How does that subject title grab everyone?

Think about it, service to Country an Guaranteed an Education, Free of Charge, and possibly more.

Now don’t Peak!

Still not Peaking!

You’re not one those who read from the bottom up are you?
OK here’s the deal:

Armed forces ‘get free education’


Service personnel are to be given university education free of charge after they end their duty with the armed forces, it has been reported.

    According to the News of the World, personnel who complete six years service in the Army, Royal Navy or RAF will qualify for the scheme.

    The government will pay tuition fees to study for GCSEs, A-levels, university degrees or other qualifications.

    The measure is thought to be in Thursday’s Armed Forces Command Paper.

    This document will deal with a whole range of welfare issues affecting soldiers, sailors and airmen.

Got that last line, Will deal with a Whole Range of Welfare Issues Affecting Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen!

And there’s abit more in the short pre-report.

God Bless Great Britain!!
(He/She gave up on America a long time ago!)