Phil Green (Gregory Peck) is a magazine writer assigned to do a story about anti-Semitism. He poses as a Jew and faces discrimination in all walks of life.
This diary is not about anti-Semitism or Gregory Peck. It is about Obama and features an article by Bruce Dixon titled: Obama (and Big Media) Turn Blind Eye to Israeli Apartheid. Bruce Dixon is the Managing Editor of the Black Agenda Report. He wrote this story after he became somewhat miffed by Obama’s and Big Media’s elective ignorance of Israel’s Apartheid style of government during Obama’s recent trip to the Middle East. We are immediately reminded here of Reagan’s support for South Africa’s Apartheid government in the 1980s. Reagan of course did not win over all Americans to his anti-Black views and eventually, South African Apartheid was taken down. By whom? By us, you, and people who were incapable of tolerating racial injustice of the likes meted out by the Afrikaners.
Today it is the right wing Israeli Zionists who have taken up that role, and it is actually South Africans (like Mandela, Tutu, Kasrils, and others) who are speaking out loudly against apartheid practices in Israel.
So where the hell was Obama regarding this matter during his recent Israel trip? Listen to Bruce Dixon and learn a bit about political make-believe: the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy with which politicians like Obama and the mainstream media treat Israel.
Israel is now an apartheid state, according to the publisher of Ha’aretz, that country’s largest circulation daily newspaper. The occasion was the recent renewal of Israeli citizenship laws, which refuse to recognize marriages and families among most of the Arabs living in that country. How can Barack Obama, himself the son of an American mixed marriage remain an apparently uncritical supporter of Israeli apartheid, and why does corporate media continue to pursue a longstanding “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy toward the odious policies of racial and ethnic discrimination in Israel?
The presidential campaigns of Democrats and Republicans are no more about placing issues before the US public than competing commercials for new cars or bottled water are about the facts. Brought to us by the same corporate marketers that sell us lifestyles and beer, mainstream presidential campaigns aim to establish and exploit visceral, fact-proof loyalties to the brand of a party or candidate. The fact-proof nature of the Obama brand, and the lengths corporate media go to protect it were on prominent display during the candidate’s brief visit to Israel Palestine this week.
Barack Obama’s smiling brown face and Kansas-Kenya parentage are key elements in the Obama brand, that hazy image of progressive, post-racial transformation at home and abroad which lie at the heart of his appeal. At the same time, Barack Obama is committed to preserving what he calls Israel’s “identity as a Jewish state”, the polite term for what much of the rest of the world recognizes as an apartheid state.
A June 29 editorial by no less a member of the Israeli elite than Amos Schocken, the publisher of Ha’aretz, Israel’s daily newspaper of record is titled “Citizenship Law Makes Israel An Apartheid State” The gist of it is that the Israeli government prohibits recognition of marriages or family reunions between Arabs with Israeli citizenship and Arabs who live within the borders of Israel-Palestine in the bantustans of Gaza and the West Bank — inside the borders of Israel-Palestine but without Israeli citizenship.
In this, it would be a mistake to believe that the Israeli tail is wagging the dogs of US presidential candidates and Big Media. The heavily militarized and nuclear armed state of Israel is entirely dependent upon US military aid, economic support, and political patronage. Israel is the direct recipient of more than six billion US tax dollars annually. Israel could not continue its brutal annexation policies, its militarized wall, its “settlement” of Palestinian lands or any of its other objectionable policies without the complete and bipartisan support of US ruling circles. For the US, Israel is a kind of offshore military base, a nuclear-armed white enclave in the middle of millions of brown people who sit atop a large share of the world’s most accessible oil.
US public opinion, like that in the rest of the world, persistently calls for a more just and even-handed US policy toward Israel-Palestine. But corporate media and the US political elite, including Barack Obama continue to ignore them. On this issue, as Salon’s Glen Greenwald writes, public opinion is pretty well irrelevant.
If, as some Obama supporters claim, there is a “movement” which he listens to, and which potentially influences his positions, this would be a good time and place for it to speak up. If they can’t or won’t, it’s one more piece of evidence that the Obama candidacy is as people-proof as any other corporate one, that there is and never was any “Obama movement” with an objective beyond November, and that Obama is just another brand name, like Monsanto, or Ford, or Exxon.
So what has all this to do with Gregory Peck? Peck, as everyone knows was obsessed with humanitarian causes, such that roles in movies like Gentleman’s Agreement were well suited to him. It also makes one wonder what he would have thought about Israeli apartheid given his concerns about “gentleman’s agreements” like the “don’t ask, don’t tell” understanding some Americans once had about keeping Jews in their place?
So we have here another slant on Obama that we can take or leave. But Dixon does have a point: we don’t ask or tell.
no profiles in courage here.
OTOH, the Palestinian issue places Obama between a rock and a hard place given he has been a hawk for Israel… . If he embraces the Palestinian issue, it’s proof he’s a Muslim, Ooooh, confirming that New Yorker cover of him dressed in a turban and Michelle with an AK47 suited up in terrorist garb.
Hopefully as President he can take a page from former presidents Jimmy Carter (U.S.A) and Nelson Mandela of South Africa…as a moderator for peace.
We can always hope that Obama is just expressing duplicity and will do as he says, attend to the issue of peace from day one. Sad that everyone cannot be a Kucinich, free to discuss politics honestly.
and that’s the shred of hope that I hold out for Obama, that he’s such a smooth political operator that he KNOWS he has to play this game, this particular way, in order to not have AIPAC sabotage his campaign before he’s elected.
Once elected and inaugurated, the real challeneg becomes “remaining alive” (unassassinated) .. while he does what I hope is his real agenda, real peace & prosperity. There’s so much potential, so many frustrated Americans who DO want to do good .. right & left wing, just help the middle class get tools and opportunities to build real peace/prosperity!
Hopefully I’m not too naive…
Put in a nutshell, I suppose everyone interested in this Middle East issue hopes the same thing. A just and fair peace in Israel-Palestine could have positive rippling effects for American foreign policy.
A little evenhandedness would go a long way toward giving him credibility with any who are wondering or confused at his stepping away from his earlier apparent understanding and support of the Palestinians and would help to insulate him from charges of being pro Muslim or Arab. But he’s not even making a weak attempt at balance.
Too many excuses being given to cover his lack of courage.
Reminder 1: our elected representatives are not in charge of our government. If you’re not part of an interest group to field lobbyists you do not have a say.
another history lesson because we need to keep an open mind: take the Federal Reserve – a majority of Americans think it’s the U.S. Central Bank. There’s nothing federal about it, owned by private banks who print the currency and lends to government/we the taxpayers at a nice profit.
Eisenhower warned us. JFK knew it, tried to change it..the rest is history.
whoever controls the money, the food, controls everything.
when the greatest depression hits, a certainty it will.. we’re crossing the threshold, maybe we’ll be ready for his ability to test ideas..
economic pain will leave us no choice. The financial system is broken beyond repair.
Reminder 2: In the public square (media) Obama’s views are yet to be defined. Unlike others in the political field he does not fit easily into any one category. However, he has shown evenhandedness. (See link below).
My hope is that on the Palestinian issue, he’ll bring that even handedness to the table so Israel had better prepare.
btw, the New York Times/IHT has not been pro Obama
…is to be “pro-Palestinian.” Are you seriously blaming Obama for this environment? That strikes me as unfair.
You’ll recall what happened to Howard Dean when he said we should be “evenhanded” in the Middle East.
It’s not lack of courage; it’s the world that exists, and the environment that he has to work in. There are MANY issues that need to be on a corrective course say, five minutes ago. And if he doesn’t take them all on, he’s not courageous?
I see Obama’s campaign in many ways–one of them being Dean 2.0. He’s not about to repeat his mistakes.
I know we’re not going to see eye-to-eye on this, but this is the reality from where I sit. There’s a lot of work to do because I am just astounded by the ignorance out there. Sure, some of it is willful. But to pretend that there are not issues where he’ll have to tread carefully and then say he’s not “courageous” because he can’t take all of them on…I don’t buy it. Of course there are issues that everyone treads on carefully, no matter how they feel.
As anti-choice as Shrub is, you don’t see him saying “overturn Roe” out loud. And while he may tape messages to that crowd, do you see him address them in person?
But does anyone doubt he’s anti-choice?
what’s heartening, ‘though not yet perceived in the MSM is this: on the Israel-Palestine issue and Israelis’ attempt to have the world toe their line, the worm has turned, meaning their is now a divergence in approach between the BushGates admin and Israel.
Laura Rozen at MoJo/War and Piece picks up the meme: here and from LAT
and after this from Gates it would be a serious miscalculation on Israel’s part…from friends and allies alike. There’s a certain fatigue setting in on Israel’s attitude. Sixty years on is a bit much…their welcome mat is worn thin.
I think the tide is turning, but we’re not there yet. Since folks are way beyond seeing how deeply immoral this war is, I’ll put it in terms TPTB can understand–we just can’t keep spending like Cindy McCain and her AMEX on two wars. Periods. People are tired of these wars…been tired. That creates an opening.
Books like President Carter’s Peace, Not Apartheid help, as does the article, “The Israel Lobby” by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt. Another hopeful sign is the emergence of J Street as a counter to AIPAC.
My hope is that when Obama is elected that people like President Carter can do some back-channel work to lay the groundwork for more progress to secure a real two-state solution, water rights, etc.
Can I guarantee this will happen? Of course not. But I can guarantee what will happen if McSame slips in.
Not certain that being evenhanded would make a difference. If you look at the major political parties in Israel, none of them entertain a Palestinian state that exceeds some bantustans in the West Bank along with Gaza, and of course Israel controls Gaza thoroughly by land and sea as if it were indeed already a bantustan. Only Likud does not envision a place for the Palestinians, and I would presume that some kind of transfer plan in the wings to get rid of the Palestinians.
Look at what evenhandedness did for Bush who stated that the military occupation must stop and a contiguous sovereign Palestinian state must be created. He was brushed aside as was Condi Rice who held out hope until recently. She was apparently snookered by Linvi, a former Likudnik, now a Kadima bantustanista.