Peeder wrote (in his recent post on Political Fleshfeast Salting to Taste on Friday):

No you don’t cook with your brain.

A cook is a tongue and a nose. And that’s about it.

Well, peeder…

Pre-corporate breakdown it was maybe all about the tongue. YOU know. You remember. When you could fairly well trust that the food you bought…even at the local market, let alone in the best, priciest places…was not so chemically and genetically fucked up that it was just as likely to kill you as it was to nourish you?


Back then.



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Read on for more, if you so desire.
The whole system is rotted out.

Top to bottom, left to right and front to back.

NOTHING is working well here.

I am living on organic brown rice, beans, organic vegetables and wild/free range/organic animal protein as much as I am able to do so. I FEAR the food offered in America now, just as I fear the government and contact with corporate services of any kind.

Case in point.

I am well into my 3rd week of trying to establish high speed internet for an apartment in a thriving working-class neighborhood of the Bronx. I successfully did this with minor hassles…maybe two fuck-ups, no more than an hour or so on the phone…6 years ago in the same general area.

This time?

What a corporate disaster!!!

Easily 6 hours of phone time alone.

Missed appointments.

Refusal to make appointments during a time when I can actually see what is going down.

Endless telephone circle jerks. Often with people who not only cannot speak English well but do not know what they are doing. (Sorry, India…your tech boom is being fueled by the work of below frycook-level workers. A bust is coming. Soon. Bet on it)

I am into my third major corporate system in this quest so far. And THEY fucked up yesterday, keeping me in the apartment for 4 hours, claiming that they were there and received no answer when they rang, offering me another appointment 5 days away and then wishing me a nice day and goodbye.

This level of incompetence goes for the military, for the feds in every aspect of government, for the cultural and educational apparatus of the country, for the industrial system (what’s left of it) for the service industries, for the political parties…the decline has been truly shocking. And it is getting worse, not better.


Unless he is a combination of all of the wish-wish-wish superheroes that have graced the screens of our national subconscious this year, he does not have a SHOT at stemming this outrushing tide of…I was going to write mediocrity, but that would give it the grace of middleness at the very least. This outrushing tide of callous, uncaring, hypnotized, self-serving (short term only) stupidity.

If wishes were winged horses, beggars would FLY.

But they are not.

They’re just wishes.

I have been watching an ongoing “road repair” operation in my Bronx neighborhood for several months. A bunch of undershirted louts with big machines and tiny little brains have extended a two or three week operation into a career. Like the invasion of Iraq. I’m around during the day because I work at home when I am not traveling. Can’t help but see the shit. They take more time off than they work, and easily half the work force is engaged in incompetent traffic control when they are “working”. God only knows what kind of structural mistakes these assholes are making on the roads, but I will guarantee that someone will be back to fix the same area within a year or two. These guys couldn’t fix a fight even if they were the ones who were supposed to take the dive.

I am reminded of Japanese road workers when I watch these posturing fools. Two, three, four guys in neat coveralls, industriously doing their job with the least possible disruption of traffic and then on to the next job. And we wonder why Japan kicked our dimpled butt in the automotive and tech fields.


Simpsons America

Home sweet Homer.

God help us all.

It’s all about the tongue?


Y’gotta eat with your brain now. If you’re going to survive, you’re going to have to think your way through the corporate maze.

Bet on it.

The aliens done landed already.

They’re wearing suits.

When busted…they conveniently “die”.

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To be replaced by another.

Bet on that as well.

It’s all about the brain now, peeder.

The tongue? It’s just the new appendix.

Think well and prosper.