Tony Blankley of the Moonie Times reveals THE PLAN. It’s obvious that Republican strategists have huddled together to discuss how they can attack a Negro without getting blamed for attacking a Negro. You can’t talk about Obama’s race or black culture. You have to say that the candidate doesn’t know his place. You can’t say that Negros belong on the lower strata of society, so you have to make it personal. You aren’t attacking all Negros, just this particular Negro. This Negro is arrogant and full of pride. Pride comes before a fall. And you get bonus points if you can utilize some biblical passages to drive home your point. Blankley’s column gets an A-Plus. It covers all the bases. Following the strategy that the best defense is a good offense, Blankley leads by charging that Obama is making false accusations of racism.
It’s getting tricky to know how to refer to he who presumes to be the next president. It was made clear several months ago that mentioning his middle name is a forbidden act. (Pass out more eggshells.) Then, having nothing honorable to say, Obama warned his followers last week that Sen. McCain would try to scare voters by pointing to Obama’s “funny name” and the fact that “he doesn’t look like all the presidents on the dollar bills.”
Now, putting aside for the moment the racial component of His warning, what are we to make of the “funny name” reference? Many people have “funny” names. Some people think my last name — being very close in spelling to the adverbial form for the absence of content — is funny.
That is the INOCULATION LEDE. Don’t accuse Tony Blankley of being a racist. Hell…is it racist to make the point that Blankley’s columns are empty of content? No? So what’s the problem with using Obama’s middle name to create a visceral appeal to xenophobia? Also, if you capitalize all Obama pronouns it makes it look like the Negro thinks he is GOD. Speaking of which, let’s get to that biblical stuff.
One has to go back to Exodus 3:13-14 to find such strict instructions concerning the use of a name. Moses explained: “Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is His name?’ what shall I say to them?” And God said to Moses, “I Am Who I Am.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I Am has sent me to you.'”
So perhaps we can call Him, for short, Sen. I Am (full code name: I Am who you have been waiting for).
Everyone knows that GOD is a white dude (with a long beard), so who does this Negro think that he is? He is who he is (that’s the title of this editorial, by the way). Did I mention that this Negro doesn’t know his place?
Another aspect of the now-infamous dollar-bill incident that has gone unmentioned is Sen. I Am’s choice of the dollar-bill reference itself.
He could have just said He doesn’t look like other presidents. Even that is a little too cute for the nasty little point He slyly was trying to make, but at least He would be identifying Himself merely with the universe of American presidents. But His overweening pride found such company too base and demeaning for Him. So He needed to include Himself in the grander company of George Washington, Abe Lincoln, Jefferson and perhaps Andy Jackson.
Obama’s point was that McCain’s accusations about Obama’s arrogance were a way of saying ‘The Negro doesn’t know his place.’ Tony Blankley’s response is to agree.
Perhaps I shouldn’t dwell on these matters, but the more I watch this man the more stunned I am at His overconfidence and towering pride.
Did I mention that this Negro doesn’t know his place?
All of us have our shortcomings, of course. But there is none so dangerous both to a man and to those for whom he has responsibility than the sin of pride. In the sixth century, Pope Gregory the Great recognized that pride breeds all the other sins and is therefore the most serious offense. St. Thomas Aquinas reaffirmed that pride is rebellion against the very authority of God.
Let me quote a private e-mail correspondent, who states the case better than I could: “Pride indeed is the cardinal vice — it swings open the door to most of the other theological vices, and undermines the classical virtues of prudence, courage and justice. It thrives, not on what one has, but on what others do not have. And even when one has diligently practiced the most admirable virtues, there always lurks the danger that at some moment one will look in the mirror and say: ‘Oh my! What a wonderful person I am!’ Thus does the vice lunge from its hiding-place.”
The genius of THE PLAN is that they actually want us to react the way that I am reacting. Then they hold up the evidence to say, “See, you can’t criticize this Negro without them calling you a racist.” And everyone hates being accused of racism. Even racists.
Let’s hope that loose lips (or newspaper computers) sink ships.
Most of McCain’s folks around here are still stuck on the “He’s a Muslim” (…like Louis Farrakhan) or “He won’t say the Pledge of Allegiance”)
They’ve not yet gotten with the PLAN.
so maybe he’s a Christian after all, but he thinks he’s better than you.
Yes, one has to go back to scripture when one has nothing relevant so say. Scripture, always the fallback. But then, this is a Christian nation, isn’t it?
I really appreciate this story because it helps me better understand something.
The editorials of St. Petersburg Times is generally known as being “very liberal” by those on the right, and generally progressive yet sometimes overly pro-business by those who lean leftward.
In that context, it was very surprising two of its leading editors/columnists recently published screeds that follow the PLAN.
“Obama, you’re not the president yet” by Philip Gailey
The op-ed piece cites a large portion of Dana Milbank’s work which provides the basis for many cheap shots.
And there was this other column which conforms to the PLAN:
Don’t dare disagree with Obama by Bill Maxwell
There’s more, but you get the picture. FWIW, Bill Maxwell is African-American.
There’s something about Obama which rouses an irrational negative passion, even among those one might otherwise expect to be rational. Fundamentally, I think these people don’t believe that Obama is real; to the contrary, it is because he is very real that I support him–I think he’s at his best when speaking candidly in interviews, and when dealing with disruptions like he’s experienced recently in town halls.
I don’t believe there is an antidote for the PLAN; people like Gailey and Maxwell apparently have their preset filters (a.k.a. biases, but not necessarily racial*) and only when Obama starts to deliver some results might they begin to cut him some slack.
* My sense is that the paper was pro-Hillary during the primaries–Maxwell definitely was–, and may still bear grudges.
Bill Maxwell is the crotchetiest of crotchety old men. I thought he left the St. Pete Times for greener pastures about a decade ago. I guess he spread enough fertilizer wherever he went and returned home to dump on mid-town all the more…
That is all.
So I got an email, forwarded from right-wingers, of course. It says the usual – Obama’s birth certificate is fake (it’s not), that he’s a “Sleeper Mole” (he’s not), and now – the big one – that he’s a Communist.
I wrote the original sender and the forwarders back saying no one under 30 has any reaction to the word “communist” anymore. It’s a proven failure, and it’s not coming back. End of story. Can you imagine, Obama as communist? I can’t! I cannot even imagine that working for any but the over 70 set.
Anybody else find it worthy of note that Tony Blankley is castigating Barack Obama for (basically) messianic hubris in a newspaper owned by a cult leader who has explicitly declared himself the Messiah?
Because, really, it’s making my head spin.
Yes, that is bizarre, now that you mention it.
Well that’s just one more proof that Obama is not the genuine Messiah, isn’t it?
The PLAN in essence is to spend hundreds of millions talking about ANYTHING except the problems currently facing America. The Republican Propaganda Machine (RPM) is currently programmed to saturate all media channels with B.S. crap about Obama. Since they are afraid to talk about 8 years of slavish dedication to supporting and implementing G.W. Bush’s horrific blunders, their PLAN is to keep talking loudly about any OTHER B.S. they can dream up, i.e., Britney, Paris, Biblical verses including Exodus and Moses, elite vs arrogant vs uppity, on and on…
The RPM is deathly afraid that the Obama campaign will do something HORRIBLE, like publish highlights from John McCain’s 25 or 26 year voting record in the Congress. Maybe the Obama campaign might decide to bring up how McCain treated his ex-wife in her hour of greatest need. This is not made up crap folks, these are facts on the public record. RPM is thinking if roles were switched and they were running the Obama campaign, they would bury McCain in piles of ads about the hundreds of misdeeds in McCain’s past. They frankly can’t figure out why the Obama campaign is sitting on this stuff?
So the first part of their PLAN is flood the media with personal anti-Obama gossip style ads, making it as difficult as possible for any discussion of the real issues to get any space in the media. This is the “beat down” phase, of which the idea is to deflate Obama’s popularity as much as possible before the general election. A casual check of the TV media will confirm that the first part of their plan is definitely in effect now and it is likely to remain so up until the conventions.
The second part of the PLAN will be to turn up the racial smears and racist crap big time after the conventions. This RPM output will be mainly for red state consumption leading up to the election. This final part of their plan will be to use the mass media to hammer home the propaganda that “it is every patriotic duty of every American to defeat Obama at the polls in November”! They will play this as being the greatest threat that America has ever faced without giving a reason for this fear. They will rely on racially sensitive textures incorporated in the ads to provide the subconscious answer.
When Barack campaigned in the primary, the centerpiece of his speeches was that once elected, he would take Congress out of the influence/control of the Washington Lobby. The people loved it. However, an unfortunate side effect of this popular goal puts him in the quixotic position of battling the titans of American business in the general election if he became the candidate of the Democratic Party. (The most formidable member of this group happens to be big American Oil.) While the news media was obsessed with the primary campaign, big business was also watching, but not for the reason that Barack would be America’s first African-American candidate for President. If Obama won the Democratic nomination, American Big Business knew that they had to get invoved to insure his defeat to prevent him carrying out his pledged goal of removing the influence of the Washington Lobby over Congress. So the struggle for votes in November will be between the DNC and the Obama campaign AGAINST the RNC, the RPM, and Big American Business as the financiers with the deep pockets.
Generally speaking Americans are too stupid to recognize that when they turn Obama away at the Polls, their alternate selection will by default place the nation in the unholy grip of the greatest international oligarchy that the world has ever seen, and representative American government will no longer work on the national level.
The future of America is very much at stake in this election and we must not lose to the RPM and their associates.
He? Him? Himself?
Call him an “uppity negro.” C’mon — you know you wanna!
Btw, the “dollar bill” reference is to a McCain ad on YouTube that photoshops Obama’s face on a 100-dollar bill — and calls him “presumptuous.” And note how the MSM decided not to note that and take off instead on the meme of “playing the race card” — a racist reference to the OJ trial. That Obama still leads in the polls is a friggin’ miracle.