You know, you almost forget how relaxed you can get until you come back here. I love this place so much; it’s nice to slow down and reconnect with the kids while we’re here.
Thanks, olivia. I really loved all your vacation pictures earlier this summer.
I’m so sad the week is coming to a close. CBtY and I are plotting and scheming to add a second week of beachiness one of these years. He loves all the fishing and crabbing here.
Good morning Andi! I’m my mind, at least, ratty often equates with comfy (as apparent above), like an old favorite sweatshirt.
We’re going to an Obama pool party later today. I haven’t seen this much presidential campaign activity around here since the Eisenhower Bandwagon came through town!
Good morning, Andi!
Back to (occasional) net access. Two weeks of fantastic weather on the coast. The kids had a great time; yours truly struggled with bronchitis and fever most of that time 🙁 – and still coughing.
It really was a bummer. The water was 75+ and the kids acted like seals. I did/could not go in once…
Will try uploading some pics on Wednesday. A bit of driving ahead today, then taking the kids to the airport tomorrow morning before settling in with a friend in Oslo for the few remaining vacation days.
Sorry about the lousy luck, ask. You’re supposed to take sick days off from work instead of having a vacation dampened by illness. I had a bad case of Montezuma’s Revenge returning from Spain years ago. Not a good thing to have on the plane!
Thanks, id!
Ouch – MR while airborne is true misery.
I was once struck by some unspecified tropical fever as I left the south pacific (work). Shivering under a blanket with 105 from Fiji to LA and then on to NY.
They served the eagles feet in a paper cone with grilled onions.
He got a tattoo in Quito which is actually really modern. They have pictures of these awesome clubs in the downtown area…one of them is Andy Warhol themed and is called War-holics.
Little NB had altitude sickness and some, erm, disgestive issues on the day they got tattoos. I did, however, notice him indulging in a bottle of what looked like an alcoholic beverage at one of the clubs. I’m sure it was just an Ecuadoran soda.
They’re about 5 inches across (the long way), so they’re really as cute as they look. The crabs CBtY caught and we ate, n the other hand, have mean nasty pincers and they know how to use them.
that sounds like fun. i’ve never been to a beach where you can catch and eat the crab. The closest i’ve been is to Assateague Island where my friend informed me that there were millions of blue crabs laying dormant in the ground below my feet. we moved rather quickly after she dropped that nugget of knowledge 🙂
Still chugging along here. I dug out a very old computer (the second opne I ever bought) and can only get it to run on an Ubuntu disc. It’s exceedling slow and it keeps freezing up. I can’t save anything or even load up needed adresses/plug ins. Very frustrating, but at least I can see what’s going on .
My brother, sil, and three grandchildren just left after being here about three weeks. I am so looking forward to some peace and quiet, and I’m thinking FMom is too. I’ve got a massive clean up effort to start in the morning, and I’ve been wondering if I should bring in a front end loader. Those kid must have a built-in talent for wrecking a place. Anyway to say the last couple of weeks had been hectic would be an understatement. 🙂
Both FMom and I have been doing well lately. I think the heat around here is getting to everyone though. FMom’s new thing now, is to go riding in the car all over the county we live in. It seems to help her asthma out some way. As I told her, I would much rather take her riding than to watch her gasping and trying to get some O2 in her lungs.
Well I hope everyone is fine and between the freezing ups and restartng of the computer, hopefully soon I can actually converse with ya’ll.
hi Family Man! i’ve been away, too, so didn’t know about your computer woes. Sorry to hear it. I bet the old computer brings back lots of memories. Hope you get everything cleaned up and then at least a month sans visitors so you can have a breather. Doesn’t sound like you’ve been able to do much slacking, and that’s unacceptable to the balance of the universe.
I was wondering why those apocalyptic horses were milling about, Family Man has forgotten how to slack. The horror!
I’m doing…okay. Been home for the past few days trying to get over a bout of strep throat. The upside is that I’ve lost six pounds, the downside is that…well, it’s strep throat. I am feeling better though, so hopefully I’ll be 100% for my upcoming trip to Boston at the end of the month.
Best wishes to you and your patience with the dinosaur computer 🙂
Thanks for the info on computers at Craigslist. I didn’t even think of looking there. However, like I told Andi, I’m just waiting to see how much it’s going to cost to fix this one. If the price isn’t too high I might say go ahead, but if it is too high, I’ll just have that one sent back and save to try and get a Mac
Well, good luck with it. I’m glad you were able to get the dinosaur up and running so you could chat with us. The pond just isn’t the same without you. And I’m not talking about the seement one. 😉
Since I’m so used to Geroge barking the whole time my brother is here, I would have been glad to trade you. Maybe with two dogs barking at my brother, he would have decided to leave earlier. 😉
I doubt there will be a next time. They were so bored and homesick that I don’t think they would be coming back. It’s like I told FMom. They’re kids and to be in a house not their own and to be yelled at by their grandparents constant is enough to turn off anyone from wanting to come back.
Oh well, such is life.
Do you have any big palns for the up-coming weekend?
Ask I’m really sorry to hear you were ill during your vacation. It happened to me when I went for a weeks vacation on the Costa Brava in Spain. I think I had one good day out of the whole week. I hope it’s all past you now, and that you can enjoy some of your time remaining.
Andi you keep saying it’s hump day when I know it’s Saturday. 😛
It’s good to see you too. Nope not shopping yet. I’m still waiting on a call from the factory to see what’s wrong with the puter and how much it will cost. If it’s too much money, I’ll just have to start saving for another puter and try to get by on this one and at the library.
If all of a sudden I don’t get back to answer anyone, it’s because this computer has froozen up again and it takes a good 20 minutes to boot up.
So Andi are you enjoying all this intense heat we all have been getting? 🙂
I’m ready for the highs to be in the lower 70’s. I’ll be most happy when we’re 10-20 degrees lower than that.
I was hoping we just might catch the edge of the newest tropical depression hitting texas right now. But no such luck.
Now that the brother, sil and grandchildren are gone, I’ve go a lot of work ahead of me. Luckily today I don’t feels as worn out as I usually do, so I hoping that some of the new found energy will get me through this.
With a zippy computer I just might have a lot more time on my hands. I should start counting the lenghts of time it takes me to boot up and then for the programs themselves.
I can see it now. Me telling my greatgrandchildren that I had to walk four miles each to school and to use the computer we had to catch rabbits while enroute to school. The purpose you may ask????? Well of course to run in their circular cages to produce electricity. :O
I’ve gotten into vacation sleeping-in mode and I can’t get out…it would help if I wasn’t waiting for a new work project to start.
Great picture, Andi.
FM, I’m sorry I missed you, and hope your computer problems get solved soon.
Ask, I hope your new antibiotics kick in quickly and you feel better soon. When are you due to fly home?
SN, I’m sorry you’re still sweltering down there.
Andi are you trying to say it’s not Saturday. It’s funny that I can’t remember any day that wasn’t a Saturday. Oh the joys of retirement. 😛
Things here are finally quietening down some what. My brother, sil and three of their grandchildren left to go home day before yesterday. I think this turned out to be one of their longest visits yet, and both FMom and I were glad to see them pulling out of the driveway. Not saying that I don’t love them all, but the kids were so bored that I don’t see how they behaved as well as they did.
I’m on my second day of trying to get the house back in some order. From my brother and sil, down to the youngest nephew, when they go through a house, it’s like a hurricane hit it.
Other than that FMom and I are both doing fairly well. So do you and Jim have any plans for the w/e?
We might go up to my mom’s but I’ve got to go out of town on Monday so also maybe not. I do plan on enjoying the cooler temps — I hope they also come with lower humidity.
I think our forecast for the next week is for the temps to be in the lower 90’s. After the last couple of days that will feel like sweater weather.
So far on the empty house I haven’t gotten to enjoy it yet. Once I get things cleaned up and put back to where I can find them, then it will be time for a nap marathon.
Too bad I can’t send you some of Bebo’s excess energy — she’s currently bouncing off the walls. I guess I’ll get going on the walk so she can go bounce of the trees instead.
I’m about half way done with the kitchen floor, and I’ll take any excess energy Bebo has. Use to it seemed coffee did the trick, but not even that helps now. Oh the joy of growing older. 🙂
Good morning Andi & Family Man! Just here for a quick stop on the way to work with a question for Second Nature’s traveling kids that’s been nagging at me for several days. What the heck do they do with the rest of the eagle?
Hey FM. I posted some pics above of my kids in Ecuador…one of them eating eagle’s feet from a street vendor because they were running of out money and they were very cheap. Turns out there was no actual meat on them, but it made for a funny video when one of the kids started picking his nose and teeth with the eagle claw while my d-i-l became more and more repulsed.
Sorry it took me so long to get back. This damned computer keeps freezing up.
The eagle’s feet sounds like something that would be on the Travel Channel. I forget his name, but there’s one guy that eats some, er unusual, stuff.
Hate to hit and run, but I’ve got a lot more cleaning to do around here. I really do think I should have rented a front end loader to clean up the mess the kids left. 🙂
Embassy was most efficient (!), got it yesterday.
But no seats for Sunday/Monday so my return is only Tuesday.
Today is the day for big party. The guy who was my best man is celebrating his 50th. He has a small farm not far from Oslo where the barn has been made into a sound studio.
It will be loud…
No – just crazy about music. He freelanced as DJ occasionally about a generation ago and all that hifi stuff and the records (vinyl) had to go somewhere, hence, the farm/barn.
Well it does sound like his barn and his records will make for a great party — and since you aren’t leaving till Tuesday, you’ll have plenty of time to recover from any hangover. 🙂
I can’t believe it’s already Friday night…where did the week go? 😉
I haven’t seen a critter like that since I moved to the midwest. Hope your week at the beach has been relaxing & fun.
You know, you almost forget how relaxed you can get until you come back here. I love this place so much; it’s nice to slow down and reconnect with the kids while we’re here.
that was in the last cafe for those that missed it:
Hello to everyone.
My computer finally died and I’m doing a hit and run at the library. Hopefully I’ll be back in a couple of weeks, but it could be longer.
Hope everyone is doing fine and the summer heat isn’t too bad on ya.
Take care.
Good morning Andi! Sorry to hear that your computer died, Family Man.
Thanks, Andi. I hope he’s back sooner-I still haven’t gotten over missing him during his long absence earlier this year.
Had to pop a comment to tell you I’ve been enjoying your photos this week CG, and this crab is so cute.
Good morning Olivia! Hope its a bit cooler where you are. We have a prediction of 90F for here today.
Thanks, olivia. I really loved all your vacation pictures earlier this summer.
I’m so sad the week is coming to a close. CBtY and I are plotting and scheming to add a second week of beachiness one of these years. He loves all the fishing and crabbing here.
Hey, I’m able to continue crabbing year-round… 😉
That is a very good photo. Kudos, Cabin Girl.
Is it in a band, do you know, or is it a baker?
I`ve always loved crab cakes.
(And yes that chair is incredibly ratty but it belongs to the dogs and they don’t seem to care.)
Good morning Andi! I’m my mind, at least, ratty often equates with comfy (as apparent above), like an old favorite sweatshirt.
We’re going to an Obama pool party later today. I haven’t seen this much presidential campaign activity around here since the Eisenhower Bandwagon came through town!
As predictable as ever … it always comes too soon. Somebody save me.
click for larger
Good morning, Andi!
Back to (occasional) net access. Two weeks of fantastic weather on the coast. The kids had a great time; yours truly struggled with bronchitis and fever most of that time 🙁 – and still coughing.
Sorry about the illness. What a bummer.
Gonna feel good enough to post some pictures for us? 🙂
It really was a bummer. The water was 75+ and the kids acted like seals. I did/could not go in once…
Will try uploading some pics on Wednesday. A bit of driving ahead today, then taking the kids to the airport tomorrow morning before settling in with a friend in Oslo for the few remaining vacation days.
I’m sorry you’ve been sick the whole time. What a bummer.
I’ll look forward to the pics.
Hope you feel better soon.
I hope that you’re feeling better, ask.
sorry to hear that, ask. i’ve been down for a few days with strep, so I feel your pain. hope you can still get some water time before you return.
Sorry about the lousy luck, ask. You’re supposed to take sick days off from work instead of having a vacation dampened by illness. I had a bad case of Montezuma’s Revenge returning from Spain years ago. Not a good thing to have on the plane!
Thanks, id!
Ouch – MR while airborne is true misery.
I was once struck by some unspecified tropical fever as I left the south pacific (work). Shivering under a blanket with 105 from Fiji to LA and then on to NY.
My family doctor was quite amused when I arrived home and checked in. Apparently he had experienced the same while in med school in France.
Way too soon this week. I just want to go back to the beach.
Nice life preservers. 🙂
Apparently what I urgently want is to go for a walk — at least that’s Bebo and Giddy say.
See ya.
after 16 days touring Ecuador on a shoestring.
Gargoyles on the basilica

C getting his first (and only!) tattoo
eating eagle feet “the most unamerican thing we’ve ever done”
OMG, a tattoo? In Ecuador?
The countryside looks gorgeous though. What is the appropriate condiment for eagle feet, anyway?
They served the eagles feet in a paper cone with grilled onions.
He got a tattoo in Quito which is actually really modern. They have pictures of these awesome clubs in the downtown area…one of them is Andy Warhol themed and is called War-holics.
It looks and sounds like they had a great trip. Did NB the youngest get a tattoo too? 🙂
Are you relieved that Frank the Schnoodle has gone home?
Little NB had altitude sickness and some, erm, disgestive issues on the day they got tattoos. I did, however, notice him indulging in a bottle of what looked like an alcoholic beverage at one of the clubs. I’m sure it was just an Ecuadoran soda.
Are you saying that everyone but the little guy got tattoos? Did they all have a theme? 😉
Yeah, I hear they like to recycle beer bottles for soda bottles there…don’t even bother removing the old labels…
How’s the heat down there? W came home from the beach, and now it feels cool and comfortable here. Weird.
Heat is yucky here. In Ecuador it was 50 to 70 degrees and here it’s been nearly 100 the whole time.
O did not get a tattoo either.
Odd to think that you could go to Ecuador to keep cool, but I guess it’s winter there now, right?
So, C is the wild man of your bunch? Why am I not suprrised? 🙂
Do they serve the Quito toes with ranch dressing and celery?
Great pics — that first picture is amazing.
And I love the expression on Colin’s face. 🙂
Nice pix! The eagle feet look about as appetizing as the pickled octopus tentacles we saw in a bar in Barcelona. Love the gargoyles!
cute crab! although suspiciously spider-like in appearance so not sure how i would react if one skittered in my direction.
Well with those big pinchers, I’d say they’re even more worth worrying about than the spiders.
i suppose that’s one silver lining to not having any true ocean-front property in Arizona.
They’re about 5 inches across (the long way), so they’re really as cute as they look. The crabs CBtY caught and we ate, n the other hand, have mean nasty pincers and they know how to use them.
that sounds like fun. i’ve never been to a beach where you can catch and eat the crab. The closest i’ve been is to Assateague Island where my friend informed me that there were millions of blue crabs laying dormant in the ground below my feet. we moved rather quickly after she dropped that nugget of knowledge 🙂
Photos still blocked. Argh! Damned evil overlords!
Hello everyone.
Still chugging along here. I dug out a very old computer (the second opne I ever bought) and can only get it to run on an Ubuntu disc. It’s exceedling slow and it keeps freezing up. I can’t save anything or even load up needed adresses/plug ins. Very frustrating, but at least I can see what’s going on .
My brother, sil, and three grandchildren just left after being here about three weeks. I am so looking forward to some peace and quiet, and I’m thinking FMom is too. I’ve got a massive clean up effort to start in the morning, and I’ve been wondering if I should bring in a front end loader. Those kid must have a built-in talent for wrecking a place. Anyway to say the last couple of weeks had been hectic would be an understatement. 🙂
Both FMom and I have been doing well lately. I think the heat around here is getting to everyone though. FMom’s new thing now, is to go riding in the car all over the county we live in. It seems to help her asthma out some way. As I told her, I would much rather take her riding than to watch her gasping and trying to get some O2 in her lungs.
Well I hope everyone is fine and between the freezing ups and restartng of the computer, hopefully soon I can actually converse with ya’ll.
Take care and I’m thinking about ya’ll.
hi Family Man! i’ve been away, too, so didn’t know about your computer woes. Sorry to hear it. I bet the old computer brings back lots of memories. Hope you get everything cleaned up and then at least a month sans visitors so you can have a breather. Doesn’t sound like you’ve been able to do much slacking, and that’s unacceptable to the balance of the universe.
Hiya Manny.
I bet the old computer brings back lots of memories.
The biggest memory it is bringing back now is how damned slow it was. 🙂
Nope there has been no slacking for along time. Dare I say it? Manny I think I’ve forgotten how to slack. 😉
Hope you’re doing good and take care.
I was wondering why those apocalyptic horses were milling about, Family Man has forgotten how to slack. The horror!
I’m doing…okay. Been home for the past few days trying to get over a bout of strep throat. The upside is that I’ve lost six pounds, the downside is that…well, it’s strep throat. I am feeling better though, so hopefully I’ll be 100% for my upcoming trip to Boston at the end of the month.
Best wishes to you and your patience with the dinosaur computer 🙂
Hiya Manny.
I’ve never had strep throat, but I understand it is very uncomfortable. I hope you get over yours quickly and that you are 100% for the Boston trip.
Well gotta go. It’s way past my bedtime and the dinosaur computer is starting to act up. 😉
Take care of yourself Manny.
Hi FM. Bye FM. Sorry I missed you (well not sorry I wasn’t up at 3:30 a.m.)
click for larger
Good morning, Andi!
Sorry – no pics. The relevant memory card inadvertently left with the kids yesterday.
Well darn. I guess I’ll just have to patiently wait until you get back. 🙁
Are you feeling better?
Just back from US Embassy; waiting for my visa renewal.
Fever came back Monday, so I started a new (different) anti-biotics cure yesterday. It seems to be working already, less cough, fever gone.
Hiya Ask.
I’m sorry to hear an illiness got in your way of enjoying your vacation.
Hopefully with the new medicine, you’ll still have time to enjoy youselve.
Excuse me today. I keep repeating either words or sentences everywhere. But………….ya know what I mean. 🙂
Hey, FM….nice to see you and to hear that you and Fmom are doing well. FWIW, Craigslist is a really good place to shop for a used computer.
Thanks for the info on computers at Craigslist. I didn’t even think of looking there. However, like I told Andi, I’m just waiting to see how much it’s going to cost to fix this one. If the price isn’t too high I might say go ahead, but if it is too high, I’ll just have that one sent back and save to try and get a Mac
Well, good luck with it. I’m glad you were able to get the dinosaur up and running so you could chat with us. The pond just isn’t the same without you. And I’m not talking about the seement one. 😉
Morning SN.
Thanks for the kind words. 🙂
I will admit it is much easier getting on the computer now that my great nieces are gone.
Are ya’ll having all that miserable weather like us? I know I am so sick of the heat.
Yeah, it’s been pretty consistently in the 90s all summer long and I’ve about had it.
You had your grand nieces and I had Frank the Pooping Schnoodle for 16 days. I think I’d take your nieces.
Since I’m so used to Geroge barking the whole time my brother is here, I would have been glad to trade you. Maybe with two dogs barking at my brother, he would have decided to leave earlier. 😉
Stepping in poop might have done it as well. Next time they come let me know and I’ll ship Frank down there.
I doubt there will be a next time. They were so bored and homesick that I don’t think they would be coming back. It’s like I told FMom. They’re kids and to be in a house not their own and to be yelled at by their grandparents constant is enough to turn off anyone from wanting to come back.
Oh well, such is life.
Do you have any big palns for the up-coming weekend?
Good morning Andi and Ask.
Ask I’m really sorry to hear you were ill during your vacation. It happened to me when I went for a weeks vacation on the Costa Brava in Spain. I think I had one good day out of the whole week. I hope it’s all past you now, and that you can enjoy some of your time remaining.
Andi you keep saying it’s hump day when I know it’s Saturday. 😛
How’s everyone doing today?
Good to see you. Looks like you had a YAWN.
Are you shopping for a new ‘puter?
It’s good to see you too. Nope not shopping yet. I’m still waiting on a call from the factory to see what’s wrong with the puter and how much it will cost. If it’s too much money, I’ll just have to start saving for another puter and try to get by on this one and at the library.
If all of a sudden I don’t get back to answer anyone, it’s because this computer has froozen up again and it takes a good 20 minutes to boot up.
So Andi are you enjoying all this intense heat we all have been getting? 🙂
Bummer on both sets of computer problems.
My hate for summer is at its summer peak.
It is supposed to cool off to low 80s by the weekend.
I’m ready for the highs to be in the lower 70’s. I’ll be most happy when we’re 10-20 degrees lower than that.
I was hoping we just might catch the edge of the newest tropical depression hitting texas right now. But no such luck.
Now that the brother, sil and grandchildren are gone, I’ve go a lot of work ahead of me. Luckily today I don’t feels as worn out as I usually do, so I hoping that some of the new found energy will get me through this.
Well I guess it’s sort of good then that you don’t have a zippy computer to distract you. 😉
Giddy and Bebo (that’s the new dog) are insisting that it’s time for me to go. So see ya later (I hope).
With a zippy computer I just might have a lot more time on my hands. I should start counting the lenghts of time it takes me to boot up and then for the programs themselves.
I can see it now. Me telling my greatgrandchildren that I had to walk four miles each to school and to use the computer we had to catch rabbits while enroute to school. The purpose you may ask????? Well of course to run in their circular cages to produce electricity. :O
Enjoy your walk.
I’ve gotten into vacation sleeping-in mode and I can’t get out…it would help if I wasn’t waiting for a new work project to start.
Great picture, Andi.
FM, I’m sorry I missed you, and hope your computer problems get solved soon.
Ask, I hope your new antibiotics kick in quickly and you feel better soon. When are you due to fly home?
SN, I’m sorry you’re still sweltering down there.
Did I miss anyone?
To what CG said, a great big ditto. Good morning all.
which means it’s almost almost the weekend. Ah hold fast to dreams …
Andi are you trying to say it’s not Saturday. It’s funny that I can’t remember any day that wasn’t a Saturday. Oh the joys of retirement. 😛
Things here are finally quietening down some what. My brother, sil and three of their grandchildren left to go home day before yesterday. I think this turned out to be one of their longest visits yet, and both FMom and I were glad to see them pulling out of the driveway. Not saying that I don’t love them all, but the kids were so bored that I don’t see how they behaved as well as they did.
I’m on my second day of trying to get the house back in some order. From my brother and sil, down to the youngest nephew, when they go through a house, it’s like a hurricane hit it.
Other than that FMom and I are both doing fairly well. So do you and Jim have any plans for the w/e?
Happy Empty House to you!
We might go up to my mom’s but I’ve got to go out of town on Monday so also maybe not. I do plan on enjoying the cooler temps — I hope they also come with lower humidity.
I think our forecast for the next week is for the temps to be in the lower 90’s. After the last couple of days that will feel like sweater weather.
So far on the empty house I haven’t gotten to enjoy it yet. Once I get things cleaned up and put back to where I can find them, then it will be time for a nap marathon.
Seems to me a better plan would be to nap first and get your strength back. 🙂
Yeah I agree with you. It’s sort of out of character for me to do today what I could put off until tomorrow. 🙂
But I figure if I put some work in now then I can take much longer naps. Quantity Vs Quality. :O
Too bad I can’t send you some of Bebo’s excess energy — she’s currently bouncing off the walls. I guess I’ll get going on the walk so she can go bounce of the trees instead.
See ya later and happy napping.
I’m about half way done with the kitchen floor, and I’ll take any excess energy Bebo has. Use to it seemed coffee did the trick, but not even that helps now. Oh the joy of growing older. 🙂
Have a nice walk.
Good morning Andi & Family Man! Just here for a quick stop on the way to work with a question for Second Nature’s traveling kids that’s been nagging at me for several days. What the heck do they do with the rest of the eagle?
Good morning ID.
I guess the eagle thing came up while I’ve been out of touch. I don’t even know what they did with the first part of the eagle.
Have a good day at work ID.
Hah! I was thinking the same thing but forgot to ask.
What did they do with the eagle in the first place?
Hey FM. I posted some pics above of my kids in Ecuador…one of them eating eagle’s feet from a street vendor because they were running of out money and they were very cheap. Turns out there was no actual meat on them, but it made for a funny video when one of the kids started picking his nose and teeth with the eagle claw while my d-i-l became more and more repulsed.
Sorry it took me so long to get back. This damned computer keeps freezing up.
The eagle’s feet sounds like something that would be on the Travel Channel. I forget his name, but there’s one guy that eats some, er unusual, stuff.
Hate to hit and run, but I’ve got a lot more cleaning to do around here. I really do think I should have rented a front end loader to clean up the mess the kids left. 🙂
Everyone have a good day in the pond.
Have a good snake-free day, FM!
Looks like we need a new cafe…
found something better to do than start a new cafe.
But new cafe or not, it’s still TFSMIF!
click for larger
Great pic, Andi!
A fountain of light.
Thanks. Glad you like it.
How have your visa adventures gone?
Embassy was most efficient (!), got it yesterday.
But no seats for Sunday/Monday so my return is only Tuesday.
Today is the day for big party. The guy who was my best man is celebrating his 50th. He has a small farm not far from Oslo where the barn has been made into a sound studio.
It will be loud…
Great on the visa. Fantastic on the party. Too bad on the flights but I’m sure you can find some enjoyable ways to spend the extra time.
Is your friend a performer or a sound engineer?
Is your friend a performer or a sound engineer?
No – just crazy about music. He freelanced as DJ occasionally about a generation ago and all that hifi stuff and the records (vinyl) had to go somewhere, hence, the farm/barn.
Well it does sound like his barn and his records will make for a great party — and since you aren’t leaving till Tuesday, you’ll have plenty of time to recover from any hangover. 🙂