What’s with the Ministers of the Cloth? In the case of  Rev. Jesse Jackson, he has no faith and he uses crude hurtful language too. So crude, CNN’s Blitzer says it can’t be repeated on the air.

But will that stop Fox?  Fox and wingnuts will love the airing of this tape. Rev. Jackson gave an interview to Fox News (he should have known better) and was caught using crude and hurtful words to criticize Obama. Some will dub this as  black-on-black. It is reported Fox will air the tape this evening on the Hannity  & Colmes show. Brace yourself for another Rev. Wright saga.

CNN) — The Rev. Jesse Jackson issued an apology to Barack Obama Wednesday for making what he called a “crude and hurtful” remark about the Illinois senator’s recent comments directed toward some members of the black community.

According to Jackson, a Fox News microphone picked up comments he meant to deliver privately that seemed to disparage the presumptive Democratic nominee for appearing to lecture the black community on morality.

Jackson didn’t elaborate on the context of his remarks, except to say he was trying to explain that Obama was hurting his relationship with black voters by recently conducting “moral” lectures at African-American churches.

Jackson’s apology came a few hours before Fox News planned to air the remarks.

Speaking to CNN Wednesday, Jackson said he feels “very distressed” over the comments.

“This is a sound bite in a broader conversation about urban policy and racial disparities. I feel very distressed because I’m supportive of this campaign and with the senator, what he has done and is doing,” he said. “I said he comes down as speaking down to black people. The moral message must be a much broader message. What we need really is racial justice and urban policy and jobs and health care. That’s a range of issues on the menu.

“Then I said something I regret was crude. It was very private. And very much a sound bite,” he also said.

In a statement issued earlier Wednesday to CNN, Jackson said, “For any harm or hurt that this hot mic private conversation may have caused, I apologize. My support for Senator Obama’s campaign is wide, deep and unequivocal. I cherish this redemptive and historical moment.”

Over the course of the campaign season, Obama has at times directed criticism directly to the black community, most sharply in a Chicago speech on Father’s Day that criticized some men for failing in their duties as parents.

Jackson was criticizing Obama for his father’s day speech – a speech that was reflected in a racist cartoon making the rounds in the Af-blogosphere. HT: Over at Too Sense, there’s a critique of racists cartoons that includes the one on Obama father’s day speech –Obama is seen as talking white.

This Rev. Jesse Jackson saga is ……developing….

Wait for the tape, if it can be aired on the Network, but there’s always YouTube. Jackson may not be as lucky as Hagee to get a YouTube purge.

We await the reaction:

“He’s black, but he’s not one of them..”

“See, he’s not one of us”…  he talks white”

On the bright side of it. Psssst, the GOP and Rove are struggling to define Obama. Their job is made more difficult.