Today’s lesson, class, is this:
What caused the failure of IndyMac Bank?
A) A long history of mismanagement resulting in a class-action lawsuit.
B) The loss of several top corporate executives in 2008 includingthe Chief Financial Officer who went on two months “medical leave” before resigning.
C) Lack of capital due to massive exposure in California’s crumbling housing market.
D) Dirty Fucking Hippie Democrat Chuck Schumer opening his goddamn mouth and asking oversight questions.
Guess which one the GOP noise machine and our liberal media is picking?
Here endeth the lesson.
we’re being played…just like on the Titanic.
US faces global funding crisis, warns Merrill Lynch
don’t be a cassandra, idreit…helps on the way, don’tcha know?
madame pelosi’s got it all figured out. via bloomberg:
more unsupported debt, just in time for the election. guess the chinese are still buying, eh.
We better act like we intend to pay some bills or the dollar is going to tank a lot more. Its a real shame this administration ran up massive deficits to win elections, pay for illegal wars and line the pockets of the richest of us. We could really use that money now for stimulus. I think any more rebates at this point will kill the dollar which will bring on more inflation.
If your working right now your tax dollars are better spent on our infrastructure which will create jobs. I’m working and do not want another rebate check that is borrowed from the nations future. We need stimulus that will benefit us. If your working helping those that are not is priority #1 and not tax rebates for more Chinese toys.
Sometimes I think Pelosi’s vacant stare isn’t a ploy to foil the Repugs.