There are so many people still in power and in important positions within the media who were wrong about Iraq and want desperately to be let off the hook for their errors, that it’s vitally important that we take it to them every single day. Michael O’Hanlon, for example, needs to be beaten (rhetorically) until he regresses into a fetal position and begs for the mockery to stop.
Update [2008-7-14 21:4:38 by BooMan]: Looks like the AP’s Washington Bureau Chief Ron Fournier needs some reedumacation and public humiliation, too.
O’Hanlon is livid? I’m outraged that this bozo is still being printed in any newspaper, although his appearance in the WaPo doesn’t surprise me. O’Hanlon has damaged this nation so badly that his career needs to be permanently tanked. I’m sure he can find a job with one of those imaginary neocon “think” tanks after this plays out. Can we send him the bill for the $3 trillion this debacle will cost us?
We can’t even prevent him from speaking for Democrats. He’s on someone’s payroll.
I just wrote to WaPo to complain. Why do they always ask for a comment from someone who is always wrong?
Heh. Why does FOX News love to have Kucinich and Sharpton on as guests?
I was just talking to a friend who was a WaPo reporter in the Vietnam era. He said they were exactly the same then, haven’t changed a bit.
beaten “rhetorically”?
tell that to this kid’s parents.
there’s no rhetorical about it. People like Michael O’Hanlon, Tom “Suck on This” Friedman, Bil Kristol, and all the rest of the sonsuvbitches deserve a lot more than a rhetorical beating.
nothing less.