The legendary Joshua Holland has a write-up on the Knoxville Shooter. It appears that the guy was a major consumer of FOXoid/TalkRight literature. It looks like listening to Michael Savage’s radio show and reading his books can turn you into a hunter of liberals.
Inside the house, officers found “Liberalism is a Mental Health Disorder” by radio talk show host Michael Savage, “Let Freedom Ring” by talk show host Sean Hannity, and “The O’Reilly Factor,” by television talk show host Bill O’Reilly.
The shotgun-wielding suspect in Sunday’s mass shooting at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church was motivated by a hatred of “the liberal movement,” and he planned to shoot until police shot him, Knoxville Police Chief Sterling P. Owen IV said this morning.
Adkisson, 58, of Powell wrote a four-page letter in which he stated his “hatred of the liberal movement,” Owen said. “Liberals in general, as well as gays.”
So he went to a Unitarian Church and opened fire with a shotgun. He killed two and injured six people that he didn’t even know. He did it because “he could not get to the leaders of the liberal movement…[so he] targeted those that had voted them into office.” Isn’t that special? He probably thought he was justified in killing people that had ‘mental disorders’ and were trying to turn the county into a giant bathhouse.
Let me ask y’all a question. In all your blogreading or listening to Air America or watching Phil Donahue or Keith Olbermann on your teevee, have you have ever heard a Democrat or a liberal advocate the murder of a political opponent or the destruction of, say, the Colt Tower in San Francisco or the New York Times Building in Times Square? Have you ever heard any of these liberals talk about taking an opponent’s life, freedom, or property without due process of law?
That’s probably why you haven’t seen some deranged liberal walk into a megachurch and try to take out a conservative or two. The Right in this country feeds off demonization. It’s lucrative and it keeps them in power. That’s also why they are practically begging for another terrorist attack so that they can refill their fear-tank, which is clearly running on fumes at this point.
One more question…do you think Michael Savage will lose any sleep over the people that got killed at least in part because of his incitement?
Rude Pundit regularly calls for all sorts of stuff, but I think everyone knows he’s a parody and besides, how big is his audience compared to Michael Savage?
Even a big ol’ hothead like me draws the line at inciting murder, and I hate just about everybody on the right wing. Although I will admit, it’s not out of any moral sensibility, but more out of a sense of self-preservation. I don’t need the cops knocking down my door.
And no, Savage, who is completely deranged an should probably be committed to a state hospital, willnot lose any sleep. He’s probably calling for more murders today.
you also don’t need to live in a country where scores are settled by shotgunning the parishioners of houses of worship that you don’t agree with. Fuck…the country was basically founded on that principle.
you also don’t need to live in a country where scores are settled by shotgunning the parishioners of houses of worship that you don’t agree with
also true.
“…the country was basically founded on that principle.”
Unfortunately, when you get down in the details behind the American mythos it’s not all so pretty. For instance, I seem to recall a certain Roger Williams being run out of Massachusetts for heresy, and founding Rhode Island as a result. And the Salem witch trials weren’t exactly an ecumenical Kum-bay-yah moment in American history, either.
both of those incidents happened before the founding of the country. Just saying….
They laid a foundation for others to build on.
Don’t forget the Mormons being run out of several states on their way to what eventually became Utah, the Christianization of the Native Americans . . . I’m sure there are others.
Not to completely trash your overall point (the American mythos covers up a lot of tragedy, stupidity and greed in the nation of patriotism), but those two examples don’t work the way you want them to work. They both occurred well before the founding of the country and were the work of British colonials who came over here to live in the theocracy that the Brits wouldn’t let them have over there. Booman’s actual point about the country being founded so that people didn’t have to settle political disputes by shooting each other is mostly accurate.
(Though the definition of “people” has changed over time to include Native Americans, slaves, and women. And there’s that whole messy frontier era where cattle ranchers and sheep herders got into outright war over land and water. Not to mention the low point of the civil war, or the various assassinations of the mid 20th century…)
..adding: Malkin’s comments on the topic are disgusting, defensive, and argue in favor of carrying guns to church.
No, really:
Cuckoo for cocoa puffs…
Maybe liberal church-goers should take their advice.
I’ve been saying liberals should pack heat for some time now.
One of these days I’m going to take my own advice. I was supposed to get my hunting license this summer but never got to it.
I’m packin’ heat for the Lord!
I reckon that the rest of the church-goers deserve to know that someone in their midst is carrying an unauthorized concealed weapon. But that’s just my selfish opinion as a possible innocent bystander victim.
It’s worth noting that Unitarian Church members, packing no heat, overwhelmed the shooter.
By current standards, he was lightly armed (because he was broke, I would guess). Members of the congregation overwhelmed him while he was reloading his shotgun. If he were shooting a semi-automatic pistol, they probably wouldn’t have had enough time.
Remember: except for terrorist acts like the Knoxville Shooter, our nation is has been free of terrorist attacks since the previous terrorist attacked and terrorized.
A well-respected – many would say “revered” local columnist of many years for the Knoxville News-Sentinel, Sam Venable, called the attack “a domestic terrorist attack” in his column today. Sounds obvious to us around here, but this is a big step for Knoxville. It occurs on the same morning that the local AM drive-time talk radio is fielding calls from irate yahoos who are upset that the shootings are being investigated as a “hate crime,” because “there shouldn’t be hate crime laws”, because “every crime is a hate crime, because the Bible tells us to love one another,” and because “every crime should be prosecuted equally under the law; some victims shouldn’t get special treatment.” I kid you not. Almost had to pull the car over and vomit.
Go read Venable’s commentary; I’d quote it but it’s short and so to the point I’d have to quote the whole thing. He connects the dots between this tragedy, a manichaean worldview, and certain people in “Pakistani caves.”
Back so soon?
Dr./Mrs. K.P. thinks this could be a very interesting time in the next few months around Knoxville, seeing whether the cognitive dissonance reaches critical mass for the conservative Christians in the pews. Anyone know if or how Laramie was changed by the Matthew Shepard killing and aftermath?
every crime should be prosecuted equally under the law
Is this why you stand to do more hard time for camcording a movie or smoking a joint then you do for assault?
Seriously, I can’t follow the topology of these people’s logic. It’s like a hyperdimentional pretzel.
From Venable’s column:
Haven’t I seen this somewhere before?
Dammit, this is nothing more than “The Bush Doctrine” applied domestically.
No “six degrees of separation” required here. They’re punched out of the exact same mold. They both suffer from a “delusional, paranoid mind”.
The point isn’t that this is news to us, but that it’s being said by a respected mainstream figure in the local mainstream press newspaper deep in the Bible Belt. That’s a hopeful development, I’d say.
Yes, it is a hopeful development. It is not often in many parts of the country that such a stark observation in a widely viewed public forum is laid out so distinctly.
It is surely an upsetting thing for many there to contemplate.
will lose lots of sleep once he loses major advertisers. The NYC Chapter of Parents of Autistic Children is in the process of organizing a major campaign to get advertisers to divest themselves of any participation in this clown’s radio shows.
I still can’t figure out how he stays on the air, other than he must be making money off of it. That in itself is a sad commentary on our nation.
He lost a reported million dollars in advertising revenue as a result of a campaign after he screamed some horribly hateful anti-Muslim stuff. A number of his major advertisers pulled out after they were asked to.
It is highly unlikely that Savage even considers any connection to exist.