Once upon a time I started getting emails from a guy named Colonel Bob Pappas, USMC, Ret. I even corresponded with him over several of them a few years ago. He’s a right wing ultra conservative of the pro-Bush, pro-kill all the Muslims, pro-fundamentalist Catholic version. But the one defining quality about him is his absolute insane delusion that everything bad is always, ALWAYS, the fault of liberals. So, strictly for entertainment purposes, follow me below the fold for his latest screed in which we find out what those evil Democrats are solely responsible for this time:
Anyone who contemplates the vast amount of money in circulation cannot help but marvel that the economy can turn downward, but it does. It did during the closing months of the Clinton bubble spilling over to the Bush years. Now, at the end of the Bush Administration given the amount of negative economic hype being put forth by the leftist media for the past two years combined with the concerted efforts of some of America’s so-called “friends” an economic downturn has finally come to a measure of fruition.
When a large enough number of people stop buying because they are repeatedly told that “bad times” are just around the corner or these are “bad times,” retailers stop selling, distributors stop distributing, orders for goods are not made and ultimately factories stop responding because there are no orders, and so GM closes 14 plants. It has nothing to do with reality, and everything to do with perception. Get it? So, who says that the media doesn’t play a role? How the hell do you think that the Republican’s got McCain and the Democrats got Obama if the media didn’t play a role?
The vaunted “Economic Stimulus Package” contains a lot of money, but not concentrated enough to do any good. Those who need fuel for their work trucks easily spend several hundred dollars per family in a week and a half. Don’t look now; because the Democrats have raised the price of gasoline so high a large and rapidly growing number cannot afford it anymore. So, pathetic little of the stimulus money actually goes to restart a down turned economy.
In the two years that Democrats have controlled the Congress, and given its single digit approval rating, they have earned it, how anyone with more than an ounce of brains would vote for one of those anachronistic dinosaurs is stupefying. Aside from beating up on oil industry executives and threatening to “nationalize” the industry, they have done nothing, zilch, squat, zip, and zero to help those who depend on transportation in connection with their livelihood! Drilling may not be the solution but there are hundreds of proven wells that are not producing because the Democrats in Congress are standing in the way.
How do Congressional Democrats think that most people get to and from work, job site, etc.? All the solutions they proffer are fine, but in the meantime thousands of jobs are going away because the cost to produce and transport is driving just about all prices out of sight. Would someone please remind them that not every city has public transportation, and in those that do, most are not configured to effectively and efficiently serve the greatest number of potential riders. There are reasons for that, but it does not change the situation.
So, in the “department” where Democrats could help, and that department is by forcing the price of crude back down by breaking the backs of speculators through use of taxing powers, and opening up so that oil production can begin in earnest, they make a lot of noise and do nothing. Then they have the temerity to blame others for the problem! Their latest is that the problem is very “complex.” Right, and donkeys fly!
With all the brainpower concentrated in the various levels of government, one would think that the problem could be easily solved. But laws of Democrats own design, bureaucracies that Democrats created, organizations that Democrats support stand in the way of efficient or effective action. If this crisis proves anything, it proves that the Democrat Congress would rather see the country crash than take effective and timely action.
Hello! Is anyone awake in Washington? There is a need for immediate action, not ten or fifteen years down the road. In the meantime, people have to eat! Get it?
The Democrat’s political “messiah,” in his increasingly well-defined empty suit both as U.S. Senator and Presidential Candidate, has proffered no meaningful suggestion or plan. He gestures, orates, and attempts to elucidate to make it worse, Obama has expressed agreement, if not delight that gasoline prices are high, with his only regret being, not that prices are forty percent higher than when Democrats took over Congress, but that they went up too quickly. And this is the best person is the Democrats could come up with as their candidate for President? Get serious!
I don’t like Rodham-Clinton and for that matter I don’t like John McCain, but the fact is either one of them has forgotten more than Obama will ever know. Idealism is great, speaking ability appreciated, vision for change laudable if it is the right change, but Obama is so vacant that he is blown about like straw in a storm and that is because he has no substance, or roots founded in experience; and despite his handlers best efforts they cannot impute years of experience in an otherwise empty suit in five months.
Robert Redford recently said that if Obama doesn’t win the election it will doom the Democrat Party. Pay attention, no serious American is going to trust this Nation’s future to an empty suit! You said it Redford. So Democrats, get ready because Obama is going to lose.
Semper Fidelis
With all due respect to the wisdom of Colonel Bob, USMC (Ret.) he is batshit insane. The cause of our current economic mess, including higher gas prices, has little if anything to do with the “leftist media” or Democrats in Congress, and everything to do with the policies of war, corporate welfare, and the deregulation of our financial industry that George Bush, Phil Graham and other corporate boot lickers in the Republican party have managed to implement, sometimes with the willing assistance of just enough conservative Democrats, and sometimes without. But he does serve as an excellent example of why the Democrats in Congress are craven fools. His “essay” demonstrates why caving in to what the Bush administration and Republicans want (such as, for example, telecom immunity and the rest of the FISA travesty Mr, Bush was so gleeful to sign into law) never works.
Because, dear Democrats in Congress, they’re going to blame you for everything wrong with America anyway. Just vote your damn conscience once in a while. Because it won’t make a bit of difference how the right wing crazies portray you on TV, the radio or the internet. Still, I expect to see some legislation pass Congress later this year allowing off shore drilling wherever the hell Big Oil wants to drill. Because that what our current group of Congressional Dems do best: surrender without a fight, especially in an election year.
And those who have what we, and others want, Royally Putting The Screws To Us for All we’ve done to them and theirs for Years and have now Compounded!!
And you’re right Steven, the clown is Bat Shit Crazie, and I doubt even ex-military, I’ve exposed way too many these past years!
With the right, they’ll be damned if they do and damned if they don’t:
So why don’t they at least keep the base on their side by doing what’s right (rather than right-wing)?
This is my favorite passage:
So, oil prices seem high, and has nothing to do with reality. Gee, I must have been dreaming.
Why didn’t this guy Pappas ever get his star? He’s got all the qualifications… narrow-minded, quick to point the finger, no critical faculties, ready able and willing to brownose… ah, his finer qualities go on and on and yet… no star!
America is the poorer for not having His Guidance as one of the Joint Chiefs. To think where America might be had Pappas’s cold dead hand not been pried out of the active ranks.