Powering our towns/cities by alternative means, that is.
At least one small town in Missouri has accomplished that task with wind power.

ENS Link

One American Town Is Entirely Powered by Wind

COLUMBIA, Missouri, July 16, 2008 (ENS) – Four wind turbines supply all the electricity needed by the 1,395 residents of Rock Port. The town in the far northwest corner of Missouri announced Tuesday that it has become the first town in the United States to operate solely on wind power.

Rock Port depends for power on the Loess Hills Wind Farm with its four Suzlon 1.25-megawatt wind turbines developed by the Wind Capital Group of St. Louis. John Deere Wind Energy in Kansas City handled the financing.

The benefits will come to the town in several forms.

Baker said the wind turbines also attract many visitors, adding tourism revenue to the list of benefits.

And for ratepayers, the wind turbines are easy on their wallets. “Anybody who is currently using Rock Port utilities can expect no increase in rates for the next 15 to 20 years.”

And where there is a surplus generated, it will be purchased by the local utility company.

The wind farm is sized to provide enough electricity over the course of a typical year to match electricity consumption in the town. The Missouri Public Utility Alliance in Columbia will purchase excess electricity from Loess Hills when the output from the wind power plant exceeds what Rock Port residents use.

Giving credence to Al Gore’s 10 year goal.

Update: Today there was this story about UC-San Diego:

UC-San Diego Will Generate 10 Percent of Its Own Power

SAN DIEGO, California, July 17, 2008 (ENS) – The University of California-San Diego calls itself “one of the nation’s greenest college campuses,” and to enhance that status, the university has begun to install the components of a multi-faceted sustainable energy program.

The university will soon be generating 7.4 megawatts of green energy, providing 10 to 15 percent of its own annual electrical usage.

The far-reaching program, which includes solar panels, biogas fuel cells and wind energy, began with the first installation of solar photovoltaic panels atop a campus utility plant.

ENS Link