue laws, so I don’t see Powerball getting here anytime soon.
I know it will never happen, but it is nice to dream.
We’re saving plenty but Jim doesn’t believe we’ll ever have enough to retire and that he’ll have to work until he becomes that senile, doddering teacher that all the kids make fun of … thus, the Powerball purchases. 🙂
Since our place is paid for, it makes more sense for you to move your trailer up here and we could pool our resources so we can at least leave off of egg noodles. 😉
Yep that’s the reason there are so many millionaires. Yer Sure! 🙂
I checked out Ramen noodles this afternoon. 29 cents a pack. Either that or Kraft Mac and Cheese. The Mac and Cheese is pretty expensive stuff though. :O
Yep that’s the reason there are so many millionaires. Yer Sure! 🙂
I checked out Ramen noodles this afternoon. 29 cents a pack. Either that or Kraft Mac and Cheese. The Mac and Cheese is pretty expensive stuff though. :O
We’ve got quite a day ahead of us. My husband is going back to full-time in the fall and that means he has to change schools. I’ll spend the day helping him organize and straighten his room. Tomorrow is his last day with students, finally.
I would slack, but he has to have his room shut down by Wednesday. On Thursday, he goes to his new school for dreadful staff meetings. Then on Friday, his vacation starts.
FMom is just out of her routine. This will probably go on for another week until she gets back into a routine. Now if things work out as they usually do, she’ll be back into a routine while I’ve been knocked out of my routine by staying up with her. What can you do. 🙂
It’s looking a little cloudy here this morning. I have a feeling it’s going to rain AGAIN.
I guess I should just be happy that everything is growing (except for the grass, anyway.
Hey CG. We’re finally getting some of your rain. It’s been dry and our drought is worsening after briefly improving earlier in the spring. CBtE would love our brown, dormant grass. 🙂
I’m gald you’re finally getting some rain…you’ve been under drought conditions there since pretty much last summer, haven’t you?
CBtE is thankful that the weather will prevent him from cutting the lawn today. Too bad he’s grumpy about getting up to babysit this morning…
Good morning, CG and SN. Yep, cloudy here too. I just put some things away in the shed in anticipation of rain.
Morning, boran. Sundays are the slowest moving day of the week around here. Is the B2boy a late riser yet?
Only when there’s school. He gets up early on weekends to watch cartoons. Go figure.
The weekday-weekend wake-up time breakdown sounds about right, based on my experience with CBtY. 🙂
Sounds about right. 🙂 Soon, even cartoons won’t lure him out of bed before noon. Normally I’ve finished all of my chores and errands for the day and am ready for a nap before the boys even emerge from their bedrooms
For now at least, the Siren song of cartoons is still strong enough to get him out of bed at about 6:30 or so.
Ah, to sleep until noon! I haven’t been able to do that for many years! Good morning everyone!
Good morning everyone!
We had a thunderstorm come through last night, but this coming week looks like it will be dry and in the 90’s.
I found out yesterday that my sil and niece are on a tour with some group going up to one of the Northern countries. I think it’s call Michigan. I hope they have their passports, and I would have told them to be careful of the natives up there. If they’re not careful one of them natives will try to sell them some bridge in Brooklyn.
The thing to remember about the northern climes is “The further north you go, the more things eat your horse.”
The Missouri Breaks (I think). Anyway, one of my favorite movie lines.
Hiya ID.
How’d the class reunion go?
Well, it was pretty sedate, now that we’re into geezerhood. I think everyone has aged out of their various conscious-altering substances of choice at this point. Nice to see everyone and look through the scrapbooks, though.
I’ve seen a few of the people I went to HS with, but most have moved away. I’ve never been to a HS reunion, but my 40th will be coming up in a year or so.
I haven’t talked to my brother about his, but after dinner last night he said they were all going out to the family farm house. I think they’re all supposed to have lunch today and then everyone heads out.
So does that mean there will be “relative peace” in the FM household, if only for a while?
Yep there was “relative peace” enough for me to get a two hour nap. 🙂
This reminded me of the BCROD for some strange reason.
It’s probably actually happened in some BCROD somewhere sometime.
I sent this to the county auditor. One of the commissioners has a propensity for boring us with the cursed things.
of vacation.
click for larger
Morning, Andi!
What’s going on here, is that a natural formation?
You have my sympathies today.
Thanks for the sympathy, ask.
Yep, it a natural formation called, ever so cleverly, a window. Water gets into vertical cracks where there are horizontal rock layers and the freeze-thaw cycle erodes a hole in the rock.
Cool. Do you have many of those around?
We don’t have any of those around. That pic is from vacation and that area does have a lot of that around. It’s even called Kentucky’s Land of the Arches (arch formation is a similar process).
That’s great.
I guess it is somewhere close to here.
What a great window to look at the world through.
Are you inside looking out, or outside looking in?
Well based on lifetime of social circumstances, I’d say it would have to be outside looking in.
Morning folks. Clouds overhead and soon a house to myself.
It’s partly cloudy here and soon some woods to myself … and the dogs … and the birds … and the squirrels … and the chipmunks … and the deer … and the … oh well, not so much to myself.
Anyway, off to join the crowds in the woods.
See ya.
The little patch of woods near my house is currently better described as a swamp. Enjoy your walk.
Morning, Toni!
It’s a gray day and rain expected.
..soon a house to myself.
I guess Andrew is in day care.
He will be this week so I can try to straighten the mess that I call my house. Next week, the whole family will be home for the summer.
Wow, that sounds nice…a week to clean up, and then a nice big block of time together. Any big plans?
A few day trips – maybe go to Toronto. We’re looking for some recreation class for Andrew. Sadly, gymnastics is full.
Good morning Andi, ask, and Toni!
Oh, I was up waaay too late last night. I’m going to pay for it today for sure, because I can’t just go back to bed (CBtE starts his algebra class this morning).
Morning CG. Algebra – this isn’t summer school, is it?
Good morning Andi, Ask, Toni and CG.
CG I know how you feel. FMom kept waking me up all night since she couldn’t sleep. I’m exhausted.
Waiting for coffee to get done.
That’s the worst, isn’t it? When you’re perfectly sleepy and someone keeps waking you up all night.
You’ll be needing a nap today, for sure. 😉
Yep it is bad. I can see naps today, but FMom has an appointment at 1:00 pm. So the naps probably won’t get here until this afternoon. Aaarrrggg!
since I no longer sleep with a snorer, it’s just body parts that wake me up.
Beauteous morning here, sunny and clear, but heading for a hot, humid week.
Morning SN.
It’s nice here today too. Looks like our temps are going back up into the 90’s.
I think I’m getting better at adapting to the heat, but I still long for summer to hurry up and be over.
Has your grass stopped growing yet?
I must have adapted by now, but I still hate the heat. My lawn worries I think are over. We found a guy that does a good job and his charges are extremely reasonable. Just as long as he doesn’t raise his prices in a month or two, I don’t think the lawn will be a problem. 🙂
Sounds like a great solution. You don’t by any chance sit in the carport drinking a cold glass of sweet tea and give the guy instructions, do you?
Nope wouldn’t think of it. The last time we had someone do the lawn, every time they told me they were through, I’d point out something they missed. The guy was just basically doing as little as possible and wanted to be paid twice as much as the new guy. With the new guy, I went out and looked after he was done and he did an excellent job.
Well Fmom decided she would go to sleep now, so I’m going to try to get a nap in before I have to wake her up for her appt.
Everyone have a good day.
Morning Folks!!! Sorry I haven’t been around much but have been trying to deal with the crap that has become my life lately. LOL Still looking for work and attending political events when I can. Today I get to go to court for an eviction hearing. Oh happy days.
I am excited that Manny won a scholarship to Netroots Nation and a good friend here in Texas has transfered their registration to me so I will be attending.
Sorry to hear that, RF. With your energy and commitment someone would be doing a smart thing to hire you.
Thank you!!!
Good luck with your hearing, RF. I’m glad to hear that you were able to get a registration for NN.
Hope everything works out for you RF. Sending good thoughts your way.
Well FMom had another sleepless night which means I’ve been up all night. Hopefully in the next hour or two she’ll finally get to sleep which means that I’ll be able to get some sleep. Hopefully.
One good thing about being up all night is I got a hell of a lot of house cleaning/laundry done. This is a good thing since I’ve got a brother and sil coming to stay for a couple of weeks.
It’s gonna be hot down here all this week. I don’t think we’ll be out of the 90’s all week.
So everybody wake up and lets get ready for work….Oh I meant ya’ll get ready for work. 🙂
Sorry about the YASN (new acronym: yet another sleepless night). Even sorrier about the rels coming to stay.
Will it be naptime soon?
Good morning Andi.
I like the new acronym. It seems to pinpoint nights at this house. 🙂
With the rels coming to stay so long this time, I’m laying down the law and letting them know this isn’t a motel. Clean up after yourself!
I thought it might be a nap soon, but while I wasn’t watching FMom sneaked in her own nap and she’s awake again. I’ve got her everything she needs right now, so I might try and sneak in a nap myself.
So it’s the second day after vacation. I bet you couldn’t wait to get back to work :~)
Of course, I’m glad to get back to work … because my new mantra is “Every day I work is a day closer to retirement.” ;P
Yep I need a new mantra. “Every day I’m retired is a day closer to….” Wup better not go there. 🙂
I was over at KB’s place, and I saw she’s retiring in a couple of days. It’s like I keep saying, “Retirement is a great way of life.” :O
Yep, she’s retiring and like you, she’s younger than me — I’m working really hard on not hating her. 😉
How do you think I feel when I read about some 20 year old computer wizards that make millions and retire. Now if Publisher’s Clearing House would only knock at my door, I’d feel much better about my retirement.
Yep, that’s Jim theory of how to make retirement lovely — only he’s going for Powerball.
I wish we had Powerball down here, but any type of state lottery always gets voted down. They’re just now lifting some blue laws, so I don’t see Powerball getting here anytime soon.
I know it will never happen, but it is nice to dream.
As long as the lottery is a supplement to a retirement plan and not the entire retirement plan – you should be okay.
Hi Toni. I went for a walk and missed you.
We’re saving plenty but Jim doesn’t believe we’ll ever have enough to retire and that he’ll have to work until he becomes that senile, doddering teacher that all the kids make fun of … thus, the Powerball purchases. 🙂
I’ll be living in a trailer eating ramen noodles soon, but, you know, there’s always room for two more. 🙂
Since our place is paid for, it makes more sense for you to move your trailer up here and we could pool our resources so we can at least leave off of egg noodles. 😉
Hey I want a trailer up there too. I feel so left out. 😛
You’re welcome to come but since you won’t leave Alabama I’m not sure how we’re going to manage it.
Well, I may arrange for you to adopt a certain naughty basset hound if I can’t afford to feed her anymore… 😉
Hi SN.
You won’t need to do that. Start putting those dollars into the lottery. 😉
Good thinking, FM….I’ll give that a try. 🙂
Yep that’s the reason there are so many millionaires. Yer Sure! 🙂
I checked out Ramen noodles this afternoon. 29 cents a pack. Either that or Kraft Mac and Cheese. The Mac and Cheese is pretty expensive stuff though. :O
Yep that’s the reason there are so many millionaires. Yer Sure! 🙂
I checked out Ramen noodles this afternoon. 29 cents a pack. Either that or Kraft Mac and Cheese. The Mac and Cheese is pretty expensive stuff though. :O
Bring her to Austin and I’ll take her off your hands 😉
Aw, they’d make such a cute couple. 🙂
for the both of you (but no cats!).
Already there.
We’ve got quite a day ahead of us. My husband is going back to full-time in the fall and that means he has to change schools. I’ll spend the day helping him organize and straighten his room. Tomorrow is his last day with students, finally.
Now don’t you two work too hard. Remember to slack when possible.
I would slack, but he has to have his room shut down by Wednesday. On Thursday, he goes to his new school for dreadful staff meetings. Then on Friday, his vacation starts.
What’s keeping FMom up at night?
Caught ya just before I left. 🙂
FMom is just out of her routine. This will probably go on for another week until she gets back into a routine. Now if things work out as they usually do, she’ll be back into a routine while I’ve been knocked out of my routine by staying up with her. What can you do. 🙂
I’m off to napdom. See ya.
It looks like FMom is finally asleep, so I think I’ll start the first of my many naps for the day.
Everyone have a good day.
Bye FM. I’ll take my leave, too.
What? Everybody already left for the day?
I’m just popping in to say hi before running off to summer algebra class with CBtE.
Hi CG!
I’m checking in now and then.
Off, summer algebra…
Good morning all! Gotta run. Hi bye!
At least the back-to-work week is going fast; it’s already time for a YAHD-back-home-again-in-Indiana pic.
click for larger
Wonderful picture. Just a fast hi/bye. I’m giong to see if I can get back to sleep.
Happy sleeping, I hope.