It only takes a small amount of interaction with American society at-large to quickly conclude that they’d gladly destroy the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge and kill and eat the last living polar bear if it would drop the price of gasoline ten cents per gallon.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Welcome to my world.
On the other hand, at least according to Chuck Todd “Joe voter in Rolla, Missouri” does want us out of Iraq.
if we start drilling today in ANWR, it’ll take about 12 years before we seen a drop of oil reserves there expected to last 6 months.
the irony – by then in 12 years oil could be priced beyond the $300/bbl level, (read devalued US$D) vehicles fueled by other resources.
Two years ago during the SOTU address Bush decried our addiction to oil;
“America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world,”
Now he is willing to enable our most powerful dealers in regards to that addiction?
It must be an election year thing.
to channel john wayne:
So are you saying that “people are too stupid, too susceptible, and too selfish to do the right thing”?
BTW, well done polar bear goes great with a glass of crude.
A huge plurality of people are just fucking selfish. I can forgive those that are selfish because the pressures they’re under demand it. But entitled brats that can’t understand why we need a minimum wage and think drilling in ANWR is the answer to gas prices? Way too many of them, and more are being indoctrinated every day.
same problem. same cure.
Huge plurality. Interesting. I’d put it over 50%.
The plan, as I understand it, is to drill in small patches in a number of areas distributed over the area of ANWR. The intent is to leave limited damage in small areas. That this result is highly unlikely and that great damage will likely ensue doesn’t matter when
profits are to be madethe American people will receive some relief.I’ve always thought that for wingnuts the debate over ANWR isn’t about either oil or profits; they know that drilling up there isn’t going to change our energy situation very much. For them it’s an ideological fight about whether we should be putting limits on corporate behavior. They don’t accept the notion that as a society we should be able to make intelligent collective decisions in the best interests of the planet. They fight battles like this because more than anything they want to sustain the patriarchal culture that they are so deeply invested in. The way they see it, they can’t allow any movement toward acknowleding the ‘commons’, the sense of shared resources.
I think they are not so much after the actual oil as what the potential oil represents on their present balance sheets. The pressure to make the oil companies appear even richer than they do now is purely a function of greed. By the time any of this future oil is actually mined, those that are pushing for it today will be dead or retired.
all we hear is ANWR..drill on the Coastline. No one mentions that North Dakota is sitting on a sea of oil..
a second source as proof…
But isn’t it oil shale? And much of the recovery of oil from shale involves surface mining. Everything has a cost.
no its oil..just drilling sideways instead of straight up and down..oil shale is rock..this is liquid
In the NYT today, Bob Herbert seemed to think windmills covering the Great Plains was a good thing. Perhaps he doesn’t know about the Central Flyway.
Migrating birds and giant windmills are not a good combo.
There are also a lot of people out there who think the southwestern deserts are worthless and no matter if we cover miles of them with solar panels and kill everything beneath them.
The natural world is truly f***.
As Barack Obama continues his imperial progress through Europe… This is truly remarkable.
Its not about the oil, its about setting a precedent to allow mineral extraction in protected areas — like ultimately National Parks and Wilderness areas in the Lower 48. Nothing grates on the mean-spirited selfish jerkoffs of the world than being told they can’t do something.