Is this the nadir?
“Listen, I’m skinny but I’m tough,” Sen. Obama said.
But in a nation in which 66% of the voting-age population is overweight and 32% is obese, could Sen. Obama’s skinniness be a liability? Despite his visits to waffle houses, ice-cream parlors and greasy-spoon diners around the country, his slim physique just might have some Americans wondering whether he is truly like them.
It can’t get any worse. Can it?
Well, personally, I won’t vote for anyone who isn’t as fat and stupid as I am.
Yeah, cuz you know everyone wants to vote for a fat old pasty white guy who looks like he’s going to start screaming at you to get off his lawn any second…
We are ruled by idiots.
heaven forbid the discussion should be about substantive issues…pun intended.
WSJ is now a Murdock property so what else can be expected.
The Grand Oil Party is showing desperation.
In Obama they have an opponent who cannot be casted so they attack that he is too popular, too charismatic, too good at giving speeches, too much like a celebrity, too fit and good looking to be president.
He’s Moses too.
Well, with what’s ahead for Wall Street and Main Street we’re gonna need the second coming of Moses.
It can get much worse, but it can’t get any sillier.
Sure it can.
They could keep this up for the next 100 days.
this is a must read: What the McCain camp is up to – It’s no surprise Fool Us Three Times, we all lose
Um… did I sleep through too many history classes, or isn’t one of our Most Revered National Heroes a tall, skinny guy?
but maybe it was the hat and the beard…
Yeah, silly me, I forgot about the double-standard again!
geezz, it means he won’t be mountain biking listening to his I-Pod, and too busy to be bothered==that a plane has flown into the no fly zone around D.C.
Ah, the next big issue in this campaign–who played the calorie card first?
And did you know that Obama ordered 50 strawberry shakes–and didn’t have the cash to pay? (Actually, the linked story is a fun read.)
In his speech in St. Pete today, Obama took a question about global food shortage issues, and his answer mentioned the problem of obesity in this country. I wished I could find the transcript for specifics but (to the best of my recollection), he said that if the obesity levels today were at 1980 levels, Medicare would save millions (billions?) of dollars in health care costs. Wow.
OK. I give already! Obama’s too intelligent, speaks too well, is too popular, is too fit and acts so damn presidential. I was considering voting for McCain but he has convinced me that Obama is just too good to pass on.
It’s going to get worse. Now the Repubs can call him a flip-flopper.
He’s shifting on offshore drilling. God damn it.
the devil’s in the details, eh. from your link:
it’s tied to rescinding the tax breaks for the oil companies…think that’ll fly?
l don’t.
this is push back at mcstain, and probably a very safe move. when the RATs kill the “compromise” bill over the “tax increase” they’ll scream bloody murder about the tax and spend demoRATs…and it’ll fall on deaf ears.
smart move, imo, puts all the alternatives on the table, and corners the RATs at the same time.
Plus there is the FF factor. As McCain was the first and most vociferous voice for allowing off-shore drilling, most of the local ire in Florida about that is already focused on him. Can’t help Charlie Crist either.
I’m sure you know how small-minded the Republicans are. None of those caveats will matter. They’ll hone in on the switch and hammer home.
It’s one of the few things they’re good at, sad to say.
No, there’s no way this is the nadir. Just wait. But let’s keep our sense of humor.
Yeah, it would be preferable to have an overweight sickly president.
“Yeah, it would be preferable to have an overweight sickly president…“
…without a fully functional brain.
Hey that sounds like a combo of our last two presidents!
Is this the story that was researched by the author using a Yahoo chat room or something like that? I think I read that somewhere. If I remember where I found it, I’ll post the link.
OK found the story. Here’s the link.
I know I’m linking too much to the above debunking, but another link is here
Well, Lincoln was tall and skinny, and we all know what kind of President he turned out to be…
McCain is apparently following an old bar pick up rule, Go Ugly Early (i.e., even the ugliest girl in the bar won’t go home with you if you wait until closing time to pay attention to her)
This is going to get really stupid by November. And I thought I was exhausted at the end of the primaries
it can ALWAYS get worse.
and it will.
Powerful stupid.
With Americans now walking & biking to work because of the greedy oilmen in the WH, who knows maybe Barack’s physique is the look of the future.
Then again, Hillary busted her butt to stay fit during the campaign and it’s a bit of slam against her efforts. She may not have been skinny but she and Obama share tough. It’s McCain who puddles.