Check out this wanker’s argument against Americans learning a second language.

“We should have every child speaking more than one language. It’s embarrassing when Europeans come over here, they all speak English, they speak French, they speak German. And then we go over to Europe and all we can say is merci beacoup, right?” says Obama.

Ignoring the terrible construct of Obama’s own extemporaneous English (a man so praised for his eloquence when reading from a teleprompter), we are now told that every American child should learn to speak Spanish. (Personally, I would prefer if they learned to speak proficient English first.) Like most liberals, Obama believes that to be multilingual is to be worldly, educated, sophisticated, inclusive, progressive, futuristic, admired, and respected in the world. Really?

Why learn Spanish? Why not the most common language in the world, Mandarin Chinese. Why not Hindustani (Hindi and Urdu), the third most common language after English? Better yet, why learn another language at all?

During two tours in Germany, I was frequently asked if I spoke German because of my last name. When I said “no,” the always somewhat haughty and abrupt Aryan reply was, “Too bad.” I invariably responded with, “Maybe. But I was born during the Nuremberg trials.” This response, which is perfectly true, invariably produced a richly ironic pregnant pause, which I enjoyed to no end.

The rest of his essay is even worse. He attempts to explain that he speaks fifty languages because the United States has fifty states, and then suggests that the reason no one is suggesting we all learn Portuguese is because Brazil doesn’t border the United States rather than because there are millions of Spanish speakers in our country and millions more Spanish speakers in this hemisphere than Portugeuse speakers.