Obama is spending the Fourth of July in Butte, Montana. Where are you spending it?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Redondo Beach, SoCal!
I’ve been there. Should be cooler than here (temperature wise).
Home (San Diego) with the air conditioning turned down to save energy and a candle lit so I can watch me car and make sure no one steals my gas.
lot of hoodlums in your neighborhood?
New Video from Onion News’ “Today Now!” show…
Bush Tours America To Survey Damage Caused By His Disastrous Presidency
Their player won’t embed here, but go watch it. So perfect.
Butte would be the residence of Governor Brian Schweitzer, poss VP candidate
With my family at home.
In BFE, Texas with the Pack and my good friends. LOL
4 of the 7 dogs and none of the 10 cats
Marching with the peace group in our little mountain town.
At a picnic on the beach, raising money for our local Hospice / VNA.
Good times!! Good cause!!
I grew up in Montana and Butte is very economically depressed town. It’s best days were about 100 years ago. On an interesting note it had one of the longest running whore houses in the US, closed down in the 70’s. There was a series of tunnels that connected the brothel to businesses downtown. That way no one had to risk actually being seen walking into it.
I just bought groceries and filled my car.
Can’t “spend” shit!!!
July Fourth?
In da cave.
In da Bronx.
Jes’ like July third.
Ain’t y’all heard?
Thar’s a Depression a’comin’ on.
Cain’t ya smell it?
We los’ da war.
Hunker down, babies.
‘Hit’s gonna git worserer before it gets betterer.
I got yer independence.
Right here!!!
Ain’t we had enuf ‘a those?
Sure am.
Gonna do the John McCain Package Tour.
Yup. Buy some shit REAL cheap.
Whadda you? Kiddin’ me?
July Fourth?
There’s a fucking WAR on, bubba!!!
And we’re losing.
Oil just hit $144/barrel.
The bin Laden target.
NY Times. Oct. 14th, 2001
King of Saudi Arabia?
One smart Muslim, that’s fer sure.
Hunker down.
At least if it gets real hot you can get some shade under your beached SUVs, eh folks?
Have fun…
I am.
Been broke so long it looks like up to me.
See ya…
cause it’s my back yard
Ooh, I’m jealous…it’s beautiful.
Yeah it really is and I am always in awe looking out the front door – we’ve had 2 back to back thunder & lightening storms this week and you can watch the strikes for over 50 miles. Have a good 4th!
st. peter, minnesota
isn’t everybody?
Yep. See you there, Noz.
At home, in the Hudson Valley.
At home, trying to dig up some billable hours somewhere.
The Obamas started the fist jab. A Fox host labeled it ‘a terrorist fist jab’:
Watch the ‘Joe Lieberman gives a terrorist fist jab Video
And the not wanting to be left behind fella falls in line. Guess who joins the terrorists?
Happy 4th.
We’re doing a cookout at the fire station I worked out of for 20+ years. After, we have the fireworks at the football field next door. We’ll send an engine and a couple of firefighters over in case any of the shooters gets a short fuse.
At a barbecue at a meetup.com group for atheists about 10 miles fom home: