Ike: Dead and Loving It

There are days when Secretary of Defense Robert Gates makes you glad there’s a guy in that office who’s at least trying to keep Dick Cheney and the Crazies in their box.  Other days, Gates says stuff that makes you want to scream.  When he warned recently against a risk of “creeping militarization of some aspects of U.S. foreign policy,” I wanted to scream “Yo, Rip van Winkle!  Eisenhower told us all about it 47 years ago.”
Disastrous Rise of Misplaced Power

President Dwight David Eisenhower’s farewell speech was hauntingly prescient.  

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex, he said in 1961. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.  Nearly a decade into the “New American Century,” our erstwhile republic has become a militaristic oligarchy.  
We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations, Ike said.  Today, we spend more on military security than the rest of the world combined.  

In March 2006, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told the Senate that, “We may face no greater challenge from a single country than from Iran.”  Iran’s defense budget is less than one percent the size of America’s. Al Qaeda, which Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell calls “the pre-eminent terrorist threat against the United States,” has no defense budget at all.  

China, consistently touted by the neocons as our next peer military rival, spends a tenth or less as much as we do on defense, and a large portion of China’s defense budget goes to updating the arsenal they still have from when they shot down William Holden in The Bridges of Toko Ri.  Hawks claim that the Chinese lie about how much they actually spend on arms, but they can’t lie about it as much as we do. Dr. Robert Higgs of The Independent Institute says a good rule of thumb for determining America’s actually defense spending is to take the Pentagon’s publicized figure and double it.  Some estimates project America’s 2009 military spending at $1.45 trillion, 54 percent of the entire federal budget.  I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the actual figure is even higher.

Yet the neoconservatives insist that we continue excessive levels of defense spending, maintaining that we must exhaust a minimum of four percent of America’s gross domestic product on our military.  In another one of his remarks that make you wonder what he scored on the SATs, Secretary Gates said in November 2007 that four percent of GDP should be a “benchmark as a rough floor of how much we should spend on defense.”

I’ve said this before but it bears duplicate reiteration: if a nation’s defense budget as a percentage of its GDP were representative of its armed might, military juggernauts like Qatar (10%), Eritrea (6.3%) and Barundi (5.9 %) would have us pinned in the receiving end of a kitchen table encounter.  

Buck for the Bang

Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades, Ike said, and he told us that we must be alert to the danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite .  

Gates’s endorsement of the four percent solution is consternating when we consider his public frustration with the military establishment’s determination to arm for a war of national survival with an emerging power to be named later at the expense of focusing on the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.  

Our obsession with fantastical weapons has led to an extravagant burlesque of asymmetrical warfare. F-22 stealth fighter jets carrying state-of-the-art air-to-air missiles have taken on the mission of intercepting commercial aircraft armed with box cutters, nuclear submarines equipped with cruise missiles bomb towns in Somalia on the chance that a terrorist may be hiding in them, and our $2 billion B-2 stealth bombers engage in mortal combat with moisture.

In an attempt to become more relevant to the war on terror, the commander of U.S. air forces in the Middle East, Lieutenant General Gary North, has cobbled together a “detailed plan” for how air power will be “refocused” in Iraq as ground troop strength there is reduced.  It’s mighty sporting of General North to get his Air Force involved in Operation Iraqi Freedom, but what’s been holding them up for the last five years, a battle royal with Monty Python’s Flying Circus?

Pouring more funds into Gates-favored programs like unmanned aerial vehicles and special forces may have more application to our woebegone war on terror, but those programs don’t require an investment equal to four percent of our economy, and potential threats that warrant that degree of profligacy exist only in science fiction.    

Total Influence

Ike told us that the military industrial complex affects the economic, political, even spiritual aspects of American life, and is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government.  At this point in our experiment in democracy, regional economies and political careers are wholly dependent on the influx of federal funds that feed the insatiable U.S. arms industry.  It not only drives foreign policy, but every aspect of domestic policies as well, even, as Ike put it, the very structure of our society.

Though Ike cautioned that we must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes, we have allowed the Machiavellian fabrication of the hollow ogres and bogeymen that justify our military industrial welfare state to transform the land of the free into the home of the Patriot Act, unwarranted wiretaps, torture and worse.  More than half our tax dollars have bought us a security apparatus that didn’t defend us from the 9/11 attacks or deter them, that has increased rather than decreased the threat of terrorism, and that only a Cheney-class lunatic would argue is promoting our interests overseas.  

Reversing this sad state of our union will take a lot more than a new president who’s a clone of the present one, and will require a Secretary of Defense far more astute than Robert Gates.  

But the most important requirement will be the one Ike identified nearly a half century ago: Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Commander Jeff Huber, U.S. Navy (Retired) writes at Pen and Sword . Jeff’s novel Bathtub Admirals (Kunati Books), a lampoon on America’s rise to global dominance, is on sale now.  Also catch Russ Wellen’s interview with Jeff at The Huffington Post and  Scholars and Rogues.

Olmert or Netanyahu: Will it make a difference?

Yesterday, the world was informed that Ehud Olmert will shortly resign as prime minister of Israel, apparently due to his investigation for problems of corruption. Here and there around the internet, one can read speculations about what it will mean for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, because the most popular politician in Israel today continues to be Bebe Netanyahu, a right wing Likud hawk.

Will it make any difference to the peace process if Netanyahu were elected next prime minister? Not likely, since while in office, Olmert did little more than talk peace, while supporting a continuation of the military occupation and colonial activity in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Olmert beat back Annapolis by sipping tea with Abbas, while foreign minister, Livni, led Condi Rice on a wild goose chase.

The reason there will be no change in the so-called peace process is Israel’s project to capture Judea and Samaria (West Bank to everyone else) and the fact that no major Israeli political party espouses an independent Palestinian state.

The Truth of Israel’s Intentions was written by Karen Nakamura, The Electronic Intifada, in July 2006, in response to Israel’s latest propaganda meme, “the right to exist,” and shows that a Palestinian state is as allusive today as it ever was.

Israel complains endlessly about how Hezbollah and Hamas refuse to recognize Israel’s right to exist.

The truth is that no major Israeli party believes in a viable Palestinian state.

Just who is denying whose right to exist is clearly stated in the following direct excerpts from the platforms of Israel’s most powerful parties, Labor, Kadima and Likud.

Labor’s Platform:

1. Jerusalem: United Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, under Israeli sovereignty. The Palestinian residents of the city will enjoy municipal rights in the quarters in which they reside, and special arrangements will be established for the sites sacred to Christianity and Islam. 2. Self-Determination for the Palestinians: The Labor Party recognizes the Palestinians’ right to self-determination, and does not rule out in this connection the establishment of a Palestinian state with limited sovereignty. 3. Security: The Jordan river will be Israel’s eastern security border and there will be no other army stationed to the west of it. 4. Borders and Settlements: Israel extends its sovereignty over areas that are major Jewish settlement blocs. 5. The Right of Return: Israel does not recognize the right of return of Palestinians to areas under Israeli sovereignty. Israel will negotiate with the Palestinians on allowing the return to areas under Palestinian control.

Kadima Party Platform:

1. The Israeli nation has a national and historic right to the whole of Israel. However, in order to maintain a Jewish majority, part of the Land of Israel must be given up to maintain a Jewish and democratic state. 2. Israel shall remain a Jewish state and homeland. Jewish majority in Israel will be preserved by territorial concessions to Palestinians. 3. Jerusalem and large settlement blocks in the West Bank will be kept under Israeli control. 4. The Israeli national agenda to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and achieve two states for two nations will be the road map. It will be carried out in stages: dismantling terror organizations, collecting firearms, implementing security reforms in the Palestinian Authority, and preventing incitement. At the end of the process, a demilitarized Palestinian state devoid of terror will be established.

PEACE AND SECURITY chapter of the Likud Party Platform:

  1. Declaration of a Palestinian State: A unilateral Palestinian declaration of the establishment of a Palestinian state will constitute a fundamental and substantive violation of the agreements with the State of Israel and the scuttling of the Oslo and Wye accords. The government will adopt immediate stringent measures in the event of such a declaration.
  2. Settlements: The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria [West Bank] and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting.
  3. The Permanent Status: The overall objectives for the final status with the Palestinians are: to end the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians on the basis of a stable, sustainable agreement and replace confrontation with cooperation and good neighborliness, while safeguarding Israel’s vital interests as a secure and prosperous Zionist and Jewish state.
  4. Self-Rule: The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan River. The Palestinians can run their lives freely in the framework of self-rule, but not as an independent and sovereign state. Thus, for example, in matters of foreign affairs, security, immigration and ecology, their activity shall be limited in accordance with imperatives of Israel’s existence, security and national needs.
  5. Jerusalem: Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel. The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem, including the plan to divide the city.
  6. The Jordan River as a Permanent Border: The Jordan Valley and the territories that dominate it shall be under Israeli sovereignty. The Jordan River will be the permanent eastern border of the State of Israel. The Kingdom of Jordan is a desirable partner in the permanent status arrangement between Israel and the Palestinians in matters that will be agreed upon.
  7. Security Areas: The government succeeded in significantly reducing the extent of territory that the Palestinians expected to receive in the interim arrangement.

So collectively what Israel’s major parties propose is either no Palestinian state (Likud) or a state consisting of South African Apartheid style Bantustans (Kadima, Labor).

So what will be the difference between Olmert and Netanyahu? Rhetoric!

Karen Nakamura is an investigative reporter for the progressive Coastal Post newspaper located in the San Francisco Bay area. She has been writing on the Palestine/Israel conflict for fifteen years. Active in the civil rights movement since the 1960s, she presently confines her activism to writing blistering tomes for the alternative press. Reproduced by permission.

Today’s Polls Show Obama Leading in Critical States

If you follow the polls, then today’s releases are pointing in a positive direction for Obama. For the first time we see him leading in three critical states (Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania) which cost the Democrats the election in the last two Presidential runs. That these state polls are from the Quinnipiac organization, whose results have been very conservative throughout the primaries, and giving Rasmussen’s continued Obama lead in the National poll, McCain’s “celebrity” attacks do not seem to have had an effect.

Here are the poll results for July 31:

      Pres ’08
      July 31 Rasmussen
      Obama (D) 48%, McCain (R) 46%
      July 31 Quinnipiac
      Obama (D) 46%, McCain (R) 44%
      July 31 Quinnipiac
      Obama (D) 46%, McCain (R) 44%
      July 31 Quinnipiac
      Obama (D) 49%, McCain (R) 42%

Let’s remember that McCain said he wasn’t going to go negative, but, of course, he has. And he is forcing Obama to rapidly answer attacks, which makes Obama much tougher, defining McCain as off-base, purveying non-truths, and, frankly, the lower class candidate of the two.

Under The LobsterScope

Less Than 4 weeks and counting…

Denver is looming large on the horizon. However, some business needs to be settled for the Obama campaign leading up to the convention. My spirits were lifted back during the primary campaign when Barack gave that wonderful speech on “Race in America”. As an African American, his speech caused me to hope that he was putting the perspective of RACE in American politics into the proper viewpoint. With less than 4 weeks to Denver, reality lies below the fold.
Many people, black and white, quickly tire when the subject turns to the “racial problem”. This is because race stirs the emotions of all people. Let’s look at the facts. A white candidate with Barack’s capabilities, his education, his speaking abilities, wit, charm and charisma as the presumptive Democratic nominee would have no contest from the likes of John McCain. With the failures of the Republican party fresh in the minds of voters, it would absolutely be NO CONTEST!
 Therefore, it is obvious that the only handicap Barack has is his RACE, and in this election it is a big one.

All of the current pettifogging circulated in the media that Obama lacks experience, or he’s too presumptive, or he’s elitist, etc. When confronted with proof that anyone of these arguments are false, the complainer simply reaches down and offers another one. These petty arguments that have dogged Barack throughout his campaign are simply racially coded anti-Obama arguments which spares the biased individual the indignity of being forced to say straight out, “I don’t like him because he’s black! RACE IS THE ONLY ISSUE IN THIS ELECTION!
RACE in this election is bigger than –
The Energy Crisis,
The Economy,
The War in Iraq,
The Housing Crisis,
The Decaying Infrastructure,
The 8 – 10 Trillion Dollar Federal debt….

There are millions of white Americans though faced with imminent financial disaster will still go into the voting booth and vote for McCain, even though they know that things are going to become a horrible nightmare for them and their family when he becomes President.

The Obama campaign MUST continue discussing all of the issues above, but their strategy must mirror the realization that RACE is the primary issue in this campaign. When Barack accepts the Democratic nomination for President in front of 75,000 cheering fans (as planned in August), it is important to remember that not all of those people will actually vote for Barack on Election day.

The secret to winning a close race in a racially charged Presidential election is to:

  1. Keep the base strong and dedicated. Treat them like family and give them plenty of attention.
  2. Speak your program to the Independents. They are the folks really interested in the problems and will pay sharp attention as to how you propose to solve them.
  3. Carefully screen advisory personnel designated as spokespeople on the TV media. The campaign interview shows on TV will be getting tougher and more biased as the general election campaign proceeds and the people representing the Obama campaign must be up to the task.

My sense is that Barack wants to stay above this level of political reality and attract voters mainly on his position on the issues. However, that is the way politics used to be. Democrats used to vote the “pocket book issues”. Unfortunately, for the Democratic party,the Reagan Democrats ended that, whom chose to surrender instead to the emotional fire of the Republican “hot Button Issues”. Not one of these inconsequential questions ever put another chicken in the pot and a new car in the garage! In the 8 year wake of George W’s demolition of the financial state of the federal government, the Democrats are whistling “happy Days are here again”. But many registered Democrats are still under the influence of the Republican hot button propaganda and in this election RACE is the hot button issue.

Obama Rolls into Rolla

I’ve been a Democrat since I was eligible to vote, and believe I was one of the 3 people who voted for Mondale in 1984.  I follow every election closely, and now had the added resource/distraction of the internet.  I consider myself a little jaded, and have tried not to get too excited about this cycle lest I be disappointed once again.  But, then Obama rolls into my little hometown and damn, it’s hard not to be juiced.  

Phelps County, where Rolla is located, went for Bush over Kerry by 63-36, so it’s about as ‘red’ an area as you’ll find.  I don’t think he has to win these areas, but if he can get it to 45-55 he carries the state.  I thought this was not going to happen, but after this swing through Springfield, Lebanon, Rolla and Union today, I’m not so sure.

Roughly 2,000 people (town is 16,000) stood in the sweltering sun yesterday to obtain the tickets.  They had to turn away over 600.  

My wife and I sat about 10 rows from Obama, in a gymnasium on the campus of Missouri S&T (formerly UMR).  It was hot, but the local Democratic party did a great job with handing out water, and the campaign had rented air conditioning units on trailers that vented into the building.  

The crowd was a good mix of college students, elderly, white collar types, and a few bubbas.  I’m not active locally so I was surprised to see who was there.

Local speakers included the Carnahans (Robin and mother Jean), local political powerhouse family, and then Sen. Claire McCaskill (born at our hospital), Jay Nixon (next governor of Missouri) and Obama entered.  Raucous crowd, great enthusiasm.  

He did his standard stumpy type speech, obviously wanting to emphasize the economy this week.  He added the new wrinkle of a skilled push-back on McCain’s latest attack ads, saying, “he’s spending a lot of time talking about me, that’s because they’ve got nothing to offer themselves…”  This was well received, he needs to keep it up.  He does it in a way that is disarming, hard to see him as whining when he’s smiling.

Opening it up to a few questions after about 20 minutes, he got the usual mix of odd ball, substantive, the personal.  He is good in this format, more so than most realize.  He doesn’t just give lofty, pretty speeches, he can answer on the fly in a way that ties it back to his central themes.  He need not cede this format to McCain.

My wife and I got close enough to shake his hand, but alas, just too many in front of us.  


  1. If scheduling allows, he should do more of these events, it impressed the heck out of people here, even those who won’t vote for him.  Even a few more hundred votes per rural county plus good turnout in the big cities could swing the state.  We’re within a couple of points now as it is.
  2. It’s really, really hot here in late July, but Obama looked cool throughout.  He’s also much thinner in person, very slightly built.  
  3. I’ll let myself get a little more carried away with his candidacy.  I’m still jaded, be he IS good.

Prohibitive Prescriptions

You can tell a lot about a person by what in their medicine cabinet. A quick peek during a trip to the bathroom and the nosy neighbor could find out whose taking anti-depressants or birth control pills. Maybe someone is being treated for heart disease or bipolar disorder. Or perhaps someone is taking antibiotics for any number of conditions, from a sinus infection to an STD. Certain medicines, if you know what to look for, are a clear sign that someone is undergoing treatment for cancer or HIV.

Of course, most of keep to ourselves what medications we’re taking. That’s why they’re behind the medicine cabinet door, and not lined up on the kitchen counter. Most of us don’t go snooping in other people’s medicine cabinets. (Do we?) And if we did, the worst we could do with the information is use it to spread gossip.

That is, unless we’re in the business of looking into other people’s medicine cabinets, or using the information obtained by those who are poking around in the nation’s medicine cabinets..

You did know that there’s a thriving business in buying and selling your prescription information, right? When you pick up your prescriptions, somebody besides you and your pharmacist knows what’s in that bag.

An untold number of people have been rejected for medical coverage for a reason they never could have guessed: Insurance companies are using huge, commercially available prescription databases to screen out applicants based on their drug purchases.

Privacy and consumer advocates warn that the information can easily be misinterpreted or knowingly misused. At a minimum, the practice is adding another layer of anxiety to a marketplace that many consumers already find baffling. “It’s making it harder to find insurance for people,” says Jay Horowitz, an independent insurance agent in Overland Park, Kan.

Anxiety? You could call it that. For most of us, who have healthcare through our employers, there’s not much to worry about. But for those who have to purchase individual insurance — and in this economy that could be any of us, since health insurance is usually attached to employment. So any of us could be in the same position as the Sheltons.

Walter Shelton, a 57-year-old safety consultant in the oil and gas industry, says he tried to explain that the medications weren’t for serious ailments. The blood-pressure prescription related to a minor problem his wife, Paula, had with swelling of her ankles. The antidepressant was prescribed to help her sleep—a common “off-label” treatment doctors advise for some menopausal women. But drugs for depression and other mental health conditions are often red flags to insurers.

Despite his efforts to reassure Humana, the phone interview with the company representative “just went south,” Walter recounts. He and his wife remain uninsured.

“I want to know what’s in there if there’s a black mark against us,” Walter says. Paula, 51, adds: “We can’t get health insurance because we’re taking medications that were prescribed by our doctors. I don’t think that’s right.”

A spokesman for Humana says the company uses “data regarding pharmacy history as part of our assessment process.” But he adds that the insurer has a policy of not commenting on particular cases, such as the Sheltons’ failed application.

Basically, needing health care — specifically needing particular medications — can disqualify you for health care coverage. For $15, insurance companies like Humana, Blue Cross, Aetna, or United Health Group can get a virtual peek into your medicine cabinet via a “pharmacy profile” provided by companies that gather information initially intended for to help doctors treat emergency room patients, but which has since been put to a more profitable use. After all, $15 to “identify high-risk, reduce costs, lower loss ratios, and increase revenue” is pretty cheap compared to the cost of covering those individuals.

And if it seems like, y’know, providing care isn’t on that list of priorities, remember health insurance companies never really deny care. They merely deny coverage. You can always get care, provided you can pay for it. Of course, in an economy where rising health care costs are cutting into wages, almost none of us can handle the cost of serious illness or injury; or even the cost of getting old, for that matter. Look at the rise in bankruptcy among senior citizens, struggling to pay for their health care expenses. Even those of us who are insured are cutting back on medical care, squeezed between rising prescription costs, premiums, and even gas prices. American medical care might be the most expensive in the country, but most of us already aren’t getting our money’s worth.

And John McCain’s health plan would make surea good many of us get even less — something he probably knows right down to his $520 Ferragamo loafers, given that his own cancer history (with its attendant prescription history) would probably result a denial of coverage if he were almost anyone else besides Sen. John McCain. Somewhere in his 1,100 pages of medical records, some insurance industry employee would find something to “identify high-risk, reduce costs, lower loss ratios, and increase revenue.”

But John McCain would never have to live with the realities of his own radical health plan, which would raise costs by dismantling the employer-based coverage system that insures 60 percent of us, putting us in the same position as the Shelton’s; with a medicine cabinet full of prescriptions we need to keep us healthy, that could also get us denied health care coverage because they’re instrumental in helping the insurance health industry “identify high-risk, reduce costs, lower loss ratios, and increase revenue.”

So, again, what’s in your medicine cabinet? Most likely, a prohibitive prescription or two.

[Photo via Merrick Brown.]

Crossposted from the Republic of T.

Bill O’Reilly: Where was his story a year ago?

Let us take a peek at last year, shall we?

Bill O’Reilly Says He Will “Destroy” Daily Kos Today Hotlist

Today, Father Coughlin — er, sorry, frog in my throat — Bill O’Reilly is planning another in his ongoing attacks against Daily Kos and YearlyKos. Fox News has apparently been emailing the Democratic campaigns asking them for “comment” on Bill’s ongoing Jihad of Jackassery: the following email was sent on to us from one of those Democratic campaigns:


From: Mitchell, Ron [mailto:xxxxxxx@FOXNEWS.COM]
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007
To: xxxxxxx
Subject: Fox News Request


This is Ron Mitchell with Bill O’Reilly at the Fox News Channel.


The O’Reilly Factor plans an update on issues involving DailyKos website the story for Monday.


There are some disturbing images on the DailyKos depicting Sen. Joe Lieberman and others along with some very offensive language.

Much More Below…

Hunter continues on in his diary:

We are asking for statements regarding this issue from each of the Democratic candidates planning to attend the YearlyKos convention.


The image attached is from an active posting. I think that most people would agree that this sort of thing has no place in mainstream political discourse.

So, what was this abominable photoshopped image, the one that was supposed to “bury” Daily Kos by the mere fact that some commenter once put it on the site? Well, here it is, but I warn you, it is very graphic and mean and abominable and it causes puppies to cry, so we don’t dare post it.

DailyKos had been so afraid of this fight that they feared posting the shockingly disturbing image… Well? Maybe not.

Front page space ain’t cheap at dKos so they only snarkily supplied a space saving link to the hyper-offensive photo. But here at my little brewery not only is front page space cheap but it is also found in plentiful abundance for anyone with access (that would be me!) and has shown a willingness to poke fun at R (Idiots) like bush and Joe neocon Lieberman (that would be me, again!) any chance they can:


Truthfully, this could not really be the BIG O’Reilly story that everyone really wanted to talk about last year, could it? It had to be a minor distraction from the real news of the day, right? Opening Crooks and Liars today (among the many great Blogs I start my day with) was a reminder of the significance of today and, of course, the real reason for last year’s bloviating Bill O’.

Happy Falafel Day!

Falafel Day

Line 66.

During the course of O’REILLY’s telephone monologue on August 2, 2004, he suggested that Plaintiff ANDREA MACKRIS purchase a vibrator and name it, and that he had one “shaped like a cock with a little battery in it” that a woman had given him. It became apparent that Defendant was masturbating as he spoke. After he climaxed, Defendant O’REILLY said to Plaintiff: “I appreciate the fun phone call. You can have fun tonight. I’ll appreciate it. I mean it.”

-Atrios  16:10

Falafel Day

Line 37:

When Plaintiff responded that she never engaged in phone sex, Defendant BILL O’REILLY professed disbelief, and told her that the sexual stories he told were all based on his own experiences, such as when he received a massage in a cabana in Bali and the “little short brown woman” asked to see his penis and was “amazed.” Defendant BILL O’REILLY then suggested that he tell Plaintiff the same sexual stories, which he knew she would “just love.” Shocked and embarrassed, Plaintiff ANDREA MACKRIS informed Defendant in no uncertain terms that she was never experienced in nor interested in gaining experience in telephone sex. Defendant expressed disbelief.

Falafel Day

Line 54.

If any woman ever breathed a word I’ll make her pay so dearly that she’ll wish she’d never been born. I’ll rake her through the mud, bring up things in her life and make her so miserable that she’ll be destroyed. And besides, she wouldn’t be able to afford the lawyers I can or endure it financially as long as I can. And nobody would believe her, it’d be her word against mine and who are they going to believe? Me or some unstable woman making outrageous accusations. They’d see her as some psycho, someone unstable. Besides, I’d never make the mistake of picking unstable crazy girls like that.

Line 55.

If you cross FOX NEWS CHANNEL, it’s not just me, it’s [FOX President] Roger Ailes who will go after you. I’m the street guy out front making loud noises about the issues, but Ailes operates behind the scenes, strategizes and makes things happen so that one day BAM! The person gets what’s coming to them but never sees it coming. Look at Al Franken, one day he’s going to get a knock on his door and life as he’s known it will change forever. That day will happen, trust me.

-Atrios  16:00

Yes… I think O’Reilly’s ranting and raving and foaming at the mouth over a little picture on dKos may have been a distraction from what was really going on in the news that day.

Maybe I should try crossposting this over at dKos just to see if the streetfighter, Bill O’Reilly, and his behind the scenes, strategizing boss destroyed the dKos community after he raked them through the mud?

[update] Just like O’Reilly failed to cover up his sordid phone sex scandal, it appears that he has failed to take down dKos. I wouldn’t be a real Blogger if I didn’t fact-check these things, would I?

Less Than a 100 Days, Texas Needs You

Just two weeks ago, we showed the Netroots Nation why Texas is important and how we are working tirelessly to Turn Texas Blue. Over 3000 people attended and saw first hand the passion surrounding Texas. Over 10,000 people kept a watchful eye on Austin as we heard from Wes Clark, Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore, and others, that Texas is not a lost cause.  Texas is ready to be a Democratic state again.

Now we need our friends from Washington state to Washington D.C. help Take Back Texas.  We are 5 seats away from taking back the Texas House.  We are 5 seats away from taking back the Texas Senate.  There are 5 seats on the Legislative Redistricting Board in Texas, and we need some Democrats on that committee.  Regardless of your zip code or precinct, you can be a part of something special.  You can Turn Texas Blue.

With less than a 100 days until the November 4 election, we are asking people across the state and country to help show the world that Texas is purple, that Texas truly is in play.  Barack Obama is sending a dozen organizers to mobilize hundreds of thousands of volunteers to prove the point while John McCain isn’t sending a soul.
We are asking every Democrat, Independent, and disillusioned and fed-up Republican to be a part of the 100 Day Challenge. It’s time for everyone to take some small actions that will add up to big results on November 4.

We are challenging you to help Turn Texas Blue in the next 100 days. How? Sign up at www.TurnTexasBlue.com/100 and then do any of the four actions:

  1. Call 100 potential volunteers (We have an online phonebank system that you can use)
  2. Enter 100 names in our database at our campaign headquarters in Austin
  3. Donate $100
  4. Throw a house party that raises at least $100

A name a day.  A number a night.  A dollar a day. Or one party with your friends.  This is the easiest challenge yet.

Just in Austin, close to two hundred thousand people waited in line to cast our primary votes. Over 50,000 people attended precinct conventions. Imagine what we could do if we all take part in the 100 Day Challenge. Make your voice heard and empower your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, and other Democrats.

Will you help Turn Texas Blue in the next 100 days?

Regardless of whether you are in Austin, Texas, or any other city or state, you can help Turn Texas Blue. The best way to be a part of the 100 Day Challenge is to host or attend a House Party.  

Hosting a House Party is one of the easiest ways to mobilize and energize people. When you host a house party, you support Democratic candidates, bring your friends and neighbors together to meet each other and get involved with issues that matter most to you. A House Party prepares our community to communicate about the candidates and it fuels our desire to spread the word about the issues, volunteer for the Democrats, and stay involved.

A House Party finds volunteers, helps elect Democrats, and raises money for the Travis County Democratic Party Coordinated Campaign.  Hosting a House Party is the most effective way to take part of the 100 Day Challenge and Turn Texas Blue.

Sign up today to host or help your neighbors host a house party.

If you have never held a house party before, then we have a fantastic House Party Coordinator ready to help you, regardless of where you live.  Just sign up and they will get back with you!

Time is almost up. The Election is almost here. We have 100 days to Turn Texas Blue and house parties are a great way to mobilize our most important voters–YOU.

Sign up to host a house party today and take part in the 100 Day Challenge!

Political Quickie: What Ever Happened To…

…Taylor Marsh, Big Tent Democrat and the Talk Left crew, and Jerome over at MyDD and their Hillary Is The Only Way To Win(tm) crusade, anyway?  Has logic and the sensibility of reason returned to a few of my favorite political sites in the last month or so?

Lemme take a look over in Marshan Country

In the middle of it all lies this humongous gulf. Obama can speak in long sentences that rap around dreams, visions and enough rhetorical cotton candy to make his primary season word fogs look coherent. But the man cannot connect.

What is he going to do for my neighbor who has been laid off? Or the other neighbor who is about to lose his house and his life savings?

Hillary would have an answer. She would reach inside these voters and talk to their deepest despair and desperation, telling them that she can’t work miracles, but she can offer solutions that provide a road map to find the way out.

Can Tim Kaine do that with voters? Can Evan Bayh?

Barack Obama seems to be under the grand illusion that he can do this alone, with simply a side kick to support his stardom. Or that he can do it with any old guy who can get his back. He’s wrong. What Obama needs is someone who talks a language he doesn’t speak or understand. Speaking of problems he knows but can’t capture.

Suffice it to say there’s an empathy gap.

Oh God dammit.

OK, what about The Big Man?

Trapper John has an interesting post on how Barack Obama MIGHT be approaching his VP choice. Trapper’s bottom line? Obama will choose the “do no harm” option. I suspect that is the thinking in the Obama camp and likely the McCain camp (though clearly McCain will be more likely to take a risk for some upside). Here’s the problem I see with Trapper’s analysis – it is impossible for any choice to not do some harm.

I know they do not like to hear this at daily kos, but the day Obama announces his VP and it is not Hillary Clinton, that will cause Obama harm. It may be unfair, it may be wrong, but it is a fact. (My own view is that picking Hillary Clinton clearly remains the best choice for Obama, both on the positive and negative side. Clinton’s supporters will be energized, her fundraisers will work their heart out, the Clinton brand will help with voters on the issue of the economy, she has become a first rate campaigner, etc. But he will not pick her for reasons only Obama can and will have to explain.)

Oh crapcakes.

Surely I can get one out of three over with Jerome at MyDD, right?

Sebelius, Kaine, or Bayh

Those are the three names that are being settled upon as CW chatter.

bayh is clearly the most ‘political’ choice, a Washington Senator, but from a state that Obama could win.

Sebelius and Kaine are the ones whom backed Obama, and are more of a companion/outsider choice.

Ehh, screw it.  I’ll take that as a win!