In spite of the anti-Semitic rhetoric of Reverend John Hagee that was eventually uncovered and published on YouTube (now deleted), Joe Lieberman and two Congressmen are still attempting to give Hagee credibility as a supporter of Israel, in particular, the Likud faction that would deny Palestinians any rights to an independent state. Joe’s right wing Neocon proclivities are widely known, but his willingness to sleep with a bigoted Islamophobe like Hagee is an embarrassment.

As a last minute attempt to bring these lawmakers to their senses, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) has issued this appeal, which I am sending along. If you are so inclined, please contribute by signing this petition from JVP’s Campaign Director, Sydney Levy.

Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT), Representative Elliot Engel (D-NY) and Representative Mark Pence (R-IN) are scheduled to speak at the upcoming conference of Christians United for Israel (CUFI) – Pastor John Hagee’s organization, which is dedicated to preventing a just resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and ensuring ongoing bloodshed for years to come.

At last year’s CUFI conference, Senator Lieberman called Pastor Hagee a “man of God” who is “like Moses,” one of the “most revered” Jewish leaders of all time. Such a comparison degrades our religious and cultural heritages. Pastor John Hagee, who has “prophetically” identified the anti-Christ as Jewish and claimed that Hitler was God’s instrument to force Jews to go to Palestine, is a man for whom Jewish lives — and Palestinian, for that matter — are cheap; stepping stones on the path to Divine Glory. Pastor John Hagee has no concern for Muslims or for the truth, when he states that, “those who live by the Qur’an have a scriptural mandate to kill Christians and Jews… it teaches that very clearly.”

Join Jewish Voice for Peace, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and Just Foreign Policy by sending an email to Senator Lieberman and Representatives Engel and Pence calling on them to cancel their upcoming speaking engagements and disassociate themselves from CUFI.

After you send this email, you will be asked to sign A Statement from concerned Christian and Jews as well.


Sydney Levy, Campaigns Director
Jewish Voice for Peace
