Lots to discuss from this Bloomberg piece:
[Chuck] Hagel has policy differences with both candidates, and said his disagreement with Obama “probably is not as big” as his differences with McCain over Iraq.
Should McCain become the next president, a Democratic Congress and popular sentiment against the war will likely force him to back away from his current support of the Bush administration war strategy, Hagel said.
“We know where the American people are on Iraq,” Hagel said. “And if McCain is elected, I believe he is going to have to adjust to that reality and find a way out of Iraq.”
Hagel said he would like to see the candidates meet in a series of debates across the country, a proposal first made by McCain. Obama’s campaign has said they would consider the proposal although it hasn’t yet agreed to a schedule.
Given the U.S. role in the world, the election is being closely viewed around the globe, Hagel said. “Leaders and people all over the world are wondering and they’re questioning, and they’re calibrating, and they’re adjusting their own thoughts and policies based on what they hear,” Hagel said.
Hagel said his disagreement with the Bush administration and his view that the Republican Party “has veered and shifted, and come loose of its moorings” don’t mean he has given up on the party.
The “Republican Party is bigger than George Bush or Dick Cheney,” Hagel said. “I’m an Eisenhower Republican and the party today is not an Eisenhower Republican Party. Will it come back? I don’t know.”
Hagel also said that he is not endorsing McCain and that he would consider serving in Obama’s cabinet. It’s interesting to see Hagel, who is very conservative on domestic and economic issues, call himself an Eisenhower Republican. I have never thought of him that way. To me, Eisenhower Republicans are extinct in the Senate, outside of Olympia Snowe of Maine. Voinovich might qualify on a good day. But Jeffords and Cohen and Chafee are gone.
Hagel’s predictions about a McCain presidency’s Iraq policy is also interesting and worthy of discussion.
Why the obsession with this guy? He has voted with Bush on virtually every issue, including the Iraq war and expanded wire taps.
He is NO Eisenhower Republican (when will people stop listening to what people say and start watching what they do?), having voted with the Military Industrial Complex his whole career. Just because he calls himself one, does not make it so. He is a ‘child’ of Reagan, and will be until we can finally get him out of the way.
He is just another Congressional Bum, Republican species.
From your description he sounds like a more centrist version of Eisenhower. At least he isn’t a hysterical anti-commie, military tool, and Joe McCarthy enabler. You don’t get the obsession with Hagel, I don’t get the liberal obsessive crush on Eisenhower. They don’t get a whole lot worse.
Good lord, this guys voting record is HORRIBLE.
http://www.ontheissues.org/Social/Chuck_Hagel_Health_Care.htm …voted no on SCHIP
He’s a freaking wingnut!
Secretary of Defense? Nah. During the period of the Bloomberg-Hagel trial balloon I read in Ha’aretz (Israel’s Daily) that Hagel is not considered a friend of Israel…so he won’t get the AIPAC sniff test.
Reported in The Sunday Times, UK (a Rupert Murdock property)
Robert Gates is in the running, to be kept on.
Barack Obama may recruit defence chief Robert Gates
Did we not read Steven D’s post that Pentagon intends to send another 30,000 troops to Iraq in 2009?
Gates held on, Hillary and Bill in the cabinet. Oh fun! that should match the chaos in the economy.
Don’t expect any change from Obama. No grudges. Same old, same old failed policies and willingly too as he bends over to please – with his hands holding his ankles.
I wouldn’t put much, if any, stake in Murdoch’s English rag.
noticed my disclaimer of sorts..in that I highlighted the paper as a Murdock property.
However, they do get some things right some of the time.
Sounds like Hagel is moving to the “center.” That’s the place to be right now.