Here’s Four Hundred Eighty-Two Billion reasons to vote against McSame. And that’s probably a low ball figure. Guess we need more tax cuts!
Here’s Four Hundred Eighty-Two Billion reasons to vote against McSame. And that’s probably a low ball figure. Guess we need more tax cuts!
not a good enough reason.
According to McCain, only he can save us because a vote for Obama will bring us a depression.
The McCain camp know of which they speak..but how will they save us from what has been cast?
Only Republican’s need apply:
appears Gonzo’s Justice Department played politics with the Justice Department. I think the Dems. should make all those political hires quit and re-apply. Wonder if John McCain is against “affirmative action” for Republicans.
steven…don’t be such a cassandra…we don’t need a tax increase…the irs is cracking down on all those underlings abusing their company issued cellphones. that’ll surely bring the deficit down.
l got a “log” for chimpy and j-mac…it’s hollow and they can sleep in it.
Our campaign to take down a shock jock radio host has gone viral. If you have no clue what I’m talking about, here’s a good starting place
Actually, we DO need a tax cut now. If Bush hadn’t squandered the surplus, we could have a stimulative tax cut now and still be fiscally-prudent. Now we are between a rock and a hard place like Japan. Raising taxes will drag the economy down further and cutting them will put the dollar into free fall. We need an FDR-like change to restructure the economy.
That 480 billion dollar does not even count the money they used from the trust fund. That yearly surplus that is supposed to be accumulating for the boomers. The money they use every year to make their numbers look better. This administration does not honor or even acknowledge that money. I believe its upwards of 170 billion this year. Nobody even talks about it anymore. So call it 650 billion. FDR is spinning in his grave.
I truly hate these liars and war pigs.
equally disturbing is this TPM, Josh Marshall’s nugget:
McCain’s foreign policy advisor Scheunemann:
Over the weekend, The New York Times noted that some of John McCain’s foreign policy advisers from the “realist” camp are uneasy with the amount of influence enjoyed by neoconservatives like Randy Scheunemann, who’s been serving as McCain’s chief foreign policy aide and spokesman.
The Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, a new non-governmental organization, has been formed to advocate freedom and democracy in Iraq. A distinguished group of Americans who share a common view on the importance of liberating Iraq and building pluralistic institutions will serve on the Committee’s Advisory Board. The Committee will meet with Dr. Condoleezza Rice, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, at the White House later today to discuss Iraq policy.
Chaired by former Secretary of State George Shultz, Advisory Board members represent a diverse, bi-partisan coalition including former Senator Bob Kerrey, Teamsters President James Hoffa, Jr., retired General and former “Drug Czar” Barry McCaffrey and noted Middle East expert Dr. Bernard Lewis of Princeton University (complete list attached). The Committee was formed to promote regional peace, political freedom and international security through replacement of the Saddam Hussein regime with a democratic government that respects the rights of the Iraqi people and ceases to threaten the community of nations.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
of course it’s low. right off the top= remember, add 80 billion for latest Iraq supplemental. Then go from there.
If McCain the Insane follows Bush to the White House, it would be like Herbert Hoover succeeding Calvin Coolidge. Depression, here we come. Then, again, America would be able to realize what a depression feels like and so expand its experiential field.
I guess the republicans just what to teach us what good times are really like. What better way than by contrasting the prosperity that we are familiar with, with the economic sufferings that are just around the corner. Only this time we have two, maybe three, maybe four wars to worry about.
Somehow, I think no one is ever going to ignore the legacy of GW Bush.
And time for more of those incentive payments that have been so instrumental in revitalizing our economy.
WASHINGTON – Republican presidential candidate John McCain drew a sharp rebuke from conservatives after he signaled an openness to a higher payroll tax for Social Security, contrary to previous vows not to raise taxes of any kind.
That comment drew a strong response from the Club for Growth, a Washington anti-tax group. McCain’s comments, the group said in a letter to the Arizona senator, are “shocking because you have been adamant in your opposition to raising taxes under any circumstances.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Yep, the chickens have finally come home to roost. The right wing silence on these facts will be deafening.
Wow! Racial harmony, fair wages, human and civil rights, aid to the poor, support for the homeless, reaching out to gay teens. Sure does sound to me like stuff that Jesus would hate.
All the right wing nut jobs will do everything they can to push this one down the memory hole as quickly as possible. It doesn’t do much for their brand, that’s for sure.
This one still torques me off.
If he had been a Muslim, or a Hispanic man, or African-American (especially in this election, can you imagine the invective spewed forth if a black man had been the killer here?), or any combination of the above, this story would still be front page on the 24 hour news channels. We’d have yet another “national dialogue” on race or religion that would end up with Malkinvania or Pammykins or Savage screaming for more racial and ethnic profiling and rounding “these people up before they can attack us again.”
The people who died would have been heroes. They may have been “saved if they were allowed to exercise their full second amendment rights to carry firearms at all times”…
But he was a white guy with a Sean Hannity book and a beef against Unitarian liberals. The people he killed? Not conservative enough.
So not a peep on this story out of the usual suspects. The news channels have already moved on to play “Who’s the veep?” and “Amy Winehouse is in the hospital again!”
This has already been forgotten.
Tennessee is a Concealed Carry state. Curious if this nut had a CC permit, though a shotgun certainly would not apply. It’s just that I always hear how you don’t have to worry about the people who have CC permits, because they’re always law abiding citizens and only criminals wouldn’t bother to get a permit. And, not too surprisingly, it is a perfect illustration to some why you should be able to carry a gun everywhere, even church.
“Yep, if that usher had a .45 on his hip, he wouldn’t have had to take that round in his chest”.
I heard that kind of sentiment from more than one person after Virginia Tech.
“Arm the college kids, it’s the only way they’ll be safe”.
Of course, those pantywaist liberals would only want to hug the shooter and get him counseling, right?
In the minds of neanderthal conservatives, it’s just like an American western. The good guy is always the faster draw and guns down the dude in the black hat every time.