Who’s your least favorite Republican that is currently a member of Congress?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Joe Lieberman
Damn it, you stole my snarky comment. That’s what I get for lingering on other threads.
Oh man! Not fair! You beat me to it!
I was thinking, “Is this a trick question?”
Bob Casey
Lieberman was too easy Steven
How about:
Duncan Hunter
Lindsey Graham
Jim Inhofe
Box Turtle Cornyn
Jeff Sessions
Jim Sensenbrenner
Dana Rohrabacher
Saxby Chambliss
Jon Kyl
Duncan Hunter-once my Congressman. He deserves to be at the top of the list, but please add my current Congressman, Doug Lamborn of Colorado Springs. And then how can we forget Tom Tancredo?
That’s Duncan “Mighty White” Hunter – dude wanted to hunt wildebeast in Chad and feed it to the starving, but when they said no (first of all, no wildebeast in Chad), he said, deal off, just starve.
OK, since somebody else got Joe Lieberman before I had a chance to, I’ll say Diane Feinstein, but she is really only Lieberman Lite.
damn you! l was headed there. though salazar and rockefeller deserve an honorable mention.
No – seriously, she’s nowhere near as bad as some. She’s a good, solid Democrat about 80% of the time, which I’ll take, given the alternatives…
But, But, she’s a Dem. . . Oh, never mind!
all the above ; )
Ted Stevens.
That’s a tough call, but I have to go with Orrin Hatch.
He’s a toxic mix of dumb and arrogant.
Arlen Specter. There are worse, but this guy represents my state. He’s a loathesome little stool sample.
I have to agree with brendan. Arlen Specter has a bad habit of saying the right thing and then voting the wrong way. That is worse than the ones who simply disagree with me.
I’m so glad we can’t say Rick Santorum anymore.
I reserve my rancor for the top of the dungheap, Kentucky’s own Mitch McConArtist.
Sen Pat Roberts R-Kan..is running ads about the Boeing Tanker deal. Fails to mention he was the one who opened bidding to EADS and his son is a lobbyist for EADS..Airbus. Plus his failure to ever issue a report about the faulty intel leading up to the Iraq war.
Mike Rogers, Michigan 8th congressional district. He is currently my least favorite (cept for McCain and the guy mentioned by several upstream). What makes him so bad??? He’s my congress critter!
It’s so hard to pick a “worst” now that Santorum is gone! He would’ve been the hands-down worst of the bunch before ’06. Hmmm . . . I guess I’ll nominate Virgil Goode. Chip Pickering gets a (dis)honorable mention– at the ’04 Repub National Convention, he declared in his speech that this country is founded on “Christianity and faith in Jesus Christ.” I think not!
(TPM) In the interview, McCain told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer the following:
“We have various options. The Nuremberg Trials are certainly an example of the kind of tribunal that we could move forward with. I don’t think we’d have any difficulty in devising an international — internationally supported mechanism that would mete out justice. There’s no problem there.”
Last month, Obama actually specifically cited the Nuremberg trials (ABC News)
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Ken Salazar. Distaste for him is one reason McCain’s catching up in Colorado.
With Lieberman and McCain already listed I am compelled to mention Brownback, Coleman and Graham.
Orrin Hatch makes me run screaming from the room whenever he speaks.
Arlen Specter, for killing the truth about our history.
Written up in my diary – Obama’s Private Prayer at Temple Wall ‘Leaked’
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
How can we forget the ever zany, bat-crap crazy, Darrell Issa?
Darrell is a self-hating Arab.
I’m gonna interpret it as a two part Pick One thing…
and I’ll stay local.
Democratic: Dianne Feinstein
Republican: David Dreier
or Dana Rohrabacher
or Daniel Issa.
DAMN IT! I can’t have just one!!!!
I second Tancredo.
OT: More taser torture, this time of a 67-year-old minister with a heart condition, who made a snarky comment to a hospital prison guard.
I go with Jean Schmidt (R-OH2). As an expatriate Ohioan, I find her to be one to raise the bile every time I see her speak.
Let’s face it, Republican politicians need to get used to people assuming they’re guilty until they prove their innocence–sorry, my Republican cousins and family-members, just seems to be a fact of life that if there’s an ‘R’ after your name you’re probably waist-deep in the Big Muddy
Dick Cheney, he of the “unique creature” status. <rolls eyes>
That chinless wonder, Mitch McConnell.
As somehow who cares about the environment, that guy’s a real asshole.
And let’s not forget John McCain – what a phony.
Political: The ‘surge’ Working?? Take 1
Iraqi army prepares assault in Diyala as election law vetoed
Iraqi Military: The ‘surge Working?? Take 2
Iraqi forces aren’t quite ready to take charge
There’s a Video report at the top of this one.
And if this wasn’t such a tragic mistake, the invasion and occupation, you might find this report amusing. It reads like a ‘Keystone Cop’ movie, great descriptive honest take after 6plus years and still going.
Security: The ‘surge’ Working?? Take 3
Ex-insurgents Want More Money, or Else
I have from the beginning described the whole Iraq enterprise as Ketstone Kops on Crack.
Iowa Rep. Steve King is simply terrible for our democracy. In February of 2007, I sat next to him on a plane ride from DC to Omaha. The whole time some lobbyist suck up talked his ear off in the seat in front of him. I had the Washington Post and made sure to put the death total graphic in Iraq visible on my lap the whole plane ride. Finally, I had to ask him a question. “How can I be against the war but still support the troops?” He had no answer at all.
We actually had a friendly exchange but it was quite prevalent that I knew more about complex Iraq than he did because he kept it simple in some black/white good/evil framework. He was clueless about all of the Saudi foreigners coming to Iraq as suicide bombers.
His main point was that all Arabs hated freedom and we had to spend as much money possible to prevent the terrorists from blowing up our malls.
I gave up and realized that you can not have legitimate arguments with ideaologs who make points in the scary abstract and not reality.
My second vote is for Jay Rockefeller. I have no respect for turncoats who catered towards Telecoms more so than the progressive base.
Who’s your least favorite Republican that is currently a member of Congress?
Chuck Schumer
… Republican TOOL that is
What a piece of shit.
Gosh, no one mentioned Larry Craig. I guess we don’t care that he’s a lying closet case and votes with the far Right. Score one for maturity on sexuality issues!