Hey, I’ve knit the left front and back of a linen sweater-y thing during algebra so far…it’s not so bad. I’m thinking I’ll get something new to wear out of summer school. 🙂
I’m not fond of math, but somehow I discovered upon graduating from high school that I had a major in it. In college, I avoided everything other than one required course in statistics (you know, lies, damned lies & statistics {g}) Still, compared to sitting in the dentist chair (I’m one of the white-knuckled patients), I might even attempt to tackle calculus..
I struggled mightily with algebra, geometry & trig all through my school years. Now I have a job involving, among other things, building databases & doing detailed data analysis. Go figure! Actually, some of it has been kinda fun, like doing big Sodoku puzzles.
It’s interesting how what we plan on for a career often changes or we wind up doing something that we thought we’d always avoid. I was going to be a history & art teacher but wound up doing printed circuit board design for 25 years.
Good morning, Andi!
Is there a spaceship soon to appear from behind those trees?
Finally a beautiful and comfortable morning – the mugginess has lasted forever.
It sure is – still a cool 72.
I think young asklet and I will take a trip to the pier a bit later.
Bring some food, good books and enjoy the great Manhattan view.
The only good thing is that the radar shows that it’s a pretty skinny storm so it should go by pretty fast but it also looks like there’s another skinny line not too far behind. So probably a crappy day for outdoor stuff all round.
We’ve been having clouds and little storms in the heat of the afternoon and evening almost every day for a week. I love it. Today looks hot and dry though.
Yuk! I guess I’ll go put in another catch up day at work. I have a couple of helpers from the school corp. for the rest of the summer, so the data entry from the neglected years is flowing pretty nicely. I think one is going to stay with the county permanently instead of going back to school. The auditor has an opening in her office and apparently the pay is quite a bit better than the job she had at school. She is a single mom with a daughter just starting college and is delighted.
I just had a thought! Maybe we could find something for Second Nature if we could talk her into moving back to the frozen north! If we win in November, there will be several opportunities here.
What say you, SN? Want to be an associate bureaucrat?
Oh gosh, that sounds so fun, ID, thanks for thinking of me. 🙂 Who knows what’s in store for me. It’s kinda scary and exciting at the same time. Stay tuned…
Maybe only this morning — there doesn’t seem to be anything on the radar after this next one (and despite how dark it’s gotten here and all the rumblings, it didn’t actually rain).
Good morning ask! That does seem to be the way of the current administration. Don’t like the outcome? Easy, just change the rules of the game to suit your pleasure (or leave the old rules in place, as the case may be).
Hey, if you and curly don’t have anything going this weekend and it’s somewhere near you, my niece has just opened (on Friday) a cupcake and gelato place at 62 Carmine called Sweet Revenge.
West Village: While Magnolia Bakery preps their new Upper West Side spot for opening tomorrow, there’s competition brewing a little ways south. Per Crain’s, “This spring will bring a new cupcake bar called Sweet Revenge to 62 Carmine St., between Bedford Street and Seventh Avenue South, in the West Village.” (The space previously held defunct record store Vinyl Mania.) Bonus feelgood quote from the owner: “I want to create a fun, fabulous place where life is grand. This is a town that loves its cupcakes, and there’s an opportunity to make cupcakes a little more sexy and hip.'” Um, yeah.
Then I know exactly where it is. I lived for several years just a block away on Downing St., btw 6th and Bedford. Used to go to Vinyl Mania to look for obscure re-mixes on maxi singles.
we had rain and thunderstorms yesterday and more are forecast for today. I can’t express how delighted I am — really. It just wouldn’t be appropriate to use that kind of language in the cafe.
I guess I know what to expect for tomorrow…you have my sympathies, by the way. Any chance you can get out before the storms roll back in?
So I pulled apart the milk frother on my cappuccino maker this morning and got it unclogged…I’d forgotten how much I enjoy a Sunday morning cappuccino before everyone else gets up.
This weekend is the Blob Fest…we stopped by yesterday and checked out all the antique cars and funny-dressed people. We’re supposed to spend some time there registering voters this afternoon.
That’s what we did yesterday — but it was so hot and humid it was really unpleasant. It looks, though, like there’s nothing coming our way now so maybe we can get started earlier.
The Blob Fest looks like a lot of fun. 🙂
And all is not bad. I get to go to dinner with Mary on Tuesday (too bad I also have to be in St. Louis Mon-Thu for work).
It was pretty sticky here yesterday too; we wound up turning on the air conditioning and making a sumptuous Northern Italian feast (eggplant and chicken parmigiana and mushroom risotto) for dinner.
I’m jealous about your dinner with Mary…I was supposed to see her in Austin this week. Sorry about the work travel that comes with it.
I think we’re buying our plane tickets today…I’m heading down Thursday afternoon. I’m having a conniption because it’s a week before my beach vacation, and I feel like have too much to do to be spending a few days away from home. Oh well.
I’ve never actually known someone who uses the word sumptuous…and it makes me a little jealous that your dinners could be described that way. Let me try it out. I made a sumptuous little bowl of honey nut cheerios….
Hey, add some fresh fruit, and those cheerios look pretty special…just sayin’.
We’ve been on a “cook every meal at home” kick lately. We have the farm share, so it’s become a challenge to use up all the veggies before the next batch arrives.
And even with the farm share, yesterday’s trip to the grocery store was $80. Ouch.
Unfortunately no. We’ve just got enough rain to where everything is exceeding green and growing. I was just thinking the other day that I’m looking forward to brown/dead/non-growing grass in the lawn.
Well FMom is up and calling. Gotta go.
Everyone have a good day, and Andi have a good trip and be careful.
Good morning all! So far its a very pleasant day here at 68F and sunny.
I hear John Mellencamp will be at Daley Plaza in Chicago for a free concert on Mon. July 21. The catch is, its at 6:00 am. Promoters are asking fans to be there by 4:30. The concert is supposed to be aired live on the CBS Early Show as well. Sorry John, the only thing that would get me up at that hour is if the house caught fire.
We had about 2 1/2″ of rain from 11:00 PM Sat. to about 8:00 AM this morning here in North Central Arkansas. Great sleeping weather. The air temp outside at noon was about 76F. A family of recently fledged bluejays were splashing around noisily in a puddle as I arose. And the humidity has mercifully dropped to about 50% with a dew point of 62F. With a predicted low tonight of 60F rising to 65F on Thursday, it looks like superb weather for mid July in Arkansas. When I walked the dogs this morning everything looked freshly washed, blue sky, white clouds, green everywhere interspersed with flowers.
Sounds like wonderful weather to me. It’s been staying the the 90’s with heat indexs in the 100’s here in mid-West AL. I’ve got relatives near Russelville and they usually love the weather there.
We lived on Beverly Drive, south of Pico from ’74-’79 and didn’t even have air conditioning. Never really needed it either. We moved to Van Nuys in 1979 and definitely needed AC there. For much of the year the temperatures track between here and LA. Colder here in the winter, with an average of 7″ of snow, hotter in LA, especially in the valleys, from June through September. But here in Arkansas summer heat in the 90s is accompanied by humidity in the 70s to 80s. Air you can wear. At least in LA it tends to be dry. Have you had smoke in the air yet?
Yeah, I was working in the west edge of Beverly Hills last summer and fall and all of the smoke created health problems and gave me a cold or something like it. Santa Annas would blow smoke from Riverside and San Bernadino Counties over LA and then it would slosh back in with the marine layer. El Bahia de los fuemos, indeed. I saw that there have been some fires in So. Cal so far this year.
I grew up over in northern Oklahoma. I remember colder winters and hotter summers than we have had since 2006 here in Baxter County. The humidity was similar, though not as bad as Houston in the summer. That is impressive.
The “break” is on me. You wrote AL, I read LA! sorry about that. Usually my inversion problems are with numbers.
Baxter is in the eastern Ozarks, surrounded by two large ACOE reservoirs forming Bull Shoals and Norfork Lakes, the Twin Lakes. We are at about 700′ above sea level. The Ozarks rise in elevation as you go towards Eureka Springs. My son won’t grant them the status of mountains, just hills. But they were thrown up in Precambrian times and have been free of water or ice for over 300,000 years.
My fathers family came out of Arkansas to the Indian Territories in the early 1890s. He took us to the home my great grandfather had built in the 1870s for a visit when I was 11. It was in the Ozarks, in Washington County, by the Oklahoma border. I remembered how beautiful the Ozarks were when I decided to cash out of LA in 2005 and move to someplace with less expensive property.
Actually I didn’t get to the Ozarks until adulthood, even though I grew up in Arkansas. The biggest thing I can remember about Arkansas is flat farmland and the Mississippi river.
We had some good friends that retired a little South of you in Heber Springs. We went up there a couple of time and it’s very beautiful. I don’t think I’ve been as far North in Arkansas as you live. Although I did live just North of there in St. Louis, MO.
Yep I would think property taxes, land prices and everything else are a heck of a lot cheaper than in LA.
In our area we’re still in drought, but not extreme drought. I think most of the drought areas are waiting for hurricane season to get cranked up. I don’t want to see all the damage done from one, but for some areas, that’s the only thing that will help.
Her asthma is better. Now I’m concentrating on her sleeping. For the last couple of nights she has been awake and for some reason she wants to make sure I’m awake too. So every hour on the hour she calls me.
I saw you’ve got to drive around on wet streets. You be careful today.
Yeah, if you’re into nature in a big way and like the needle-like feel of being pelted with rain…
It appears to be stopping. And I just checked, and one of my stops (the DMV photo license center) is closed today, so that’ll have to wait until tomorrow.
One of the great things about living in a small town is you never have those DMV problems you always hear about. You just walk in, conduct your business and you’re done.
Well I got the kitchen cleaned except for mopping the floor. FMom has a home health nurse coming over today. She woke me up at 3:00 am this morning and wanted me to start cleaning. This home health nurse is really starting to cut into my sleeping. 🙂
Yeah, government services in Baxter County and Mountain Home are a joy to behold. Often I just go up to the counter and have my issue resolved. Don’t miss the lines at the S.F. Valley DMV.
Heh, we get our fair share of the humidity here in SE PA, thanks.
What are you up to today? I’m dropping someone off at algebra and heading to the dmv (didn’t make it to the other dmv office yesterday). Hopefully it won’t be too awful a wait.
No much going on here. The home health nurse didn’t come yesterday, so we’re expecting her today. The asthma seems better, and I’m just trying to stay out of the heat.
You’re so good at taking hints. 🙂
And now off to the dentist for me.
Maybe we should just meet back here after algebra and the dentist…it would be a shame to let a clean cafe go to waste.
Oh god…algebra and the dentist. The thought of either sends chills down my spine.
Hey, I’ve knit the left front and back of a linen sweater-y thing during algebra so far…it’s not so bad. I’m thinking I’ll get something new to wear out of summer school. 🙂
The dentist, on the other hand…yecch.
What are you up to today?
I was just thinking the same thing. Both remarkably painful.
I’ll take algebra, algebra II & even trig over the dentist.. <shudder>
Obviously you don’t share my family’s tragic math impairment gene…
I’m not fond of math, but somehow I discovered upon graduating from high school that I had a major in it. In college, I avoided everything other than one required course in statistics (you know, lies, damned lies & statistics {g}) Still, compared to sitting in the dentist chair (I’m one of the white-knuckled patients), I might even attempt to tackle calculus..
I struggled mightily with algebra, geometry & trig all through my school years. Now I have a job involving, among other things, building databases & doing detailed data analysis. Go figure! Actually, some of it has been kinda fun, like doing big Sodoku puzzles.
It’s interesting how what we plan on for a career often changes or we wind up doing something that we thought we’d always avoid. I was going to be a history & art teacher but wound up doing printed circuit board design for 25 years.
Good morning all. Photo blocked once again. 🙁
But you aren’t missing anything because you saw this one over at Nancy’s. 🙂
click for larger
Good morning, Andi!
Is there a spaceship soon to appear from behind those trees?
Finally a beautiful and comfortable morning – the mugginess has lasted forever.
Hi ask! It is nice to not be dripping from the free outdoor sauna this morning, isn’t it?
Good morning! Yep, a nice cool morning, for a change. I’ll do some walking later today.
It sure is – still a cool 72.
I think young asklet and I will take a trip to the pier a bit later.
Bring some food, good books and enjoy the great Manhattan view.
Found a better one. Video view from the pier.
That looks cool. Is the young asklet feeling any better?
We’re having crabcakes and salad and homemade springrolls for dinner.
That sounds yummy.
He seems to be fully recovered so we’re set to leave on Tuesday.
Glad to hear the asklet is feeling better! Enjoy your trip!
and heavy rain. Yep, it’s a typical summer Saturday. I hate, hate, hate summer. Oh well, I guess I just need to cool off.
click for larger
Good morning Andi! I hear celestial rumblings to the west. No gardening today.
The only good thing is that the radar shows that it’s a pretty skinny storm so it should go by pretty fast but it also looks like there’s another skinny line not too far behind. So probably a crappy day for outdoor stuff all round.
We’ve been having clouds and little storms in the heat of the afternoon and evening almost every day for a week. I love it. Today looks hot and dry though.
Yeah but you’re still recovering from a drought while we’ve had one of the wettest springs ever and record floods.
Good morning SN! Anything fun on tap for the weekend down your way?
Yuk! I guess I’ll go put in another catch up day at work. I have a couple of helpers from the school corp. for the rest of the summer, so the data entry from the neglected years is flowing pretty nicely. I think one is going to stay with the county permanently instead of going back to school. The auditor has an opening in her office and apparently the pay is quite a bit better than the job she had at school. She is a single mom with a daughter just starting college and is delighted.
I just had a thought! Maybe we could find something for Second Nature if we could talk her into moving back to the frozen north! If we win in November, there will be several opportunities here.
What say you, SN? Want to be an associate bureaucrat?
Oh gosh, that sounds so fun, ID, thanks for thinking of me. 🙂 Who knows what’s in store for me. It’s kinda scary and exciting at the same time. Stay tuned…
Maybe only this morning — there doesn’t seem to be anything on the radar after this next one (and despite how dark it’s gotten here and all the rumblings, it didn’t actually rain).
Good news on and for the new employee.
Good morning, Andi, SN and ID!
I was in lurking mood this morning, but came across a story that begged for a diary entry.
Good morning ask! That does seem to be the way of the current administration. Don’t like the outcome? Easy, just change the rules of the game to suit your pleasure (or leave the old rules in place, as the case may be).
Hey, if you and curly don’t have anything going this weekend and it’s somewhere near you, my niece has just opened (on Friday) a cupcake and gelato place at 62 Carmine called Sweet Revenge.
I’ll make a note of that 🙂
If you go, I’ll really be interested in hearing your reactions. So far, I’ve only gotten them from her mother who isn’t exactly unbiased.
I want to go just because of this:
Then I know exactly where it is. I lived for several years just a block away on Downing St., btw 6th and Bedford. Used to go to Vinyl Mania to look for obscure re-mixes on maxi singles.
Fun stuff — thanks for finding that.
I’m almost afraid to ask, but any idea of the price of a cupcake in Manhattan these days?
Well, you know the saying ID: if you have to ask….
I was afraid of that.
we had rain and thunderstorms yesterday and more are forecast for today. I can’t express how delighted I am — really. It just wouldn’t be appropriate to use that kind of language in the cafe.
I guess I know what to expect for tomorrow…you have my sympathies, by the way. Any chance you can get out before the storms roll back in?
So I pulled apart the milk frother on my cappuccino maker this morning and got it unclogged…I’d forgotten how much I enjoy a Sunday morning cappuccino before everyone else gets up.
This weekend is the Blob Fest…we stopped by yesterday and checked out all the antique cars and funny-dressed people. We’re supposed to spend some time there registering voters this afternoon.
Morning CG.
Is the cappuccino at home as good as over in Italy?
I don’t know, there’s something about the surroundings here that doesn’t quite have the same ambience as Italy…but I can pretend. 🙂
What are you up to today, FM?
I’m thinking I need to post a knit-a-palooza diary after my yoga class.
Yep the ambience does help a lot. 🙂
Not much going on here, just taking care of FMom. Her asthma has kicked in pretty bad for the last three days.
Yep I think a knit-a-palooza diary would be good.
I’m sorry FMom isn’t feeling well. Summer breathing problems are so awful, with the humidity making them even worse.
I don’t feel like I have much knitting progress to show, but I have some other fun stuff to share…maybe I’ll add a poll of some sort.
That’s what we did yesterday — but it was so hot and humid it was really unpleasant. It looks, though, like there’s nothing coming our way now so maybe we can get started earlier.
The Blob Fest looks like a lot of fun. 🙂
And all is not bad. I get to go to dinner with Mary on Tuesday (too bad I also have to be in St. Louis Mon-Thu for work).
It was pretty sticky here yesterday too; we wound up turning on the air conditioning and making a sumptuous Northern Italian feast (eggplant and chicken parmigiana and mushroom risotto) for dinner.
I’m jealous about your dinner with Mary…I was supposed to see her in Austin this week. Sorry about the work travel that comes with it.
Hah, she never mentioned she chose me over you. (j/k I’m sure there’s some other reason she isn’t going).
When do you go to the netroots nation?
I think we’re buying our plane tickets today…I’m heading down Thursday afternoon. I’m having a conniption because it’s a week before my beach vacation, and I feel like have too much to do to be spending a few days away from home. Oh well.
I shall have to find you some Chimay so the conniption ends abruptly on Thursday when you arrive 🙂
Thanks, ManEe. 🙂
I’ve never actually known someone who uses the word sumptuous…and it makes me a little jealous that your dinners could be described that way. Let me try it out. I made a sumptuous little bowl of honey nut cheerios….
Hey, add some fresh fruit, and those cheerios look pretty special…just sayin’.
We’ve been on a “cook every meal at home” kick lately. We have the farm share, so it’s become a challenge to use up all the veggies before the next batch arrives.
And even with the farm share, yesterday’s trip to the grocery store was $80. Ouch.
Good morning Andi.
Getting a bit water logged are we? 🙂
You betcha.
And after the tremendous floods of last month, everybody sort of panics every time it rains hard.
What’s doing down in the southern sticks?
Nothing much happening here. We’ve had a lot of thunder lately, but not too much rain. It’s just too hot down here though.
Has the combination of hot weather and no rain killed off the lawn — because then it would at least be worth it.
Unfortunately no. We’ve just got enough rain to where everything is exceeding green and growing. I was just thinking the other day that I’m looking forward to brown/dead/non-growing grass in the lawn.
Well FMom is up and calling. Gotta go.
Everyone have a good day, and Andi have a good trip and be careful.
See ya FM.
I guess I’d better get going too — I’ve got a bunch of stuff to do today.
Good morning all! So far its a very pleasant day here at 68F and sunny.
I hear John Mellencamp will be at Daley Plaza in Chicago for a free concert on Mon. July 21. The catch is, its at 6:00 am. Promoters are asking fans to be there by 4:30. The concert is supposed to be aired live on the CBS Early Show as well. Sorry John, the only thing that would get me up at that hour is if the house caught fire.
For AndiF.
Very classy, wish we could drop in to try everything!
And isn’t nice to know that people are scouring BT for cupcakes references. 😉
We had about 2 1/2″ of rain from 11:00 PM Sat. to about 8:00 AM this morning here in North Central Arkansas. Great sleeping weather. The air temp outside at noon was about 76F. A family of recently fledged bluejays were splashing around noisily in a puddle as I arose. And the humidity has mercifully dropped to about 50% with a dew point of 62F. With a predicted low tonight of 60F rising to 65F on Thursday, it looks like superb weather for mid July in Arkansas. When I walked the dogs this morning everything looked freshly washed, blue sky, white clouds, green everywhere interspersed with flowers.
Sounds like wonderful weather to me. It’s been staying the the 90’s with heat indexs in the 100’s here in mid-West AL. I’ve got relatives near Russelville and they usually love the weather there.
We lived on Beverly Drive, south of Pico from ’74-’79 and didn’t even have air conditioning. Never really needed it either. We moved to Van Nuys in 1979 and definitely needed AC there. For much of the year the temperatures track between here and LA. Colder here in the winter, with an average of 7″ of snow, hotter in LA, especially in the valleys, from June through September. But here in Arkansas summer heat in the 90s is accompanied by humidity in the 70s to 80s. Air you can wear. At least in LA it tends to be dry. Have you had smoke in the air yet?
Smoke in the air? Are you talking forest fires?
As far as in AR, I lived there as a kid. About 40 miles from Memphis in the Delta. It got hot there.
During the winter we’ll want snow here for a little while, but my niece in AR will call us about all the snow they are getting.
Yeah, I was working in the west edge of Beverly Hills last summer and fall and all of the smoke created health problems and gave me a cold or something like it. Santa Annas would blow smoke from Riverside and San Bernadino Counties over LA and then it would slosh back in with the marine layer. El Bahia de los fuemos, indeed. I saw that there have been some fires in So. Cal so far this year.
I grew up over in northern Oklahoma. I remember colder winters and hotter summers than we have had since 2006 here in Baxter County. The humidity was similar, though not as bad as Houston in the summer. That is impressive.
I think we have a break in communication. I’m not in CA. I’m in mid-West Alabama. Although I’ve lived in CA before. Near Vacaville, CA.
I lived in TX also, and the summers in San Antonio were worse than most places I’ve been.
Is Baxter County in the mountains up there?
The “break” is on me. You wrote AL, I read LA! sorry about that. Usually my inversion problems are with numbers.
Baxter is in the eastern Ozarks, surrounded by two large ACOE reservoirs forming Bull Shoals and Norfork Lakes, the Twin Lakes. We are at about 700′ above sea level. The Ozarks rise in elevation as you go towards Eureka Springs. My son won’t grant them the status of mountains, just hills. But they were thrown up in Precambrian times and have been free of water or ice for over 300,000 years.
My fathers family came out of Arkansas to the Indian Territories in the early 1890s. He took us to the home my great grandfather had built in the 1870s for a visit when I was 11. It was in the Ozarks, in Washington County, by the Oklahoma border. I remembered how beautiful the Ozarks were when I decided to cash out of LA in 2005 and move to someplace with less expensive property.
Actually I didn’t get to the Ozarks until adulthood, even though I grew up in Arkansas. The biggest thing I can remember about Arkansas is flat farmland and the Mississippi river.
We had some good friends that retired a little South of you in Heber Springs. We went up there a couple of time and it’s very beautiful. I don’t think I’ve been as far North in Arkansas as you live. Although I did live just North of there in St. Louis, MO.
Yep I would think property taxes, land prices and everything else are a heck of a lot cheaper than in LA.
BTW, have you gotten enough rain yet to break your drought?
In our area we’re still in drought, but not extreme drought. I think most of the drought areas are waiting for hurricane season to get cranked up. I don’t want to see all the damage done from one, but for some areas, that’s the only thing that will help.
Off to St. Louis in a bit. Hope everyone has a decent start of the workweek.
Be careful and have a good trip Andi.
Good morning, FM. How’s FMom doing today?
Good morning CG.
Her asthma is better. Now I’m concentrating on her sleeping. For the last couple of nights she has been awake and for some reason she wants to make sure I’m awake too. So every hour on the hour she calls me.
I saw you’ve got to drive around on wet streets. You be careful today.
You must be exhausted.
It’s a light rain, so I should be fine with driving. Just not looking forward to using up my gas. 🙂
Yep I’m pretty tired, but what can you do?
The gas can be a problem. I hear bicycling in the rain is enjoyable. 🙂
Yeah, if you’re into nature in a big way and like the needle-like feel of being pelted with rain…
It appears to be stopping. And I just checked, and one of my stops (the DMV photo license center) is closed today, so that’ll have to wait until tomorrow.
Things are sort of looking up, I guess.
One of the great things about living in a small town is you never have those DMV problems you always hear about. You just walk in, conduct your business and you’re done.
Well I got the kitchen cleaned except for mopping the floor. FMom has a home health nurse coming over today. She woke me up at 3:00 am this morning and wanted me to start cleaning. This home health nurse is really starting to cut into my sleeping. 🙂
I’m actually debating going to the smaller dmv that’s open today and closer to my other errands.
And on that note, it’s time to roll out of here for algebra class.
Yeah, government services in Baxter County and Mountain Home are a joy to behold. Often I just go up to the counter and have my issue resolved. Don’t miss the lines at the S.F. Valley DMV.
Yep there are some advantages to living in a small town.
As predicted, we have rain this morning…perfect for driving around on errands while CBtE’s at algebra. sigh.
I hope you have a safe trip, and a nice dinner tomorrow night.
Hit and run. Good morning all!
Good thing I’ve got Mary to look forward to because otherwise I’d just give up and turn into a puddle of sweat.
Good morning Andi.
Are ya saying it’s kind of humid there, or is the beige room AC not working? 🙂
Just a tad humid. Thankfully the a/c works fine.
Yep it can get humid there.
When you see Mary say hi for me.
I will be glad to.
Gotta get going. See ya later.
Sorry about the humidity. I think I’ll be getting a heavy dose of that southern-style stickiness later this week.
Do you head home tomorrow?
Morning CG.
We like to share down here, so you can have all the humidity you want. 🙂
Heh, we get our fair share of the humidity here in SE PA, thanks.
What are you up to today? I’m dropping someone off at algebra and heading to the dmv (didn’t make it to the other dmv office yesterday). Hopefully it won’t be too awful a wait.
No much going on here. The home health nurse didn’t come yesterday, so we’re expecting her today. The asthma seems better, and I’m just trying to stay out of the heat.
Hope you don’t have to long of a wait at the DMV.
I hope she shows up today.
Well, I better run. See you later, and have a good day in the A/C!
which today in addition to Yet Another Hump Day also means Yet Another Hint Day as in “Wow CG, this cafe is getting really messy.”
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